About the Author

Maria D. James, MS is an award-winning journalist and public relations professional who advocates for empowering women and loves her alma mater, Virginia Union University. She is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Tau Beta Sigma Honorary Band Sorority, and more.

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  1. Sanetra Mitchell Smith says

    I love this. This is what I call the TESTIMONY after the TEST. You put into words the meaning of going through something. Because so many forget through is not a permanent state, there is always the other side, which is the TESTIMONY!🥰

  2. Lori Molodow says

    Your heartfelt story stopped me in my tracks- I am speechless and at the same time ready to scream so loudly how in awe I am of your strength. Please know how much you’ve inspired me and how proud I am to call you friend!!

    • Maria says

      Hi Mrs. Molodow,

      Thank you for reading my article! You encouraged me to use my voice back in my Honors English class and I’m glad I found a way to do that in a meaningful way. Thank you!

  3. Krystal says

    So blessed that you’ve chosen to share your story. God is so good. Love that you share accessible and actionable tips for those who may be experiencing the same or similar challenges. Thankful to have connected with you.

  4. Wanda Jones says

    To be honest and humble, and live your truth shows how strong you have become. You are very smart and deserve the best. I look forward to reading your articles in the future.

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