About the Author

Dr. Cheryl Polote Williamson is a highly sought after speaker, multi best-selling author, award winning exec. producer and filmmaker, business leader, visionary, philanthropist, purpose connection coach, editor-in-chief of Cheryl Magazine, and most importantly a servant leader.

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  1. Love Is

    Love is truly patient,
    Love is often kind,
    Love is long-suffering,
    Giving peace of mind;
    Love takes the hatefulness,
    That jolts from the start,
    It can make you upset,
    Especially in your heart;

    Love makes you take things,
    Even when others are wrong,
    Love can make you sacrifice,
    And help you to become strong;

    Because we know love is so
    It accepts the good and bad,
    It grants you the “will” to
    keep going,
    Even when you know you
    feel sad;

    God gives us this unique gift,
    A divine attribute given from
    It’s His greatest attribute that
    His Son, Jesus, exemplified,
    Animals may show it in their
    Own way,
    But it’s us Humans, who are made,
    In His image, and extraordinarily,
    Granted His beautiful gift of Love…

    Remember 1Corinthians 13:4-8

    (C) 2023 Doretha Lynn M Lismore

  2. Beautiful. Thank you for letting us know that even when relationships become challenging there is still away to being it back to the intended place of peace and love. Communication is essential for us all to create the life of love, peace, and happiness that we all deserve and seek.❤️

  3. Thank you, Dr. Cheryl, for the reminder that our longest and best relationship is with ourselves. Only then, can we show up and give to our “bae,” children, family and friends what is needed for healthy relationships. Self-love is the best Valentine’s Day gift we can give to ourselves and others.

  4. Congratulations on your 31 years of marriage, you are a beautiful couple. Communication is so important and your suggestions are excellent. You make it work as a couple and thank you for sharing your story.

  5. This is a great read. As Valentine’s Day quickly approaches, this made me think about my husband that passed last year. This year I have chosen not be to sad, but I will still celebrate as we would, but also love on myself.

  6. Dr. Cheryl, thank you for such wise words of encouragement!
    The viable and valuable nuggets and strategies you have shared truly work and can lead to success, both in relationships and in marriage.
    You speak truth, dear sister.
    These nuggets will work if we work them.
    I know whereof I speak and can attest to this.
    Having just entered into 50 years of friendship and 45 consecutive-but-almost-wasn’t (! 😙) years of marriage to my Boo –
    I am convinced that your strategies, coupled with God’s grace, really work.
    Thank you for your labor OF love in helping us sisters labor IN love and showing us how-to work smarter, not harder.
    I appreciate you and the inspiration you keep on tap.🌹

  7. Yes love this article. Me and my husband our going on 25 years and we are learning new ways of communicating. Also came up with our marriage life scripture. This was an enlightening challenge for us. Romans 12:10 my husband came up with this and I immediately knew it was it.

  8. What a beautiful couple! It is important for the world to see healthy vibrant Black Love. What is even more important is for people to learn how to attain it, accept it, and maintain it. Thank you for sharing your insight and experience and reminding us that love will not be a fairytale everyday. But with work and the right tools it can be beautiful and sustained.

  9. Dr. Polite-Williamson, Thank you for your transparency. I definitely understand having the right tools to communicate. In my first marriage, I had to overcome the urge to keep things to myself. It wasn’t until after that marriage was dissolved that I realize we could have benefited from learning how to communicate. As I read your letter, I was reminded that as I enter my upcoming marriage I’m June the importance of communication to the success of marriage or any relationship. Thank you!

  10. Thanks for this great article. I use to wait in all my relationships (work, friends, etc) until I could not deal with an issue(s) anymore. After learning about positive conflict resolution, I am so much better in dealing with the hard conversations.

  11. Leading with love is so profound ! Being an example of that makes your partner pause . It says you understand your limits and you are teaching boundaries . If you always fire off and can’t keep yourself grounded everything around you becomes chaotic . Love is calm even in a storm . I’m learning to love beyond walls and respect my own truth and letting bae be in his truth without judgement !!! As this month we will celebrate 30 years of dating and being each others best friend ! Our first date was Valentine’s Day that was when I had no one to love and didn’t think it could happen to me ! Being with someone this long is challenging but having God is the rock.

  12. This article is very inspiring and filled with wisdom and tools! What a beautiful example of love and marriage. Thank you!

  13. You hit the nail on the head when you wrote, “Facing conflict head on in a relationship deepens and enhances the connection by providing an opportunity for you and bae to problem solve together.”

    Thank you.

    Post by: Stephanie G.
    No email, no website.

  14. Yet another heartfelt message filled with lessons. Cheryl you nailed this one. I prayer people (men & women alike) will read and learn how to work on their relationships. Tony and I absolutely communicate in love to be heard vs. frustration which shuts the other down. I love you guys. Pray all women get to experience love the way we have. 😘♥️

  15. Your story resonates with me so much! As a former military wife, I put everyone and everything before me. The resentment that I felt during my husband’s deployments were kept bottled up inside. I am printing your article and rereading as needed. Thanks so much for sharing!

  16. Thanks for touching on this subject, I myself am guilty of this one concept putting everyone else’s needs before myself. But as I am growing in my relationship with God, I find myself dealing with my relationships with others differently. I am learning that it is ok to let go of relatonships that drain me. I know what i will and will not tolerate in my life. Hopefully I will soon have a relationship I can talk about to others.

  17. Thank you for pouring out your wit and wisdom. Each of the wisdom nuggets were tried over time and true. Very applicable!!!

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