It was a Sunday afternoon and I was driving home from worship service when I stated aloud, “I’m tired!” I was so depleted. Instead of leaving church refreshed, I felt an internal wrestling as I anticipated the week ahead. That’s when I realized I had to make a shift—a shift in how I truly viewed and valued myself in relation to the daily grind mindset I had succumb to. I needed to look deeper into how I could escape the robotic, repetitive cycle I had blindly adopted as “necessary to get ahead.”
I decided that for several weeks I would take a few moments right before I lay down at night to journal my prayers, begging God to reveal His will for my life. I recognized that operating from a monotonous place was slowly but surely changing my core. I had become more irritable, pessimistic, withdrawn, and lifeless. Now, don’t get me wrong, what others saw—and what I projected—was strength and organization, a well packaged, finely tuned “superwoman.” All the while, underneath the shine was sadness and crippling chaos. I was tired and wanted to retreat into a dark, lonely place. Yet, somehow, I was also determined to fight to receive the peace and rest I desired and innately knew I deserved.
I ventured into this journey towards rest and change. For me, even just the word “change” was difficult to swallow. It began with my willingness to identify the multitude of unhealthy, negative thoughts I had adopted as my truth. This realization surfaced painful feelings of guilt and shame. How and why did I allow myself to get here? I thought I was way more self-aware and perfectly attuned to my surroundings. This revelation was an unsettling awakening as I started to see myself through a different lens. I wanted to fully blame “the system” and western culture for brainwashing me into believing the gimmick—that bigger, better, and more was what I needed—but I had to own my own contributions that fed into these lies and distortions.
Along this journey, I grappled with the idea of returning to the mindless, tiring rat race that had robbed me of joy and purpose for decades. Then I remembered what one of my very good friends told me; it was something her husband told her, “Never let anyone make you feel shame for being human.” That statement resonated with me so deeply. It invoked a sense of security that my current feelings and behaviors were actually normal and common, and there just might be a glimpse of purpose in my pain.
As I began to welcome the conflicting emotions that surfaced during my internal struggle, I knew I was not alone. There were other women who also wore self-imposed blinders that prevented them from seeing their need for rest and care. Women like me who stretched beyond their capacity just to meet the demands and expectations of those around them, while diminishing their own ability to show themselves compassion and gentle care.
As a licensed professional counselor, I feel blessed to have the tools and support necessary as I embrace mental and physical rest. I’m beginning to assess my life goals and aspirations differently. I’m practicing mindfulness during my day-to-day encounters and noticing more fulfillment and way less exhaustion. On several occasions, when enticed to give into self-criticism and doubt, I’ve used positive self-talk to affirm that I’m on the right path. I remind myself that I will be just fine. The uncomfortable ache within my soul is a normal and natural part of grieving the death of the familiar and embracing the beauty that evolves with the uncertainties ahead.
Today I am the proud founder and owner of Mary’s Foundation of Hope, LLC, a private counseling organization I launched in 2023 in honor of my mom who died from lung cancer in 2014. My mom’s courage and strength, I believe, flows through my very being. Her spirit of compassion and fierce determination has helped me gain a greater perspective of what truly matters to me—my God, myself, and my family! That’s right, it’s okay to add “yourself” to your list. We can better support others when we are less tired and more rejuvenated from the inside out. Give yourself permission to rest. No judgment here, girlfriends!
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LaShanda, this all resonated in such a beautiful way. Thank you for sharing this essential part of your journey with us. I’m soooo with you on recognizing and claiming the need to truly rest our minds, bodies, and spirits more often as women, sans guilt. Hugging and high-fiving you!
Thanks so much! I love “claiming” this mindset of rest. Appreciate you Sis!
Good morning thank you for allowing to read and I read out loud that it’s ok to ADD MYSELF TO MY LIST!! Amen
Yes! We need that self- permission.
Good morning. Permission to Rest is like a reflection in the mirror. This is me from the beginning to the end. The only difference is the date in which I loss my mother, March 31, 2022.
I’m so thankful that you shared.
So very sorry for your loss. Our Momma’s can shape us in so many ways- hugs to you and thanks for reading!
I was wandering if you were reading my mind and writing my story. What a beautiful story.
A wonderful sorority sister who is a counselor was tremendous in helping me to understand “boundaries” that allowed me to rest and to reset my mindset.
Girlfriend, “boundaries” is my new favorite word, that along with “No”. I’m learning and growing. So glad you have trusted friends to support you- I’ve got a faithful village too!
I love this and am so thankful for your candid vulnerability and heartfelt transparency! I was diagnosed with breast cancer this time last year and this journey has been nothing short of God’s grace & mercy, and miraculous healing as I am now 7 months cancer-free! But it has left me a changed woman, mentally, physically, emotionally and spirituality. I too have taken a step back from everything and everyone to evaluate and determine what’s essential and necessary for me to live an stress-free life and to give myself permission to rest! The change I long for, from the everyday rat-race is very necessary for my survival and I am on that quest to map out exactly what that looks like according to Gods will for my life! Your testimony gives me courage, strength and hope to believe I too will find a new, calming, more peaceful path to life. Thank you and blessings galore for your new endeavor!
Yay you! Congrats on being cancer free- I bet you have a powerful testimony! Keep loving you, girlfriend. I’m learning self-care is critical, especially as we get older, Amen!
“…but I had to own my own contributions that fed into these lies and distortions.”
This line truly resonated with me; It is such an empowering statement.
I truly enjoyed reading this and feel very encouraged by it. Thank you!
You are welcome! I’ve found recognizing and owning my distorted thinking and beliefs have empowered me to take baby steps toward change/rest. You got this Sis!
Yes, I needed to read this today and i definitely resonate with everything you have described completely
I am on the same peace and rest journey 
Yes ma’am it is a journey. Prayers as you stay the course!
It’s been great working with Lashanda. I love her website and mission to help others overcome their grief and the trials they face in her life.
Thanks Daniel! I appreciate your tech expertise- you’re a rockstar!
I appreciate your willingness to share you. Thank you for your vulnerability and showing the humanness of life.
Authenticity is a hard necessity to embrace. I’m trying to drop my protective walls and be who He has designed me to be. Thanks Sis!
Beautifully delivered.
Thanks MomaNessa!
Very well written and vulnerable piece. Thank you beautiful.
Appreciate your endless support Mister!
Thank you for sharing sis. We all need a reminder to Stop-Relax-&Recharge. Mom would be proud
Yes, girlfriend! Love the way you put it: stop first in order to get the much needed recharge! Your the best- love you Sis!
Congratulations sis! Hugs! It’s always great to feel you’re not alone. Excepting myself as I am, it’s helpful to. I’m on a journey to be my best version of myself, but I don’t wanna kill myself in the process. It’s hard for me to live in the present because my mind is always going 1000 mph. i’m putting myself on the list. I step back and rest when I need it regardless of the consequences.
I love to witness your courage and determination towards living life to the fullest! I see you my Sista-continued prayers for your success!