About the Author

Faitth Brooks is a social worker, speaker, writer, and podcaster. Formed in the Christian tradition and Black liberation theology, Faitth uses her platform to enliven her following for collective liberation centering on the sisterhood of black women. Faitth is crafting communal space where rest, tenderness, and softness are commonplace for...

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  1. Teachers run in my family. I studied business and my parents told me I will return to the family tradition. I worked in business for awhile. True to my parents word I went into teaching. This year is my 32nd year of teaching. My parents and ancestors are smiling.

  2. Thank you for this on today!! It soothed my soul. Today is the 5 year anniversary of my mom’s transition. I share many of your same sentiments. I appreciate you sis and wish all the blessings for you and your mom!

  3. The tears are flowing right now…I also said mean things to my mother. And as a mother I’ve had mean words spoken to me.
    But I was forgiven, and I learned how to forgive. There is nothing like a loving mother-daugher relationship. Lord know, i treasure my relationship with my daughter.

  4. I read stories like this and I am moved – often to tears because at 54 I still long for this type of relationship with my mother for myself. I was a Daddy’s girl and he died suddenly 2 years ago and I have not been the same since.

    I had the same struggles with my mom growing up – supposedly normal teenage stuff that carried on and on with us.

    Truth is as I look back, I was never mothered. As she is nearing 83, I have welcomed her into my home and now I find myself caring for her in a way I wish had been cared for.

    I do it because of the person I want to be and I guess I learned that from somewhere. It is in the genes from both sides I presume.

    I believe she is mentally ill and that she did the best she could. I have accepted the things that happened and did not and each day I do my best.

    I am happy for you and others like you that had mothers who were able to mother even if it was not what you thought you needed at the time.

    These relationships can be complicated and showing grace for ourselves and each other is so very important.

  5. Faitth, as your mother, I appreciate your heartfelt words. You caused me to grow, increase my prayer life, and have an adult daughter friend. Thank you! My life is better because of you. May you continue to enrich the lives of women all over the world.

  6. I had many experiences as a teen and a young twenty something woman where I didn’t appreciate my beautiful mother. She taught me/us to have self love, self respect, to be proud of myself, and to never give up. She was intelligent and well spoken and did not tolerate anything less than articulate and well spoken children. She was driven, a salon owner when many women were not business owners. We lived in South Dallas in an urban area, but she was a homeowner and taught us to be smart and to make good decisions. I miss her everyday, but her blueprint still governs my life even as I forge ahead in my 60’s. I think that I have successfully passed this on to my own son! I thank God for her and the hard lessons she instilled in us. Your piece touched my heart and your mother is amazing!

  7. Thank you for sharing your story. It’s like I’m reading about me. My mom and I had a rocky relationship also, and I truly was a daddy’s girl. It was not until I had my first child that our relationship changed. She loved him endlessly and that brought us closer. She was to leave us a year later from cancer, but I’ll never forget the love we shared in those latter months. I’m truly grateful that God did that for us. 🙏🏽🥰

  8. Thank you so much for sharing. I’m proud of you, although I don’t know you. I’m a Mother with five daughters, and I can relate to some of the things about your Mother. Continue to fulfill your dreams.

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