About the Author

Dr. Cheryl Polote Williamson is a highly sought after speaker, multi best-selling author, award winning exec. producer and filmmaker, business leader, visionary, philanthropist, purpose connection coach, editor-in-chief of Cheryl Magazine, and most importantly a servant leader.

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  1. Marian J Ruley says

    I thank you for your words of encouragement. I am a 70 year old woman. It’s never to late to fulfill dreams. I have been sitting on dreams for years. My spiritual leader spoke on the very same things you wrote in your article. I am going after what I know is in me to do. I am in the plan of God and its never too late.

  2. Dayna Smith says

    Thank you for this inspirational message of hope! I too am a stay at home mom, wife with 2 little ones and caretaker of my legally blind mom. I have a college degree and worked so hard to get to where I wanted to be. Then the pandemic hit and threw a wrench in my career. I now had to take on the role of staying at home because my husband is the bread winner and has a demanding job in the city. This made it hard for him to to drop everything and come home in case of an emergency. I had this wonderful idea in 2015 and and being it into fruition but I did write it down and I made it plain. God stepped in and spoke to me and said I gave you the vision do it! I stepped out on faith and started my small, small, small business and I love it. With some bumps and and setbacks I am slowly working my way back because of people who continually support me with my vision. I must journal, I must write those positive affirmations and I must pray. The road gets tough but we all must keep moving! Thank you for the wake up call! ❤️

  3. Stephanie Stephens says

    Dr. Cheryl,
    I am in tears as I write this! Your words hit hard but in a GOoD way. I am 65 and will be retiring my job after 35 years of service. Honestly the unknown is scary. I feel ashamed when I tell my family and friends that I’m nervous, scared, and uncertain of what the future holds. My side hustle is fashion styling and thrift flipping! I dream about working with Tabitha Brown and one day meeting my dream celebrity Mary J. Blige! They say if your dreams don’t scare you…they aren’t big enough LOL. Perhaps But as you said in your article…I must have the AUDACITY to believe in MY God given power to dream BIG, believe BIG and to manifest BIG! Thank you so very much.

  4. says

    Wow!! Such an amazing testimony. I felt ever bit of that. As a mom of three I understand everything you said. As I business owner, I felt your heart. I admire your strength and your courage. I love that you decided to step out on faith and allow God to use you as He has to bless so many people. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.

  5. Gail Johnson says

    What a great impactful message!! Thank you for sharing your story and your truth. Thank you for the reminder of our God given Power!!

  6. says

    Cheryl…. YOU are a gift from God!!! Thanks for always inspiring and motivating others to be the best version of ourselves and to have the Audacity to Dream BIG!!!
    You are SUCH a Blessing and a LIGHT of HOPE!! 🦋

  7. Velma says

    You are amazing and your story gives so many women motivation to keep going, keep living your dream and to never give up! Keep doing what you are doing, you certainly have a gift!

  8. says

    All I keep hearing and wanting to repeat is “ I can’t wait”. As ALWAYS you inspire me on a new level each time I encounter you. My heart raced with excitement over what will happen this Saturday. I’m so glad I’m assigned to you. I thank GOD for that day in that room when you said enough to feeling unworthy and walked into your PURPOSE❣️

  9. says

    Amazing empowering article! I can relate in so many ways. Especially being one who always put everyone else first. Now its’s my turn! I’m putting me first and betting on me! I appreciate the work Dr. Cheryl is doing to inspire and influence ME as well as other women. She is truly a Blessing from God!❤️

  10. says

    Reading Dr. Cheryl’s article on believing in my greatness and manifesting it for me and my family, touched me beyond words. This is the year that I do things differently. No more defeated thoughts and actions. I’m following the blueprint of success that Dr. Cheryl has laid out.
    Dream Big, Believe Big, Manifest Big!

  11. says

    As I comment with tears rolling down my face I realize that God sincerely understands our innermost desires, now more than ever before. This articles is indeed a light on my path. I too focused my mind on visioning the life I wanted. I had no clue how or what would have to be done to open up this evolved life for me and family. At 33 I moved to Texas with hopes on top of hopes for more and a better life. At 39 I became an entrepreneur and my mind opened up to see life in an entirely different way. This article is an affirmation that although we walk alone we do not journey by ourselves. All I have to know is that it is possible and as my beautiful sister has penned this article… in concert she has rejuvenated my mind and affirmed my thoughts. I am sincerely grateful.

  12. says

    Thank you for being such and inspiration. Dr. Cheryl doesn’t just bask in the success for herself, she makes sure to make room for others to succeed. Thank you for sharing this testimony as a witness for others to dream big!

  13. Dr. Renèe Escoffery-Torres says

    My sister, you have no idea of the profound impact that you have made in my life. I am eternally grateful for the connection that we will continue to sustain and build. You have helped me tremendously, and you continue to hold my hand and heart throughout my grief journey, facilitated by a chance encounter which could have only been intervention from the Divine. God bless and keep you on this mission of empowerment and uplift.

  14. Cynthia Andrews says

    This message has brought me so much encouragement. We often feel as though we want too much or what we think we want is not attainable. Thank you so much for sharing your personal experiences. They truly show how to transfer those thoughts into reality and how to break that glass ceiling.

  15. Kecia says

    This is so inspiring. I too feel I am stuck in my work life. I aspired to be more. That has not manifested in my life yet. Praying for the answer and direction

  16. says

    What a great article to remind us of the power of a made up mind. Thank you Dr Cheryl Polote-Williamson for being vulnerable and showing us what resilience and persistence look like over time. When belief in God and self is at the core and foundation of your goals and dreams we can manifest the life we truly desire. I Am Affirmed!

  17. Debra Hunter Johnson says

    This story of balancing dreams of greatness with the realities of life and the fear we all carry is helpful to hear. It uplifted and inspired me to keep pushing. Thank you!

  18. says

    This article is filled with blessings upon blessings! Yes to it all. We have the strength, power & wisdom to rise up and walk in our greatness!! We must Focus & Flourish. Thanks for such a great share! Much Love Always!


  19. says

    Love this message for so many reasons ❤️ It reflects on similarities that I also have experienced . Thank you for sharing with us. Thank you for inspiring women all over the world that they too, can rise into the greatness that God has called them to stand in. St. Croix Virgin Islands ❤️🌴🦋

  20. says

    This has truly touched my spirit. Never give up and know that God is with us in the midst. I am learning daily to walk in the purpose I have been designed to fulfill!

  21. says

    This is so motivational!! Ever since we connected Cheryl has been a walking testimony of “Mindset Matters”. There’s been nothing that she’s said she wanted to do that has not come to fruition. This article is her truth and can be ours but we first have to BELIEVE IT, WRITE IT, SPEAK IT, then TAKE ACTION!!

    Thank you Dr. Cheryl POLOTE Williamson for your unwavering desire to share, support and uplift others along your journey.

    I love you!!❤️

  22. Dr. Michelle says

    Dr. Cheryl, you have truly blessed me over and over again! Your energy, determination, transparency, and willingness to share your story have revived my sense of being. Dr. Cheryl, you have a way of making what some would think “the impossible” – POSSIBLE!

    I, too, know I have a purpose, and leaning on God instead of my own understanding will propel me into who and what God has planned for me.
    Your words encourage and bring new life into many of us here in this Mahogany family. I pray for your continued success and munificent legacy. Thank you – thank you – thank you! — and thank you, Mahogany, for creating a platform for inspirational testimonies that normalize our feelings and empower thoughts for women like me.

  23. Tracy says

    Thanks for the words of encouragement. I am 56 years old and I just wrote my first mission statement. My mission statement is to use my knowledge, skills, and testimony to motivate all individuals to be the best that they can be and do the best they can in everything that they do. In addition, to encourage all to increase their self-worth and net worth. IT STARTS WITH ME!

    Be Blessed

  24. Nicole says

    Cheryl. You have made an indelible impression on me and the way I view my life’s purpose, use of my gifts, and pursuit of happiness. Thank you for sharing your story with your readership, friends, family, colleagues and anyone that encounters you. Thank you for pouring into yourself and therefore into others. We see you and appreciate you immensely. What you do and how and who you are matters. 🦋

  25. Tammy Pleasant says

    Thank you for your words of wisdom, but mostly for your obedience in sharing this message with the world. So many women, like myself, need to hear this message and allow it to resonate and soak in. You have always been, and will continue to be an inspiration for me. Love you from the bottom of my heart.

  26. Robbin Muldrew says

    Thank you so kindly for your transparency Dr. Cheryl. I relate in so many ways to your message. It is well received, in addition to confirmation. “ I declared VICTORY over my depression “. It’s that kind of season indeed… I will no longer be bound or held in captivity of depression or any autoimmune disorder that has attempted to affect my life. I have the power to destroy the spirit of procrastination as it was unintentional and far from a representation of myself. As I release myself and set myself free of past hurts and trauma. Also known as obstacles. I will be ALL that God has intended for me to be. I have the power to go into the enemy’s camp and take back everything he thought he stole from me. I have the power to speak life, great health and no lack. I have the power to be the difference maker in my family and break generational curses. I have the power to birth out every God given idea that will provide multiple opportunities and streams of revenue. I have the power to be the first millionaire in my family. I have the power to let go and let God. He fights and I win. Most importantly…I have the power to LOVE me for me! With that said, I have the power to fear not what others think. By posting this post. The devil is defeated. I am stepping out of fears and walking straight into faith. I have the power to change my mindset!

  27. E.J. Carroll says

    Beautiful story of how dreams can come true if you believe in yourself and trust God for His divine guidance!

  28. Kaldejia says

    I made a conscious decision before the close of 2022 to give the energy love support I had given to others and their projects to myself and do My Purpose in the earth.

  29. says

    Amazing!!! This article spoke to me and is one to read over and over as a reminder to be intentional about living the life that God has planned for us. A reminder to get out of my own way. I felt that!

  30. Gretchen says

    Your powerful testimony is inspiring. It awakens our awareness of how self-sacrifice can create self-sabotage, which affects our self-esteem. Your intentional behaviors demonstrate how thinking and speaking positivity over our lowest situation, combined with actions and redirection can change the course of our lives. God has a purpose for each of us. Thank you for reminding us of that.

  31. Veronica Baker says

    Such a powerful message of you manifesting what you and what God has planned for life. If you can dream it, you can achieve it. But you have to stay the course to achieve your dreams for you and your family.

  32. Edith C. says

    Whew! This is just what I needed to begin intentionality in my life. I must begin to write down my down dreams, it can’t rest in my head alone. Thank you for this blessed message!

  33. Lynda Scotland says

    My Sister, this is one of the most inspirational messages that I have ever read!
    It is a breath of fresh air to be able to read such encouraging words, especially with all that we may encounter in the world now.
    In helping you, God is also using you to help others.
    I am so proud of you Cheryl and all of your accomplishments. I thank God that you are obedient to His directives.
    I love you much my cousin!

  34. Colleen M. says

    Cheryl, I am so proud of you. Your humbleness and compassion for others speaks volumes! Thank you for being that beacon of light by sharing your story to encourage others. God does indeed gives us the desires of our heart. 💕
    I am so happy that you are walking in God’s purpose for you life.

    • Colleen M. says

      Cheryl, I am so proud of you. Your humbleness and compassion for others speaks volumes! Thank you for being that beacon of light by sharing your story to encourage others. God does indeed gives us the desires of our heart. 💕
      I am so happy that you are walking in God’s purpose for your life.

  35. says

    A powerful and poignant journey. You are an inspiration and motivational force for greatness. Thank you for the light and love that shines through all of your work. I am grateful to bear witness. Uplifting you always 💖

  36. Wanda Montgomery says

    I believe that with God anything is possible. The Bible tell us that we can speak life or death. Our words have power! Thanks for sharing your journey. Never give up on your dreams no matter how long it takes.. is my new motto! Claiming victory over my life and my family.

  37. Frednitta Gunning says

    I believe it so ! We live to believe that great things can’t happen to us that maybe by chance sometimes we may run into a little luck . We see it happen in others but can’t imagine it happening to ourselves . But Dr. Cheryl just gave us the road map !!Manifestation happens when you believe in God and believe whatever you have asked of him with work and determination will come to light . You have to have it in the very air you breathe and live pray for it everyday ! Change your mindset ! Believe in God . It is written if you say yes to God ! God will say yes to you !!

  38. says

    It is an amazing witness to see the trajectory of a person’s life through the will of God. Thank you for sharing your story with us. We are better for it. Congratulations, Cheryl. God is not done with you!

  39. Connie Knowles says

    I would like to thank you for encouraging me to start believing in myself my! I going to start writing in my journal that was brought so many years ago. I have been so focused on others that I have forgotten about myself!

  40. says

    God can do anything! I have witnessed the magnificent journey of Cheryl since meeting her in 2016. Her signature response has been “only God can do this!” And I believe her! Great article. Keep on rising Cheryl!

  41. Cheryl Griffin says

    This is very powerful on how to manifest what you would like for your life to look like. Congratulations on believing in yourself and encouraging other women. Your testimony of how you were determined to gain your power back and manifest your dreams to reality. That was an awesome accomplishment to sit on the panel with Michelle Obama. You are one of the most inspiring ladies that I have witnessed. My dream is with hopes to meet you in person one day. Blessing Dr. Cheryl.

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