About the Author

Ursula James is a multimedia journalist and communications strategist where she has worked with sports teams, public figures, universities, and non-profits, to name a few. She attended Florida A&M University in Tallahassee, Florida earning her Bachelor of Science degree in Public Relations and is currently pursuing her Executive MBA at...

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  1. It would be quite difficult to share ONE moment that I’d deem as my favorite from the event. Listening to the journeys of each of the speakers has given me the motivation to press through any obstacle I may face. Their testimonies helped me to believe that with God my purpose can and will be fulfilled. I’m grateful to have been in the building!

  2. There were so many great “moments” but I would say it was the energized sisterhood. That energy is still pulsating in me weeks later. I was covered, encouraged, engaged and seen in such a loving way that unfortunately is not offered in a lot of spaces. I can not wait until Part 2!

  3. Wow, Ursula, I wished I could have been there!
    The day’s excitement, sisterhood, and overall joy you conveyed?Captivatingly contagious!
    Thank you for letting me experience it vicariously through you, Ursula . . . But next time, Sis, I want to be all up in there!
    When is part two?
    I’d like to attend, and again, thank you for sharing, Ursula.🌹

    • Hi Cynthia! You’re absolutely welcome and these were just quick highlights. The moments shared among so many vibrant and joyful women permeated throughout the venue (no exaggeration). Yes, make sure you’re subscribed to Mahogany.com and you’ll receive emails from us on the next event 🙂

  4. Honestly, this definitely is amongst the top things I did in 2023. I came by myself to have my cup filled. The event exceeded my expectations. I’m hoping for at least two days in 2024 🙂 I’ll be a volunteer if you need more hands to make sure it happens!

    • Hi Cherice, thank you for this feedback. I think so many women came for the same reason, even some flew same day (mind blown and a blessing for them). So glad you had this experience and hopefully you were able to connect with some of the women while you were there. This was a whole vibe! Make sure you’re subscribed to Mahogany.com for these updates 🙂

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