About the Author

Kennesha Buycks is the creator of Restoration House, a home and lifestyle brand focusing on creating soulful spaces that speak to the restorative aspects of home. A Southern transplant to the PNW, she is passionate about connection and encouraging others to live life with unique passion and purpose.

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  1. I need dental work really bad so my self esteem has plummeted due to this. Thank God for the masks! I can talk freely to people and they won’t stare at my teeth.

  2. Love you and your opening your heart to share. Your pain can help someone else who is suffering. By being open, maybe it can help some adults, like myself, who didn’t realize what you were going through. You were a sweet, Godly young girl who has grown into a beautiful, Godly woman!

  3. Fear is another life controller…I have said ‘I can’t’ my whole life.
    Thank you for sharing your heart, you are a blessing Kennesha!

    • It sure is. While I am still learning how to better manage this emotion, I am thankful for the progress I have made. Thank you for reading and commenting!

    • I do not disagree. It has been a bit of a vice for so many of us and I am so thankful we are on a path to undo so much harm shame has caused and to heal so we can do better and be better for the next generation.

  4. Thank you for sharing. I have seen shame as a cloak familiar & thus “comfortable” because it was the norm. Thankful God is breaking chains link by link… ❤️‍🩹

  5. This is so relatable. For years I carried shame around my father’s drug addiction and what it produced.
    Freedom is an ongoing process. Lots of prayer,
    Lots of therapy,
    Lots of honesty of areas that still need healing.

  6. Thank You for sharing. There’s so many young people who can identify completely with your story, but may not have the courage to express themselves or know how to. Your voice is heard and greatly appreciated.

  7. Thank you for sharing. This brought a couple of tears to my eyes. I work in a homeless shelter for families with minor children and we see the manifestation of mental illness everyday.. So I empathize with the trauma you had to deal with. We have to change the narrative and get the help needed to make a change. Thank you again.

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