About the Author

Ekemini Uwan is a public theologian and co-host of Truth’s Table Podcast. Her writings have been published in The Atlantic, Washington Post, Huffington Post Black Voices and her insights have been quoted by NPR, CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The New Yorker.

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  1. I also struggle with anxiety. I fret endlessly about things I cannot control. And, I’m a believer in Christ. This is an eye opening read. And I trust in divine guidance as my eyes have fell upon it through dkimming my email. Because, Jesus loves me and is concerned about all of my ways. He/God is faithful.

  2. I tell myself what did God say Cheryl Stevens😌Be anxious for nothing and worry about nothing.I remind myself HE is”IS WHO HE SAYS HE IS AND THAT IS AMAZING.

  3. I used to be a chronic worrier until I realized one day that the Psalms were pre- Calvary, pre the Finished Work and when the book of Philippians tells us to be anxious for nothing; I know that God’s word will not return to me void! IT IS FINISHED! Thank you for your transparency 🌺

  4. Wow! What a good reading! Laughing because I’m right there with you. With Great assistance from the helper Holy Spirit! What a perfect gift.

  5. This was good! Thank you for sharing. I am the same. Worrying and praying simultaneously. Anxious about the the things I feel I can’t control but will need resolution. I’m grateful for his word that gets me back in line when I spiral out.

  6. Thank you for the word of encouragement. I suffer from anxiety and I am a “Worry Wart” as well. It’s hard at times, but I try to meditate by praying and reading scriptures in the bible that keep me rooted and grounded and mentally stable.

  7. Wow! What a great inspirational message. When I read the first paragraph, I said that’s me all over. This is really helpful to me to be mindful that God is in control and not me. Thanks for sharing and it’s good to know that I’m not the only one feeling this way. For we walk by Faith not by sight.

  8. I’m learning through scripture to trust God to lead me. I am so anxious with driving, going to social events and being out at night.

  9. As I mature in the Spirit of GOD, I understand I’m able to rely on him. Trust and believe. Let go and let GOD. My patience and understanding is different. Be still and know he is GOD!

  10. I really needed this reminder today. I also have anxiety and I was experiencing it all week this past week. I placed my hand on my chest and I asked God to calm my spirit. One thing is for sure that is that I need to start praying again. Jesus truly is our resting place.

  11. I recently learned that anxiety and pride both have “I” in the middle. I realized that I am often anxious in situations beyond my control. Controlling things and not trusted God’s plan is a symbol of pride. I have made these things more about me that my assignments. I am practicing living in the moment and removing me from the equations.

    • Yes, sis! That’s absolutely true. Pride is a beast, and it shows up in a variety of ways, but I’m so glad that God is gracious and patient with us to lead us beside still waters when our anxiety gets the best of us. God bless you and thank you for reading my essay.

  12. Thank you for the words. Anxiety can be tricky. And it is important to know if one is having a difficult time with anxiety that it is okay to seek help from a psychiatrist for medication and a behavioral therapist to assist with managing/coping with anxiety. No one needs to suffer in silence or alone. And it is okay to ask for help.

    • You’re welcome!! Yes, it can be. I’m a big proponent of utilizing the gifts God has provided us through mental health services. Thank you for this important reminder.

  13. I just laughed when I read “But one thing about me: I’m gon’ pray and worry.” That is me Sister! This was so refreshing for me to read. Thank you for sharing your words of encouragement and the affirming scriptures.

    • HAHA! You’re welcome, sis! I’m being honest because I know I’m not alone in this. Thank you for reading and commenting on my article. God is with us!

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