Have there ever been a point you in your life where everything around you keeps falling apart? Finances are terrible. Health is declining. Personal relationships are non-existent. The walls around you are caving in and you can’t seem to find a way out. Sis, this is known as the “Weary Season.” Weary is defined as “exhausted in strength, endurance, vigor or freshness.” Most of us have experienced this one time or another in our lives.
When this season arrives, you must have the audacity to keep going. You will feel tired. It will be tough to fight it, but you can do it. Whenever I’ve entered this season, I was always physically and mentally exhausted from trying to figure out why certain parts of my life were constantly under attack. When the enemy attacks me, he targets my health and finances. In my life, these things usually occur in cycles. Things will be going great. Then, boom! I’ll have some type of medical scare that results in expensive medical bills. Most of the time, these things will occur all at once. In 2019, I was dealing with a benign brain tumor while I also had to have two breast surgeries to remove a rare tumor. For a whole weekend, I was given bad information by the medical staff who said I had cancer. Then, I fell and almost broke my ankle. In addition to all this chaos in my life, my job lost their contract. I was swimming in medical debt. Even with insurance, I was still getting three bills from different locations. This was a lot to deal with at once, but God made a way.
At times, I would find myself questioning, saying, “Why me?” But, I consider myself to be a strong person. I always try to see the positive side of things, and I refused to give up on myself. Not many people knew that I was dealing with all that at once, mainly because I’ve always been protective of the people I allow into my space. People who are constantly negative are not the ones who should be your support system when life hands you lemons. You are already carrying a lot of weight on your shoulders. Find good positive people who will uplift your spirit.
Your environment plays a major role in your thought processes. If everyone around you is negative, angry, bitter, or gossipy, then this will be no help to you. You need to surround yourself with people who will speak life into you. I always say your body needs soul food to thrive.
During my weary season, I found myself praying more. I kept telling myself to trust God. Whatever happens is supposed to happen, and I will have to accept it whether good or bad. I prayed. I was obedient. I let God’s voice guide my faith walk. I didn’t know where I was going, but I kept walking until I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. One day I woke up and realized I made it through the storm with minimal scaring. As the years went by, I reflected on those experiences.
Anytime I’ve faced hard times in my life, a huge blessing was waiting for me on the other side. If I would have quit or given up on myself, I would have missed out on the plans that God had for me—plans to prosper me and to help me elevate to different levels in life.
So whenever, you stumble across a weary season, remember that quitting will be the easiest thing to do. But you are stronger than that. Push past that option, and keep your chin up because God has something greater for you on the other side.
Have you had a weary season? What was it like?
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Good day,
This sounds all to familiar I had spine surgery 2019 then another in 2022/23 this time front and back neck spine
Months later lower spine surgery leads on my spine battery inside my hip my apt was rat infested I went to a shelter for seven months with my daughter went into an apartment blindsided by the apartment specialist in the shelter lied and said it was accessible that was January still try to fight to get out of this 3rd floor walk up which is very hard family and friends only call when they want something from me. I was asking God why I stopped questioning it it’s a reason for everything and I will come out stronger even though it doesn’t feel like it now.
Yes I’m going through my weary season now but in reading your story helped me to realize what I’m going through and I thank “GID” for allowing me to come to read your story better understand my life of trails and circumstances that I am going through and to help me through the outcome!!! What an inspiring story and experience of encouragement you have given to me!!! AMEN 🙏🏽 ❤️🙌🏽
I have been in weary season this year. I agree with feeling exhausted and my health and finances are under attack. I know it is an attack by the enemy. God is drawing me closer to Him. I asked the Lord “to not let me out of His sight.” God is sustaining me through prayer and communion.
Praying to remain Faithful enough to wait for the Blessing🙏🏿
Indeed, head up. Thanks for sharing.
TRUST ME: A few years ago I had lost my job, about a month after that my sister was diagnosed with stage 3/4 breast cancer. At that time I looked at losing my job as a blessing in disguise because I could go to Mississippi to help care for my sister (I lived in Texas)
After not working for a year, depleting my savings, withdrawing from my retirement, I got behind on my mortgage. After over fifteen years of paying my mortgage on time, my mortgage lender refused to have mercy on me. I finally got a part time job but the income wasn’t sufficient to catch up on my mortgage. I received a foreclosure notice, my dear sister was dying, I was about to lose my house that I’ve had for over 15 years, I was feeling unloved and all alone. As I set at my desk in an empty office one day I begin to pray about my situation. I heard a voice just as plain as day say TRUST ME. A couple of days later I received a call from a government entity saying I’M CALLING TO HELP YOU KEEP YOUR HOUSE.
Twelve years later I’m still in my house and it’ll be paid off in full in about 18 months. I have a full time job and have restored my retirement, friends that have and are supporting me and I’m still Trusting God.
Don’t give up, even when our prayers are not answered the way we want them to, don’t give up on God because he want give up on us.
Thank you so much for sharing, I have gone through many weary season with health and I have learned also to let God handle it. Be blessed!
I love this! I love this for you and I’m celebrating you and your beautiful journey.
Thank you for your words of encouragement, whereas I’m in a weary season right now and every day I feel like giving up.
It’s tough. Don’t give up. Keep pushing. ❤️
How fortuitous to stop on this email of all the many emails I needed to read. For the past five years, it’s been one loss after another and the rate has sped up in the past two. I am weary but faithful and prayerful. I count the blessings because there are many despite the challenges.
Thank you for this beautiful reminder. I too am going through a weary season with my health (tumor and cancer diagnosis) and finances. I constantly have to remind myself, that “all things work together” and that God “makes everything beautiful in its time.” I have discovered that our lives are truly a “trust” journey. It is trusting in God’s goodness and His sovereignty no matter what season we’re in.
Im in a weary season right now. It feels debilitating but as the author writes, Im recognizing the cycle and trying to find a way to put one foot in front the other to keep my headspace healthy. I chose to get back in routine which is walking, writing and listening to encouraging podcast. I feel that you have to think yourself happy so this is what I do. The situation has not changed and I don’t understand but what I know for sure is there must be something on the other side of this pain, knowing this gives me hope to move forward.
It seems like my Weary season has more to do with my family members than myself.
Constantly praying for my son, that God will deliver him completely as far as his walk is concern.
Lately, I’ve been praying for myself to Trust Gods word and promise for my life. That I can truly believe in what I say or claim to believe.
I have been praying for my heart, that I would have the heart that pleases God, I think back over my life and have regrets and depression over not listening to God in which direction my life should had taken.
But, I also think back to various situations, God has been there and turned things around.
It seems like my weary season has been constant as it pertains to my son.
But, God
I’m currently going through a season of feeling weary, but holding on nonetheless. I believe God led me to read this article today. There are similarities in our stories. When I’m in seasons of transition the enemy usually attacks my mental health and finances. I feel heavily God is teaching me how to rest in Him and trust Him as my Provider. These are lessons I thought I learned but I realize I still need to grow in my faith concerning them. It’s not been easy, but I believe there will be a beautiful new beginning when my breakthrough comes. Thank you for sharing your story. It encouraged me to hold on and trust God. He sees (me) and knows what He is doing.