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  1. What a blessing it is to read your story and find that it eventually turned into joy. It is my faith, that God made us beautiful and unique. For a while, I dealt with skin tone issues, such as shit color or red bone. My Mom was Black/Cherokee mixed and a dedicated Christian, which saved our entire family. Keep the faith and know, God loves us no matter what! Thanks for sharing your TRUTH!

    • Wow this was great to hear I was always being told I was skinny they called me broom stick when I was a little girl and I got teased a lot when I was in high Shcool wishing to look like the other girls in Shcool, I was struggling to always put on some weight now that I am 45 now and have Papa Yahweh in my Life my YESHUA has given me a husband that loves me for me and I have accepted my weight and my Beautiful skin Color I am a Victoriousbrownifly YESHUA is always helping me to over come every obstacle and Be victorious in everthing i face . Glory be To GOD!🤣 So thankyou Sister Monica Wisdom for sharing your Beautiful story so that I can share mine your a Blessing to Many Sister Girl ❤️many Blessing coming your way !

  2. I so identify with your words. I’m a plus size, same sex attracted woman and I allowed religion
    (their definition) to suppress who I was and how I was born to the point of having numerous strokes! Thank God that He allowed me to live so that I could tell others just as I am sharing with you. The amazing thing is the neurologist said that they couldn’t identify why! I can and I am in the process of rewriting about the very controversial subject of yes, you can be born gay, I’m still created in the image of God. I remember in the mid 2000’s of traveling as a evangelist and I would promote myself as being delivered from homosexuality; yet at night I silently cried because I know that I couldn’t pray the gay away nor was God going to change me. But for the sake of seeing myself through the eyes of traditional religion, I suppressed it –
    2024 more suppression, no more hiding, no more shame and no more guilt! I fearfully and wonderfully made! I’m God’s masterpiece and I will let it be known! Thank you for sharing! This gas truly encouraged me and inspired me.

  3. You are a masterful writer! Having been the thick girl forever I can relate. It also has made me think carefully about how I handle a few family members struggling with weight. Stay free and love you!

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