About the Author

Karen Roberts Turner, a DC attorney, author, and 11-year survivor, has been relentless in the fight to conquer and cure GBM. She is dedicated to fundraising and legislative advocacy. Karen is a graduate of Vassar College, Georgetown University, and George Washington Law School.

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  1. Thank you for your poignant and relevant account of your diagnosis and treatment. Thank God for using you as a beacon for His power. My oldest sister was diagnosed with Stage 4 ovarian cancer on her 40th birthday and given a 5% chance of survival if she lived 5 years post surgery and treatments. That was 32 years ago and she’s alive and thriving.

  2. God bless you. You are a walking talking miracle. I lost my 12yr old gifted and talented son to cancer.
    I love you. Keep being you 💜🙏🏿

  3. Karen, Thank you for sharing your powerful testimony; you are truly a blessing and model of a strong, faithful Black woman. I pray God’s continued blessings over your life.
    Phyllis Mayo

  4. My Dearest Karen, thank you for sharing your journey with us. Your story is an inspiration to many, including myself. I was diagnosed with a benign brain tumor several years ago…praise Him🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿! I know the importance of annual visits, relaxation, sleep, stress-free environment, and daily prayer.
    Today I spoke with my friend who was diagnosed with three benign brain tumors. Unfortunately, she had surgery and only two were removed while the third one seems too problematic. She is in constant pain everyday.
    You are a beacon of hope for us all. Peace and blessings unto you and your tribe❣️🥰❤️! Thank You🌹!

  5. My Soror,
    What a poignant yet triumphant story of GOD’s restorative problems and your resilience. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your story. I am sure it will bless someone else.

  6. Soror
    I admire your courage to tell your story. Sharing is such a brave and selfless act that inspires. It is so eye-opening to remind us to make time to create and enjoy moments; I am definitely encouraged by this message.

  7. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!! This is truly an awesome testimony. Soror Karen, your testimony gives hope to the hopeless in difficult, rather impossible circumstances. I thank God for allowing you to live and to share your story with the world.

  8. May God continue to Bless you in all your endeavors. I pray your story will uplift and inspire others.
    We are not blood related but we are cousins!!

  9. Karen, your story gives hope and inspiration to to many especially women if color. Thank you for sharing your journey.

  10. Blessings to you, our Sister! Yes, you are more than a conqueror and quite an overcomer to shine your beacons of light ever so brightly ~ to inform and enlighten us all ~ of the symptoms, warnings, and unknown signals we so often quickly dismiss and can readily overlook.

    Thank you.

  11. Karen,

    Thank you for sharing your story in this space. Besides being inspirational and a testament that miracles do happen, it’s uplifting for women of color especially considered how we are treated by the health system. I am extremely blessed to call you my Sister and friend.

    Love you!

  12. A powerful essay that is imbued with hope, inspiration and information. Jehovah’s miraculous intervention is worthy of praise and awe.

  13. Karen, thank you for such an inspiring and informative article! I pray that you continue to beat the odds on your post cancer journey as you embrace all that life offers you!

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