About the Author

Alicia Christine Beach is a writer, trauma-informed breathwork facilitator, and women’s advocate. Her work centers Black and Brown women, promoting joy, encouraging a positive quality of life, and helping to identify and release unhealthy patterns that injure the mind, body, and spirit.

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  1. As a disabled person who have multiple disabilities that people can’t see I feel exactly where you are coming from. I applaud you fir not allowing this to hinder you and I will pray for you to continue being the strong and capable queen that you are.

  2. I understand your situation. I have been living with Dermatomyositis for 12 years. I’ve experienced (and still do) what you’re going through. I had people tell me that I was just trying to get out of doing things. I’m a hard worker and I go all in. It takes me twice or three times as long to get something done, but it gets done. Stay encouraged and know that someone (me) is praying for you.

  3. Thank you for sharing your story. Just from reading your story, I can see the beauty in your soul. I agree with everything you said and maybe one day the world will see that it takes less energy to be kind than it does to be mean.

  4. Life is difficult enough with everything we endure daily and having an illness just double downs on it. Having someone be kind helps tremendously and showing empathy just b/c it’s human nature goes a long way. I have 5 different auto immune diseases and if you didn’t look at my hands you’d never know. Thank you so much for this well worded message. I felt your heart through every word. I pray that you’re having a great day and that you show kindness to someone and make their day. A simple smile might be the one thing that brightens the day of that person that’s struggling silently.

    • Thank you for sharing Myrna. You are a force. I too pray that you are strenghthend and remain encouraged on the tougher days. Sending love.

  5. Since Covid, time has sped up and people are less sympathetic, at the same time we also have to remember people are still doing their jobs and even if we don’t get what we think we deserve, we just have to ask God to help as well as patient and understanding. I pray each day to God to help me see Spiritually instead of naturally. For the reason I suggested. I think everyone has noticed the warp speed time is on. I think we need to look at ourselves first before we look at others and asked God to change us that others might see the change in us and in doing so will surprise us with Kindness, Love, Understanding and some JOY.
    I do, however, understand about unseen disabilities. People tend to believe a lie than the truth or think everyone is lying. This is the time when we need God in it all and it means life.

  6. Alicia, our being unaware of the disability we don’t see in others is no excuse for us not being the best human, the best person others can see.
    May we be moved to be more sensitive to others with disabilities, unseen or seen.

    I may not see your disability literally, Alicia, but through your story, I see you.

    Thank you for sharing.

    Thank you for bringing awareness to concealed conditions many of us know nothing about.

    May our new awareness allow us to have more empathy.

    I praise you for your boldness in sharing, as I also pray for your healing, my sister. 🌹

    • Thank you for seeing me and the many others who go unnoticed in society. Thank you for your lovingkindness.

  7. Yes I once heard someone remark does she have a disability too. Just because they can’t see it doesn’t mean it is there. Another time we had to leave a train and the train operator said hurry up. I explained I am disabled she said nothing. I say all this to say people should be empathetic to people able or disabled and not have to prove anything to anyone about their status.

    • I regret that this happen to you. You’re correct, we shouldn’t have to prove anything, you never know what people are experiencing. Sending you love.

  8. The subject content is so very relevant.. When did we become a nation of people that needing or asking for assistance has become suspect.? “What the world needs now is LOVE, more LOVE… Not just for some, but for everyone.”

  9. I can relate. Of course I try to look my best when in public, so I get comments like, “you don’t look disabled”. Perhaps not, but watch me try to get in our out of my car. I cannot move certain ways without pain. I’ve had 2 back surgeries and usually travel with my dog who provides comfort, and picks up items that I drop. Bending or stooping is painful. What really bothers me is that I’ve had more negative comments from sisters than the others. That truly hurts. I have DV plates as I am s 100% disabled veteran due to my physical condition, chronic pain and depression. Don’t judge.

  10. Having MS has his many challenges but I can continue to go on because, as you said ,most people don’t understand . They see me on some days running around doing things and for 2 or 3 days they don’t see me at all. Isolation is a big problem during this time of the pandemic because most people think it’s over and they don’t mask any more. Hang in there. There are those who get it and they should be thankful they
    don’t need help YET!!!!

    • This is why community is really important to help us live in harmony and to support one another. Community care is necessary. Strength to you.

  11. I am just five months past my right total hip replacement surgery. Prior to that life giving procedure, I was struggling with the limp, fatigue and embarrassment of an invisible disability. This article affirmed so much for me and I am grateful for the shared wisdom.

  12. Thank you so much for sharing your story – my story. I have MS and was stopped by a law enforcement officer for a tag traffic violation and he wanted me to get out of the car to look at the tag. I’m thinking “Really”? At least he waited on me as I got out and walked to the back of the vehicle, as I also left my cane at home just trying to live my most “normal” life at the time. Now, I’m zapped of energy as I get back in the car. Energy becomes a precious commodity when you have a disability. I hope this helps others to understand.

    • I totally understand and I’m sorry that happen. Yes to preserving energy for things that matter most. Sending love to you!

  13. I would just like to say that I have a son with a physical disability, and have never been asked to show a “disability card”. This is the first time I’ve ever heard of it. Needless to say, if this card does exist, surely you could be issued one. I agree that all disabilities aren’t able to be seen, but I would definitely ask my physician about obtaining one. I am sorry to hear what happened to you. I hope that you never have to face that situation again.

    • Thank you Mona. There is a card that one can have to identify themselves as disabled, it can be life saving for some. Thank you for your encouragement!

  14. A beautifully expressed and thought provoking word, from an Awesome Woman of God. You offer some life changing suggestions that will benefit all. We ask people, how are you? with the usual answer OK! or
    No use complaining, nobody wants to hear it anyway ( old school). If we open the door of compassion, a little wider, a willing heart can make all the difference…and we know Prayer Changes Things! And above all these
    virtues, put on LOVE, which binds everything together in perfect unity.
    Colossians 3:14

    • You said something Tina. Open the doors of compassion a little wider, thats so rich. Thank you for your kind words.

  15. Beautifully said! Thank you for being so transparent and for expressing how you felt and what you dealt with in that situation. I have never heard of a disability card. I’m so sorry this happened to you.

  16. Thank you Alicia for sharing your story. So many truths in your essay. I too hope one day we live in a world full of more kindness and graciousness. Many blessings and healing prayers sent your way.

  17. Wow!! What a compelling article!! I am disabled too and really relate to the thi gs you mentioned, especially about shame. Thank for shinning a light on this most important issue. With articles like this we are one step closer to global empathy for people with invisible disabilities.

  18. With tears in my eyes I text you to let you know that I am so proud of you and know exactly how you feel. I too am immune compromised and my illness is not seen. I used to walk with a cane and now I use a Rollator. Sometimes I get the strangest looks because I choose to continue to wear my mask. I roll along and tell myself that I am still beautiful. Please you do the same because you are!

  19. This writing is so apropo. It should resonate in the mind(s) of people who have experienced such an indignation-who are you to question my disability? Real, but invisible to those who cannot see.

  20. Thank you for this. I have been wrestling with a similar situation at work (diagnosed a year ago with a condition now considered a disability). I don’t think of myself as different but those around me do. I love the suggestions at the end of your story – more people need to hear this.

    • That’s correct, this is why respect and compassion for everyone has to become our first response to one another.

  21. Beautifully written. As Christians, we are taught do not judge others and loved your neigbor as yourself. I want to say, I have a disability that is unseen which is a herniated disc’s on my c spine. Just because your disability might not be unseen we should never give anyone hard time and treat people just like we want to be treated. We cannot judge people because we do not know their disability but treat them with respect, love and kindness. We are ambassadors for our saviour, Jesus Christ and we should always show compassion to each other . We all should be like Good Samaritans.

    Because my disability is unseen, I can relate because I get told all the time its nothing wrong with you but behind doors they do not see how my body shuts down with pain.

    Thank you for this inspirational and how we should love thu neighbor as thyself.

    God bless

  22. I have a bright daughter who was diagnosis after graduating high school. It took time and some getting used to, but as I began to understand she is on the spectrum, she is still a wonderful child, and I am watching her fine her way in art, What I have come to realize, she can do anything she put her mind to. She has outstanding compression skills and can put them into practice, but she wears her feelings on her sleeve, so you have to be careful how you say things to her. We are working it out together. Thank you this peace.

  23. Awesome. Thanking God for you and for the healing that’s coming to you. Praying for your strength as you continue on your journey. Praying and thanking God in advance for all the doors he is opening for you. Please continue to tell your testimony.

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