About the Author

Dr. Alisha Reed is a licensed pharmacist and a boy mom who is unapologetic about self-care. She is the creator of the REFILL Strategy, hosts the Your Self Care Prescription Podcast, and is passionate about teaching women how to advocate for themselves.

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  1. Sincere accolades to Dr. Reed for her accomplishments and for recognizing her worth. It’s important for women to value themselves in today’s world. I especially appreciate her contribution to the medical community, being a sufferer of a chronic illness almost half of my life. I truly believe Pharmacists do save lives every day with the work that they do. No one wants to depend on medications and therapies to live a healthy life, many of us do. Thank you Dr. Reed for what you do and for the pride and confidence with which you do it. Many Blessings Sis for your future!

  2. I have had to correct folks here in the South who prefer to address me as”Miss. …” rather than, “Rev.” I’m an ordained Elder in the AME Zion Church. I and my father, also “Rev.” have discussed the disparity. The culture of those who choose to dishonor the truth that the risen, Christ, chose a woman to go and to tell His male disciples He had risen as He said, first (and that the disciples didn’t believe her), is still real.

  3. Dr. Alisha Reed, I commend you, celebrate you, and praise YAH for your steadfastness. I am a retired teacher/school counselor in the southwestern part of the USA. I volunteer my school counseling and teaching skills to a small private faith based academy. I want these young people to know that focused strength, goalsetting and perseverance are valuable tools. I intend to share your story with them.

  4. Dr. Reed congratulations and thank you for this article. About two months ago I was diagnosed as a diabetic. The initial phone call was from by doctors nurse but things became very confusing for me when the Pharmacist from his office called and I had to have an appointment with her.
    Even after meeting with her and receiving pertinent education I’ve still not been able to connect the dots, so to speak. I can recall having a different phone conversation with her concerning switching my medication and I asked if I needed to make an appointment with my doctor and she said no she would. Now I wonder if I offended her, I surely hope not and certainly didn’t mean any disrespect. I haven’t been down this road before and honestly didn’t know that a pharmacist was on site at my doctors office.
    Thankfully I’ve been following what she’s told me even though I’ve still been somewhat confused.
    Again, thank you for enlightening me and now I understand why I’m seeing her.

  5. I worked on a med surf floor we had a phenomenal pharmacist each floor ( or a combination of floors) had a specific pharmacist she was young and boy intelligent She seemed so young, she was petite as well Honestly, I thought all pharmacists were pharmD
    Her name was Jill Currin and she worked part-time statue CVS across/near the hospital ( why??) When the obligatory “ would you like a consultation?” Was asked boy did she lay it out I know the unfamiliar customers were astounded but we were used to it ( Weill I was). She said she was leaving to become a booth amplify technician So I guess she is out there somewhere excelling Congratulations on everything I have a soror whose daughter graduated from Xavier and all I thought of was her (studying While her sorors partying)
    Martha C C arter
    Fayetteville NC

  6. Thank you so much for this message, Dr. Reed! I am pursuing my doctorate (PhD) and I’ve encountered much awkwardness as a Black woman in STEM. As you stated, we’ve earned the title, so I shouldn’t be afraid to speak up when necessary. I am challenging my distorted thoughts that speaking up and correcting others are not stemmed from ego but bravery that I should get what I deserve.

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