About the Author

Dr. Nicole S. Mason is an award-winning author. Her work has been featured in the Chicken Soup for the Soul® Book Series. And her first book anthology was recognized as Anthology of the Year by Indie Author Legacy Awards in conjunction with Black Enterprise Magazine.

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  1. I often say this about my mother and father. Just when I think they aren’t near and things get tough, small signs appear that they are still with me and watching over me. Needed to hear this morning as I continue to navigate the grief journey.

  2. Congratulations on your book launch. Yes, love never dies. It endures. My grandmother died on August 4, 2014. Each year, without fail, between her death and burial date ( Aug 11), I receive a spiritual revelation. It was my grandmother who introduced me to God.

  3. What a beautiful experience! I’m so happy for you. I just lost my Mom three weeks ago. She was 98 and a fierce fighter for equality. Her favorite color was purple. I’ll be keeping my eye out for my Angel.

    • I’m so sorry for your loss. I know you have many lessons and words of wisdom from your Mom. Her spirit of fighting for equality definitely lives on in the Earth. Fighting for equality has been my life’s work.

      I’m praying for you and with you.

  4. What a beautiful story and powerful testament to the power of love. Love is indeed stronger than death. Love endures 🙏🏾❤️

  5. Yes indeed I have always known from a child after losing my father to a massive heart attack in my arms on the way to the hospital that the spirit of their love will always surpass and cheat death from its place. If we hold on to their spirit of love and in love they live much longer than the dash says on the their cemetery plots.

    • That is so true! I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m glad you were there with your Dad when he took his last breath. After you’ve had time to heal, one can look back on that kind of experience to acknowledge the beauty that is in death.

      Thank you so much for commenting. I’m sending a big virtual hug to you.

  6. What an awesome story and testimony. Thanks so much for sharing. I have butterflies that visit me when I have coffee on my porch or deck. It’s a clear indication that my mom is visiting me. She loved coffee and butterflies! Thank you for always showing up when a word is needed. Blessing on you Rev Nicole!!! Love Niecy Michelle

    • I love you Niecey! I thank God for you and how you’ve continued to speak well of God and #SHOWUPGREAT during some of your most difficult times. God Is Pleased! He is faithful, and He can be trusted!!!

      God bless you

  7. Your whole life, God Daughter, has been ordained by God. The Bible declares that those who have transitioned from this side are not dead. We are also told of those who are just above the perimeter routing for us to succeed. I knew your mother, and Grandmother personally for years, very classy ladies and beautiful inside and out. I can say this for certain, that they are both routing for you as they did when they were here amongst you. You have made them, your dad and all of us proud. Just as I am proud to call you daughter. The same anointing that rested on your grandmother, now rests heavenly upon you. She knew who she was and what she was called to do and she did it her way. Show-up Great daughter and continue to show the world who you are and whose blood runs through your veins.

  8. What an awesome testimony! Knowing that you got your strength from your Mom and grand mother is awesome. I loved how you are loved not spoiled. I’m stealing that btw. I have no words for that angel that appeared to you that day. God is real. Angels are real and our Moms are with us!

  9. Wow, thanks for sharing your beautiful experience. God knows what we need before we pray, and I concur that we sometimes entertain angels unaware 😊

  10. What an amazing and inspiring story! It’s like getting a “hug from heaven”. God will never leave or forsake us. My heart rejoices with you. Thank you for sharing your journey. God is love!

  11. God will always send you a comforting sign that he’s always with you even in the dark seasons,

  12. I thank you for sharing your story it really truly blessed me, I have lost so many love one’s the two hardest is that I loss my oldest brother to cancer, in Easter Sunday late evening ,my best remember out my brother will be that my brother was transition to go home with the Lord, Jesus rose on the third day and my brother just send it on a third day Easter Sunday that evening so I know that he made it in with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ , my other brother pass eleven day after and our last conversation was, I went to see him and I told him the reason why I hang came in a couple of days but some of my health issues but one thing I did do was to pray, I prayed for my brother and his roommate and over the facility where he was at and I last words was I told him I love him kiss him on the floor and as I began to walk out the door I turn around and ask him do you love your baby sister and he smiling said you know I do you’re my baby sister and I have that rememory with me when I get sad I can think of those two things that’s my brother said. I have learn today ,that Love is stronger than death.🙏🎈

  13. Wow, what a powerful and beautiful love story! Love never dies. Even though our most precious love ones pass away, they never leave us. The love they imparted to us remains with us forever. God has a wonderful way of reminding us. He is always a good God!!!

    • Yes, God surely is good! I’m so grateful for His great love for us. The powerful connection we continue to have with our loved ones who have transitioned is an amazing stamp of His love.

      Thank you so much dear Sister for commenting!

  14. Beautiful story our loved ones who pass away continue to remain with-us in spirit What a beautiful blessings

  15. Absolutely, I’d be happy to help! Here’s a heartfelt comment for your spiritual mentor’s published article:

    Reading your article in the magazine was truly a blessing. Your words resonated deeply with me and offered such valuable insights of your life. It’s incredible to witness your wisdom and guidance being shared with a wider audience. I’m soooo… proud of you for this achievement, and I feel grateful to have you as my spiritual mentor and friend. Your dedication and passion shine through your writing, and I can’t wait to see how many more lives you’ll touch with your inspiring words. Congratulations on this wonderful accomplishment!”

  16. Reading your article in the magazine was truly a blessing. Your words resonated deeply with me and offered such valuable insights of your life. It’s incredible to witness your wisdom and guidance being shared with a wider audience. I’m soooo… proud of you for this achievement, and I feel grateful to have you as my spiritual mentor and friend. Your dedication and passion shine through your writing, and I can’t wait to see how many more lives you’ll touch with your inspiring words. Congratulations on this wonderful accomplishment!”

  17. Nicole, there is something to be said about life after death. Nature teaches us lessons and reminds us that life is everlasting. What looks like a dying tree and a dying plant in the winter is simply awaiting to bloom in the spring. What appears to be a withering flower is yet awaiting a new bud. A seed will die in the earth, but a whole new harvest will arise. What God has done, what He is doing in you, through you, and for you gives life to others. You reported that your mother poured her very life into you and your life. Thank you for pouring your life into me and many others. Stay true to your purpose, to your high standards, while cutting yourself and others some slack. Be fully committed to excellence and ardently realistic about getting there. Loved the article!

  18. What a blessing to experience the love Of God in that way. This just encouraged me to always thank God for what is.

  19. WOW such a Beautiful Testimony! I too am an only child and loss my Mom at an early age. I truly believe that her spirit lives on and continues to watch over me.

    It is such a Blessing to have this experience. GOD Bless You and Congratulations 🎊

    From the Family…

  20. Thank you for sharing such a lovely and moving experience.

    I will keep this in my thoughts and deeds! Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels (Hebrews 13:2).

  21. Dr. Nicole what an amazing reminder of the connectedness of love extends far beyond death. The older I get and the closer I get to God I come to believe that God and the things of spirituality happen in Kairos and are not limited to the restrictions of Chronos. Thank you for sharing a “God-wink” moment with us. God bless.

  22. This was so, so wonderful to read! I, too, am an only child and agree with the not spoiled but loved description. I just love when our angels on earth become heavenly and still watch over us as you beautifully shared.

  23. My Dear Big Cousin So Blessed to have You in my life and These Words are Near Deep To My Heart Thanks for Always Having Inspiring Words for me and also leading Me in the Right Way!! Much Love Tishelle

  24. Beautiful. I felt wrapped in an enveloped in an embrace as your story ended. Entertaining angels unaware, indeed. Thank you.

  25. Dr. Nicole’s way with words allowed me to imagine myself being there. Entertaining Angels….what an uplifting and inspiring story. I get focused on my day to day or event and loose site of God answering a pray or sending His love.

    Thanks Dr. Nicole for sharing and being a blessing to others.

    • God is ever present in our lives and continues to show us that His Spirit that lives within each one of us never dies. What an awesome Father to think about everything we would need to navigate this life.

      Blessings on you

  26. Thank you for your beautiful story about Family love, hit home for me I too am an only child. Whenever I see a red bird I know it’s my mother . She was a quiet one but you better not mess with her daughter.

  27. Wow! Elder Nicole. This is a touching story. God is always in the midst of our lives. Praise God for your relationship with your mom, and grandmother. I believe they are both smiling down on you. You’ve inherited their savvy, intuitive, entrepreneurship, and love for empowering men and women.

    Congratulations to you!

  28. Wow reading Dr. Mason’s article was uplifting! Love even after death was a reminder that we all have angels watching over us and her story validated what angels looks like. Thank you Dr. Mason for sharing!

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