About the Author

Chazley Williams is an advocate for disability rights and shares her perspective through writing on education, diversity, and health issues. She is a wife, caregiver, educator, and visionary. Chazley earned her BA in English and political science and a master’s in education.

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  1. Fabulously Inspiring! So glad to read of your good fortune. It confirms that even in debris of delay, goodness is still a thing and miracles are still happening!

  2. Thank you for your incredible example of Knowing that you would Rise above appearances. Your faith brought your healing in unexpected ways. You honored You by completing your Masters, even better prepared to be of service to others. Thank you.

  3. What an awesome story (testimony). My husband is also on dialysis and waiting for a donor so hearing your story gave me a little more hope today. I know God is faithful and will deliver it on time. Be blessed my sister, and thanks for sharing.

  4. You already know you’re a big inspirational influence in my life, I am so proud of you and all that you have overcame and accomplished! Love you dearly friend!!!❤

  5. Praise God! For we know “ for all things work together for those who love God, and called according to his purpose”. So happy that this was the ending to that chapter of your life.

  6. You know I remember you as a young child from your mom, getting her hair done by me. I am very proud of you you always have shown strength 💪 so God has blessed you to be an inspiration to others ❤. Keep sharing your story. I can see you speaking on kidney disorders to give others hope.

  7. I love reading about your story. Life is so amazingly full of surprises and nothing is ever just cause ! I’m so grateful you continue to live and thrive !

  8. My son has had three kidney transplants, the first from his dad and the other two none related donors. All the while on dialysis in between transplant. He was a firefighter for 23 years, retiring a couple of years ago. He was blessed to be on a fire department that knew he was on dialysis but kept him on. I’m glad to hear you hung in there and everything worked out for the good for you.

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