About the Author

Raya Reaves is the Founder and Finance Coach of City Girl Savings, LLC. She teaches women how to create and stick to realistic budget plans to reach their financial goals. Raya resides in Austin, Texas, with her boyfriend and two Yorkie dogs.

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  1. Myra says

    Playing outside all morning, coming in for lunch. And going back, coming in for dinner and hearing my Grandma saying we smell like all outdoors. Best childhood ever.

  2. GwenDee says

    Playing outside in the summer, the smell of dirt after the rain, Slip and Slide, swimming, watermelon, movies in the park, gardening with my grandparents, our dog, fresh tomatoes and greens, fried chicken, vacation bible school, the library. Great memories

  3. Lexy says

    I loved reading this and it reminded me of my childhood summers in New York with my cousin, and all of the fun we had.

  4. Dr. Jacqueline L. Frierson says

    Spending my summers in Florence South Carolina. My sister and I took the train starting when she was six and I was seven. I learned about life on a farm and got to experience separate but equal in town, but total cooperation of all races on the farm. I learned life skills that have made me the woman I am today.

  5. Kecia says

    Stay-overs with cousins, hopscotch, hide & seek, popsicles (strawberry shortcake of course!), Uno tournaments (cheaters, you know who you are!), and smelling like outside! Childhood summers, oh how you are missed!

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