About the Author

J.P. Mitchell’s passion is cultivating freedom through creativity, courage and community. Through writing, education solutions and speaking, she builds skill and confidence in marginalized voices to make the world a more beautifully interesting place.

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  1. I am so glad that you did not count yourself out. This article put another rung on a ladder for someone to climb higher.

    I always say no matter what season you are in, take good notes.

  2. Reading your story gives me fortitude to continue sending out manuscripts until some publisher says yes. Thank you, very heartfelt and inspiring story. ” The only space that matters is the place with a void in the shape of your story.” This resonates with me!

    • Diane, I want to encourage you to do ALL that you wrote–and also to give yourself a yes if there is a message you must release–or at least while you find your traditional yes. That’s what I’ve been doing and don’t regret it. Either way, I wish you the very best!

  3. This was perfecting timing. I’ve been in that “I’m done with this” and whoa God, I know I have to step into this space because my voice needs to be heard moment. Thank you for the confirmation and reminder that “success” does come in stages. And the nuance between needing to be “seen” and check off an item on a list vs. truly understanding our why.

  4. Powerful piece. I know that at times I push for success just for the wins of money or fame. It is indeed a hollow victory. We are here to share our story. Then it is able to be a help to others.

  5. Awesome post, and just what was needed at a time like today. Being encouraging is part of the duty of being called to write, and now being enabled to speak. Keep this up, your work. Thank you for taking the time to share yourself.

  6. Acquiring wisdom through life lessons is awesome and it’s beautiful that you are willing to be transparent. I’m glad you gave yourself Grace.

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