About the Author

Raya Reaves is the Founder and Finance Coach of City Girl Savings, LLC. She teaches women how to create and stick to realistic budget plans to reach their financial goals. Raya resides in Austin, Texas, with her boyfriend and two Yorkie dogs.

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  1. Excellent read with great analogies!!!! This is affirming as I’m reading Craig Hoeschel Winning the War in Mind book and doing surrender 40 day fast. Lord thank you for the May flowers 🌸 in my mind en route!

  2. This was a very encouraging read. It has been a long hard road for many of us and this adds to the faith and hope we are all holding on to. Thanks for that! ❤️

  3. Beautiful reflections and a phenomenal perspective! Your positive attitude shines through . . . so appreciated. I’m spring cleaning my thoughts by enrolling in a master writing course that begins this spring. It’s something just for me . . . not for my wonderful spouse, kiddos, or anyone else I love each day. Just for me. And I’m finding that just the idea of having something to look forward to energizes me. I’m clearing other project deadlines out the way so that I can enjoy the course as fully as possible. Thank you for sharing . . . so inspiring! xoxo

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