About the Author

Jeanine DeHoney’s work can be found online, in Chicken Soup for the Soul, The Colorism Healing Contest Anthology, and anthologies by Black Lawrence Press and Black Freighter Press. She was named an Honor Award winner for Sleeping Bear Press’ Own Voices Own Stories 2022 award.

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  1. This is simply beautiful Sister. I’m still figuring it out but I have some wise counsel in this note. Continue to be blessed and a blessing!

  2. My condolences for your loss. I love and appreciate your story. Your words are helping me to move away from the pain for the loss of my mother. My mother passed on June 17, 2023. Our relationship was flawed and beautiful at the same time also. I will stepping out of sorrow today by continue to be the independent courageous daughter she raised. Blessings and peace.

  3. My mother passed suddenly last year and I got the call while I was reading my babies a bedtime story. These past few months have been rough because I really feel like I’ve started to grieve. It often shows up when I need help the most and I usually get in a funk, but I’m trying to work on that. We were very close, but as a mother and wife in my 30s’ I feel this was a time I needed her the most. She loved when I would write so maybe that can be a form of therapy for me and a way to honor her.

  4. I was preparing a room in my house for my mother to come and live with me when she passed away suddenly. I went into a deep funk and lost weight because I didn’t feel like eating at all. My husband saw how much it affected me and made me go to the doctor, which I’m glad he did they found that my blood sugar was off the charts yet I still wasn’t eating food just fruit and fruit juices, I have a daughter and I have a granddaughter so I had to come to the realization that I too was here for them. I had to put on my big girl panties and come out of that depression. I still feel a little guilty sometimes for not getting that room done faster but I’m OK now and I know my mom is OK with where with where I am right now . Family gives strength in times of need, which is a very true statement. My granddaughter moved in with us as she was going to the local college, and it increased my life’s joy once again.

  5. I too lost my Mommy 2 1/2 years ago. I keep track of how long it’s been, because she was my Everything. I realized the other day that she was the greatest gift I have ever received, second only to my Children. Her unconditional love is weaved through my life’s journey, and I am so grateful. I do know she wants me to continue to live and enjoy my life. And I am continuing on. I miss her, but I know she is always with me. Thank God for giving her to me 💝

  6. Thank you all for sharing such touching comments about your mothers beautiful ones. Our mothers are indeed gems who even with blemishes bestow so much in our spirit to help us in our own life/ love/ woman journey. Much love and light and blessings to you all.

  7. I was truly blessed by this writing. I fully relate and it has given me a new perspective on my grief.

    With sincere gratitude to the author of those words.

  8. God Bless you for sharing your story. It reminds me of my own mother, she passed in 2020 ( I dream of her often, too).

  9. Thank you for sharing. This brought many memories to mind. I will give some thought to your question because it is worthy of consideration. Hopefully me answering your question will put me in a better place.

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