About the Author

Stephanie is a professional, specializing in syndicated radio. Former writer for The Tom Joyner Morning Show and feature writer for Black America Web.com, she co-authored Shift Happens: Inspirational Stories on Finding Happiness, Achieving Success, and Overcoming Obstacles.

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  1. That is a beautiful example of how God expects us to love. It is exactly how he loves us. Thank you for sharing

  2. Reading this post, it actually coincided with a sermon I heard today, 7/2/2023. The sermon was about LOVE, the great commission.
    I found Ms. Williams commentary very well written and reflective until the end where she speaks to GOD making her previous co-worker the way she was.
    I cannot agree with her analysis or conclusion. GOD calls for us to “love our neighbors as ourself”. Based upon the description of this women she did not appear to love herself. Perhaps there was something in Ms. Williams that triggered such aggression. Ms. Williams was not the reason nor responsible for this behavior from a person who had not come to grips with her own demons and insecurities.
    GOD did not make this behavior or any behavior that is contrary to his word. GOD does not make or create confusion that is contrary to the word of GOD. Love GOD, love yourself, and love your neighbor as you love yourself. I acknowledge, many times this command is hard to do but we are called to regardless.

  3. Such a great story. You never know why God puts certain people in the midst of your journey. Also what people are dealing with and why they deal with you a particular way.
    Glad you made it to the other side of this and it did not affect your success.

  4. Sometimes people are jealous of you in the workplace. They might not like you even if you are kind or pose no threat. I have experienced this. It was big of you to write this tribute to her.

  5. This touched my heart. It was brave and bold of you to share in a way that was respectful and kind, even after you had to deal with on a regular basis for years.

  6. Thank you for sharing this. To me the story helps us remember, that God creates all of us. We are original words of art. We are perfectly flawed, and all of us provide value to this planet.
    Try to understand it. If it is not to be understood. I understand that.

  7. What a beautiful read! I enjoyed the article and it made me thirsty for more from this author. She put her experience in perspective and was savvy enough to remain classy in the face of adversity.

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