“K, there are students who are naturally talented at this. But unfortunately, you are not one of them!”
As I listened to him, tears began to well up in my eyes; I was determined not to let them spill. I was quiet as I stretched my hands to him to take my artwork back. As I returned to my desk, the statement echoed in my mind, I am not talented. I don’t know where I found the courage, but suddenly I stopped, turned, and spoke, “You may not think I am talented, but I will complete this course.”
My teacher looked at me with surprise and admiration before finally smiling. He nodded and said, “There is no limit to what you can achieve if you dare to keep going.” Those words about my lack of talent and about persisting stayed with me.
With hard work and determination, I found that I could create functional—though not beautiful—artwork. It was precisely the capability that my employer had been searching for. So, I started work as an artist for an urban organization.
When I began my position at the company, I was competent at creating art for clients, but my ability to communicate with them was even more impressive. I realized that my special gift was understanding customers’ wishes. I could express those needs in a way that enabled artists to precisely deliver great work to the clients.
“K, you have a way with our clients that is so powerful,” my boss said one day. “You make them feel at ease and tease ideas out of them that allow us to create amazing work for them. I want to take you off the design team and move you to client strategy and program development.” I couldn’t believe it. My teacher was wrong—I was talented, after all!
Interestingly enough, I had fun working with clients and found it delightful to be part of creating unique pieces for them, even if I was not the artist producing the final product. That realization inspired me to help others find their talents and never give up on themselves. So, when I participate in mentorship programs with college sophomores, I carry that message to them.
I believe every person has gifts and abilities that are unique. We should be fearless and take chances on ourselves because it will be worth it in the end. We never know what opportunities could arise if we believe in ourselves and never give up! I needed to hear the teacher’s message. He was right. Other students created much better, highly inspired works. Though challenging, his message was a blessing because it opened me to what else I could do and what else I could be.
I had to let go of what I had envisioned for myself. My teacher’s comment that day made me keep looking for something new even as I worked as an okay artist. It was a powerful reminder that sometimes things that hurt could be the best for us.
So, if someone tells you, “You are not talented,” take it as an opportunity to find out what you’re good at and use it to your advantage. You never know where this journey of self-discovery could lead you. With commitment, hard work, and a little faith in yourself, the sky is the limit! So don’t give up—keep going! It’s just a matter of believing in yourself and taking steps to make it happen.
Years later, while leafing through a magazine for creators and artists, I stumbled upon an article featuring one of my former classmates. Her work continues to be simply fresh, vibrant, and unique. I could see and appreciate that we are talented in many different ways.
Reflecting on that moment in my classroom, I realize how much it taught me. My teacher’s words motivated me to dig deep and discover something else I could do—something that contributed to society while also providing me immense satisfaction.
I am living proof that you should never give up on yourself. On the contrary, each step and misstep bring us closer to what is suitable for us. We all have something unique to offer the world, and it’s just a matter of believing in ourselves and continuing to take steps toward our destiny.
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I love your Mahogany cards. However, the drugstore I patronize doesn’t carry enough of them. Discount Drug Mart (Sheffield Village) here in NE Ohio, carries all Hallmark brand cards. I’ve asked for more cards nothing has yet. Maybe for Mother’s day! Thank you 😊 for Mahogany!!
This is the message I give my high school students. Find your voice is my motto.
Sharon, you are so right! I have a teen son and often think about this idea of ‘voice’. I encourage him to listen twice and speak once based on what he knows and feels.
That was such a beautiful story. It was so inspiring! I pray that you use this talent to encourage the youth so that they will identify their gifts early so that they do not use their valuable time working on something that is not their purpose in life. Be that Teacher!😊
Oh, Elizabeth. I do try to inspire young and not so young too! As well, I continue to learn and grow myself. I am constantly flowing with life and love.
Dollar Tree carries the Mahogany brand of Hallmark cards in a limited quantity.
This was beautiful and accurate. Only the creator can define what He created. You were operating in a desire that was not your gift. But thankfully you heard the voice inside of you that told you what you would do. This is true for so many of us. I decided years ago that I would be either a beautician or physician because they would always have jobs. That was not my gift. I am a problem solver and creator. While I am doctor, just not a medical doctor, I am operating in my gifts. I love who God created me to be while admiring my friends are gifted physicians.
Ah, yes, Evalyne! We’ve got to let go and let God!
Your spirit and your writing is beaucoup talents.
Keep rising. Great story.
Thank you, Roz! I’m blushing!
This is such a lovely and inspiring read. I am constantly in awe of your helpful and kind spirit. Thanks for sharing!
Aww, Ene. Thank YOU for your kind comments 🥰