About the Author

Dr. Cheryl Polote Williamson is a highly sought after speaker, multi best-selling author, award winning exec. producer and filmmaker, business leader, visionary, philanthropist, purpose connection coach, editor-in-chief of Cheryl Magazine, and most importantly a servant leader.

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  1. I feel your words this morning. Thank you for baring your soul to us. Sending love your way.

    Hurtful love is a misnomer, I believe. I came to this after reading the book ‘all about love’ by Bell Hooks. We must unlearn this association because love does not hurt; it is focused on the spiritual growth of self and the other.

    Let us love. Your piece advances this beautifully.

  2. “ Lean into that pain and fear.”
    Very encouraging, sometimes we try to avoid the pain and fear but they are vital to our growth.
    As always than your for your words of wisdom.

  3. Thank uuuuuu so much for this! God is so timely, as I’m struggling to trust and bring new women into my life, especially at church.

    Your message penetrated my soul, I am so appreciative I clicked on the message this morning 🙌🏾

    Peace & blessings be upon you!

  4. Thank you for sharing your experience and resolution regarding your betrayal about your so called friend. You continue to live on and have certainly learned from this event. It’s your past friend’s loss and you have truly gained in the long run.

  5. Powerful reminder to pour well into healthy relationships and leave past hurts and wounds behind and heal.

  6. I thoroughly enjoyed this word of transparency, inspiration and encouragement! I am happy to have crossed your path! The cuts I experienced are bone deep but I feel I can move pass the hurt to heal. Exploiting sisterhood is what I dealt with and that shut me down…now to hear words that will help positive growth, this is what my heart can with! I am moving pass my pain! Thanks for caring enough for so many to share and activate change!

  7. God doesn’t make a mistake on who he connects us with. So grateful that he gave you the courage to share your story so that others could find the strength to heal. Thank you for pouring into all of us! May God continue to bless you.

  8. Greetings,
    This message really hit home for me. Just a few weeks ago I shared ( with a professional) that my friend or so I thought when I was at one of my lowest points in life made me question a decision I made concerning a toxic environment. Being that she had experienced worst I thought she would have been more compassionate. I thought she would have more empathy and more Grace. However, when I didn’t respond the way she thought I should she hung up the phone on me and we haven’t spoken since. The professional shared with me that I should have celebrated. Now take your pain and turn it into purpose. Cheryl, they aren’t enough words in the dictionary to explain how thankful and grateful that I am that you were and are being obedient to God’s calling to pour into other women. You have been and exemplify what it is to be a sister keeper without any strings attached. Great article!

  9. Amen! God puts people in our lives for a reason. Sometimes we are assigned to them. Other times they are the weapon formed against us. But God said, no weapon formed against us shall prosper. He never said that they would NOT form. So each of these weapons is a test of faith that gives us wisdom. Thank Dr. Cheryl for making this crystal clear! Love your work💕

  10. I completely agree with you. Avoiding pain does not allow us to grow and learn from our experiences. It’s important to lean into the pain and understand why it’s there so that we can heal and move forward. Pain can be a powerful teacher, and it’s up to us to learn from it and use it to become better versions of ourselves. Good stuff.

  11. What a wonderful reminder that not only can we overcome betrayal, but that process can fuel deeper relationships elsewhere. Thank you Dr. Cheryl for finding a positive in the pain!

  12. Our testimonies of our lessons learned are a crossover bridge for others. Choosing to heal is a gift to ourselves first. Thank you God’s girl for your light and wisdom. Thank you for your genuine kindness to see me win as I do for you❤️ Much love from St. Croix Virgin Islands 🌴

  13. I felt that way and still do. Also feel it’s ok now because of knowing better. That’s why I know I can move on and even feel it when I see my love ones winning and strong. I’m here with my big heart for them.

  14. Such a profound message here!!! Focus on the ones who love you and don’t allow negative people or experiences to keep you hostage from the love and life you deserve💚💚💚 Love this!!!!

  15. Beautiful Positively
    Eventful / Timely Message!
    Always On Time!
    Love the Ones Who
    Love and Live
    Do Not Allow the
    Negative Vibes/Voices from
    Take Up Any Space or Residence
    Your Cerebrum / Your Brain
    ( -Your Cerebrum Rolodex).

  16. Wow! This was a timely and profound message. A friendship of 30 years ended 18 months ago. It hurt, but I am a true believer that some enter your life for a reason, season, or lifetime. This article was a confirmation that it’s time to embrace the new season with love and forgiveness.

  17. Amen!
    I’m in the process of crossing over.
    Thank you for holding us accountable; self-checks are a must. I have a right to be in my feelings after betrayal, but dwelling in them allows them to win.

  18. Beautifully written. Thank you for speaking truth on this, Cheryl. I’ve sometimes give thought and energy to the few who have wronged me. But I am grateful to have solid, loving sister friends that deserve that energy and attention. I’m learning to lean in, learn from and then let go of the pains from the past.

  19. Cheryl, This is as a great read. It’s hard to move past the hurt of bad friendships and easy to settle into living like the next friend has already failed you. What a beautiful reminder to shift our energy to our cherished friends and center the goodness. Always love reading your sage words of wisdom.

  20. Thank you for your transparency and insight. Sisterhood can be a challenge when you have been betrayed, but your words are so inspiring! We can move on from betrayal and love will prevail. God’s Blessings!

  21. Dr. Cheryl
    I can relate to this article. The moral of the story is lean into your pain. That is what I had to do, I wondered for four long years how could this pain be so deep. The part of discovering what is needed to heal from the pain. So many questions, as the tears role down my face. That was me. Asking God to show me how to Release and forgive. That was the essential part of the puzzle that I had to strive to get to. That’s the hardest piece when you trusted the person and you have been friends for years. Just like you stated, you’ve been there for each other. I had many sleepless nights, wondering what did I do wrong. Why wasn’t I accepted. I have found out not until you are honest with yourself, and stop avoiding the pain and dig pass your fear that is when you are able to start the healing journey. Which it takes time, its a process. I learned day by day God speaks clearly to the hurt and leads you to your purpose that he designed for you . Thank you Dr, Cheryl for being so authentic with your story , and helping others like myself navigate through what once felt like a nightmare. Continue blessings extended to you,

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