About the Author

Kaity Robins was born and raised in Paterson, New Jersey. After falling for the fictional heartthrobs in novels, she focused on creating her own romance stories. Kaity says, “Writing and bringing to life the fairytale love I’ve always dreamed of is my passion and pleasure.”

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  1. Blessings to you, my sister! For God is love, and He shall not leave you hurt and in darkness. Standing behind your Father, you can conquer anything. Your win! So happy for your release from darkness, your joy in hope for the life you know is yours and your profound peace! Amen.

  2. You recognized your gift and use it beautifully. Thanks for sharing. Applause for how you responded to such an ugly situation. You’ve grown so much. Continue your journey. Follow your dreams!

  3. Thank you for sharing this part of your journey. Your writing and my reading today is a confirmation of a calling God has given me. Our God is so Awesome and Amazing. Thank you again.

  4. Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing this painful chapter and your triumphant rise from the darkness you experienced. Keep writing, keep sharing.

  5. GOD is An Awesome GOD! Your Test is Now Your Testimony! It serves as A Blueprint that GOD’S LOVE ❤️ can Conquer All!!

  6. That was strength in weakness. That was realizing just how strong we as mahogany women – truly are and the depths of pain we can overcome.

    Thank you for sharing, simply beautiful.

  7. What a beautiful well written way to document the most traumatizing experience. You present as so so strong that I would have never imagined this level of deep hurt, but through your written words – I’m crushed at what you’ve gone through. Someway, somehow the love that’s on its way to you is going to make all of those awful experiences so very worth it.

  8. This piece is beyond amazing!

    There are so many of us women that do not know that there is truly love, peace, joy, forgiveness, happiness and so many other incredibly marvelous feelings after a divorce. God is wondrous in His ability to show us that through love and forgiveness, all things are possible!

    Just as Our Lord led you to paper to scribe the words needed to get through this process of hurt know that because you made it through this process your promise will be fulfilled…He fulfills His Promises!

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