About the Author

Dr. Wood is an International TEDx Speaker and Founder of Global Speakers University, specializing in effective communication. Wood has delivered keynotes for NASA, Verizon, and more. She received the '23 ICON of Excellence Award and '21 President’s Lifetime Achievement Award.

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  1. This is Powerful and Amazing! Wow! So inspiring! This blessed me. Dr. Cheryl Wood is truly a special treasured blessing. A true inspiration. Wow my life have been enriched and blessed by her. I’m so thankful. Dr. Eric Holmes (Dr. E

  2. Mr. M told me to take the trash out of the garbage, and stand in it instead. Because, this is what I would be since I couldn’t keep my mouth shut. I cried, and thought I’ll prove you wrong. I’ll never be trash. That pushed me to prove him wrong. Then I came upon many whose stories mirrored my own. It was d divine moment to here and to put eyes upon a woman whose life spoke to me and I know her well. Mrs. Cheryl Woods has told us we have voice and if we believe we could do whatever we put our mind to do and be successful doing it and much much more. All I had to do was believe. Today as I follow the dream maker I too believe, never count myself out! I am Danae’ The Voice Of Influence!! Thank you Mrs. Cheryl Woods.

  3. Such a powerful testimony. You looked beyond your circumstances at every turn and continued to dream BIG and BEYOND. Sounds simple, but I know it was hard to do. And look at you NOW. You’ve inspired me today and I know I’m not alone. Keep soaring!

  4. An amazing story to show that you are your buff cheerleader and to keep moving forward. Dr. Cheryl Wood and a mighty example of what can happened when you do not count yourself out. Those who did, no worries, they can’t count 🌺

  5. This is a great read and confirms my calling to serve & support women seek to become all that God has purposed in them.

  6. Thank you for sharing your journey Dr. Cheryl! I have heard your story many times over the years and it continues to resonate with me. I am glad you NEVER counted yourself out. I appreciate you.

  7. You are the light. You have ignited fire in me to keep going, to keep pushing, to keep growing. There will be battles, wins and losses. Stay in your heart spirit filled gifts and serve. It will all work out!!!

  8. Wow Dr. Cheryl! What an inspiring story. God always knew your purpose. What a powerful journey. Through your resilience and determination, you kept your eyes on the prize! Your magnificent story proves that anything is possible. Kudos to you!

  9. Love this! “What will you when you won’t count yourself out?” Including not letting others count you out. Thank you for your story.

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