As a young girl growing up in an impoverished inner-city housing project being raised by a single mother and having an absentee father who struggled with addiction, I felt like I had three strikes against me from the start. Every day that I stepped outside of our apartment in the high-rise building we lived in, I became more aware that I was in an ominous environment of extreme poverty, crime, and addiction. I was constantly reminded that I would likely become “just another statistic.”
It seemed like my destiny had already been preset and everybody was counting me out. People had written their script about how my story would end – impoverished, addicted to drugs or alcohol, a teenage mother, involved in a life of crime, or dead – solely based on the path of other youth from my neighborhood. Thankfully, my mind was my strongest asset growing up in that environment, and I refused to be counted out! I convinced myself that my destiny did not have to be defined by my past and that anybody counting me out simply could not count. I gave myself permission to be the author of my own story and to write new chapters filled with limitless possibilities.
I stayed laser focused despite the many distractions around me. During my junior and senior years in high school, I was selected to participate in a paid work-study program that allowed me to start generating income and gaining valuable work experience while still in school. In hindsight, I realize that I was already breaking generational cycles and proving the naysayers wrong even as a teenager in school.
After graduation, people still counted me out and assumed I would fail because I didn’t attend college for higher learning. Immediately after high school, I entered the workforce to financially contribute to our household and help support my mother who was a blue-collar worker barely earning above minimum wage. Unlike the naysayers, I didn’t view my lack of a college degree as a setback. I viewed it as a setup for something greater. I kept “placing all bets on me” and was determined to prove that with a growth mindset, perseverance, consistency, and discipline I could defy all odds.
My first job was as a receptionist working for an accounting firm earning just enough to cover necessities, but I continued advancing in my career through hard work, skill mastery, initiative, and a strong work ethic. Ultimately, that led me on a path to becoming a legal secretary for one of the top law firms in the world earning six-figures without a college degree. Still, I knew my best was still in front of me.
After 15 years of working in corporate America, I took a big, bold risk and launched a t-shirt business in 2009. In the beginning stages, I questioned if I was good or smart enough to succeed in business, especially without any prior experience. But I was more fearful of staying stuck in life than taking a chance to explore a new possibility with the potential of failing. So, I launched the business, failed, bounced back, made mistakes, learned, and refused to be counted out!
On September 18, 2010, after 18 months of operating the t-shirt business, I stepped into an unexpected and unfamiliar opportunity to speak onstage to share my story at a women’s conference. That was the day when all my hard work, effort, commitment, and mental toughness paid off. Because on that day, I discovered that speaking was what I was born to do! Despite being extremely nervous and feeling inadequate to take the stage, I did it anyway because sometimes opportunity only knocks once. As I took the mic and began sharing my journey, I scanned the audience and could see the women taking copious notes. I could see attendees wiping tears from their eyes as my message resonated deeply with them. I felt like my soul was ignited that day because I was making a difference in other people’s lives. And I knew I wanted to feel that way for the rest of my life.
I kept playing big, taking risks, and investing in myself by hiring coaches who could teach me how to become an unforgettable speaker. As a result, today I am proud to say I own and operate a seven-figure speaking and coaching business that allows me to travel the world full-time doing what I love the most – speaking life into the dreams and possibilities of others.
I am grateful that I consistently refused to be counted out because I would have missed out on a life filled with purpose and impact.
The great news is: if I can defy the odds, so can you.
Regardless of your upbringing, your past, or current unfavorable circumstances, you have everything it takes to soar above other people’s thoughts and perceptions about what you can achieve and who you can become. You are the author of your own life. So, I challenge you to pick up the pen and start writing. Be your own biggest cheerleader, keep doing the work, keep taking the shots, and refuse to count yourself out!
What will you do when you don’t count yourself out?
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This is Powerful and Amazing! Wow! So inspiring! This blessed me. Dr. Cheryl Wood is truly a special treasured blessing. A true inspiration. Wow my life have been enriched and blessed by her. I’m so thankful. Dr. Eric Holmes (Dr. E
I love it. I was counted out as well. A teenage mom. When God had plans over our lives nothing can stop it. I love your journey! Building from the ground up.
Mr. M told me to take the trash out of the garbage, and stand in it instead. Because, this is what I would be since I couldn’t keep my mouth shut. I cried, and thought I’ll prove you wrong. I’ll never be trash. That pushed me to prove him wrong. Then I came upon many whose stories mirrored my own. It was d divine moment to here and to put eyes upon a woman whose life spoke to me and I know her well. Mrs. Cheryl Woods has told us we have voice and if we believe we could do whatever we put our mind to do and be successful doing it and much much more. All I had to do was believe. Today as I follow the dream maker I too believe, never count myself out! I am Danae’ The Voice Of Influence!! Thank you Mrs. Cheryl Woods.
This is so inspiring! A testament to women to remember to bet on yourself! Thank you for sharing your story 💚💚💚💚💚💚
Wow! This is so inspiring! Thank you for being you!
~Dr. Jo
Such a powerful testimony. You looked beyond your circumstances at every turn and continued to dream BIG and BEYOND. Sounds simple, but I know it was hard to do. And look at you NOW. You’ve inspired me today and I know I’m not alone. Keep soaring!
An amazing story to show that you are your buff cheerleader and to keep moving forward. Dr. Cheryl Wood and a mighty example of what can happened when you do not count yourself out. Those who did, no worries, they can’t count 🌺
This is a great read and confirms my calling to serve & support women seek to become all that God has purposed in them.
Thank you for sharing your journey Dr. Cheryl! I have heard your story many times over the years and it continues to resonate with me. I am glad you NEVER counted yourself out. I appreciate you.
Cheryl! Thanks a lot for all you do!
Thank you for sharing just what we need to hear. I won’t be counted out!
What an inspiring story of being your biggest cheerleader.
You are the light. You have ignited fire in me to keep going, to keep pushing, to keep growing. There will be battles, wins and losses. Stay in your heart spirit filled gifts and serve. It will all work out!!!
Wow Dr. Cheryl! What an inspiring story. God always knew your purpose. What a powerful journey. Through your resilience and determination, you kept your eyes on the prize! Your magnificent story proves that anything is possible. Kudos to you!
Love this! “What will you when you won’t count yourself out?” Including not letting others count you out. Thank you for your story.
Dr. Cheryl Wood is such a gift!
Amen. I preached a sermon once titled, “I’m not a statistic.” Thanks for sharing.
Dr. Cheryl Wood’s story and achievement inspire me aa a woman from Africa. I have learnt so much from her as an upcoming speaker in Africa. Thank you, Dr. Cheryl.
Fantastic article! It is when we let others define us that starts the doubt to start. God gave each of us talents. We have to use these gifts and continue to impact lives and make a difference. Dr. Cheryl Wood, I am so thankful you did not stop. I have appreciated every learning, conversation and support you have provided. You are a Queen full of gifts. Thank you for sharing them with us. Keep going! You are not done yet!
Dr. Wood’s journey of resilience and strong mental power are key indicators of self-discivery leading to growth and transformation despite the odds. Her story inspires to actions that are conducive to life-changing impact.
Thank you for this. I recently requested a raise and was told that I had less years of experience than the average experience of those in paygrade. I have a lifetime of lived experiences that are not taking into account. I will continue to strive because I don’t quit I am not made that way. I know that God will provide what I need when I need it but I also know I have to put in the work for those things to be played out. I am more than qualified to succeed and will not give up!! God qualifies the CALLED!!