There he stood calling out the airman’s creed. He was everything that I had prayed for and everything that I had dreamed. He had heard every word.
One day in kindergarten, his teacher had decided that she would embarrass him. She was tired of him purposefully walking to the back of the reading circle every time she announced it was time to read.
She admitted that she knew he was from a good home, as she had taught his sister Ciera a few years prior. Enraged somewhat, she took it upon herself to teach him a lesson. She figured she could do so, as she knew me and understood that I held my children accountable for their actions, even in kindergarten.
So, Mrs. S read the story. When it ended she asked, “Christopher, who is the main character in this story?” With his back still turned to her and without hesitation, he told her who the main character was as well as named the supporting characters, their roles, and their purpose in the story. He also told her the overall moral of the story and what they could all learn from it.
There Mrs. S sat with her eyes full of tears and shame in her soul. She had set out to embarrass Christopher, but instead was shocked and ashamed of her own actions.
Now, I sit in this stadium on this cold November morning at 5:45 a.m. with the memory of Mrs. S’s confession. Her discovery led her to give me this advice: “Never fight the battle of receiving eye contact from him.” She went on to advise that I should not waste precious time fighting certain battles as a mom, much more as a single mom, as this was just not a battle that needed fighting. Mrs. S advised me that she carried enough shame for the both of us.
As she apologized for the umpteenth time, I walked away, praying to remember her words as I allowed the truth of the moment to sink in. I let out a sigh of pride in him, while also fearfully hoping that I would get it (motherhood) right.
I sit now in this moment as I gaze out at my son amongst the other 755 airmen graduating today. I now replay in my mind all the senseless arguments I had with him over the years. Not to mention all of the battles in my own mind as I wondered if I would ever be good enough.
“I cannot teach you to be a man!” I would exclaim. “I am sorry. I can only tell you what a woman considers a good man to be, and I can give you Jesus.”
Yet, the fear continued its loom, year after year, that I was only ever speaking to his back (or what felt like his back). I wondered if he heard me.
It was never my intention to be a single mom. Honestly, it was one of my deepest fears. I watched my teenage friends do it in high school and I remembered thinking to myself, I am not cut out to do it on my own. Yet, I found myself divorced, starting over, and praying to God that I did not scar my children forever.
Yet somehow, some way, my words got through. He had heard me all along. I knew it to be true when just three weeks prior, my phone rang. There was my son’s face and name on my caller ID. I answered with excitement as I had waited weeks to hear his voice.
As he spoke, I discovered that he was no longer a young boy from a broken home full of his own fears (and some that I unintentionally imparted). I was now talking to a grown man; an airman. My airman.
There is no particular thing I can pinpoint. No specific change in his voice that I could tell you to listen for. But what I can tell you is that as a single mom, you are enough.
Keep praying and keep believing. Speak to your sons as though they have heard you, even when their actions might seem to tell you otherwise. Speak life to them and over them. Your words will one day stand before you.
Today, mine stands before me with the heart of David, the strength of Sampson, and the wisdom of Solomon (my prayer for him since he was a boy). Everything that I thought that I failed to give him, prayer answered.
To every single mother who is wondering if her son is listening. Know that he has heard every word. Know that your prayers are stronger than anything that could oppose the words that you have spoken over him. Know that love, the dependable sure love of a mother, will give him the strength that he needs as he navigates the waters of manhood.
What words have you given your son that you didn’t think he heard?
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Oh my–this is POWERFUL! Thank you…
Thanks for the support. Blessings to you!
This was freaking incredible. I want to hug Ms. S! And kudos to you Mom!
Ms. S was pretty special. Thanks for the Kudos.
Being a MOTHER is many things to many people, and how you do it often depends on how it was “done to you!”
This is so true. Even when it’s not done right, it can help by motiviating us to do it right.
This article is right on time for me. I am a single mom of a son as well. I never thought I would be a mom and definitely not a single mom. But things happen and through much prayer and sacrifice my son, now a grown man, has made me so proud. I was able to ( with the tha help of financial aid) send him to a prestigious private school for middle and high school and after graduation he attended and graduated from Morehouse College.
He has always had a love for politics and helping others. He is on his fulfilling that dream.
I am always giving him advice, instructing him, telling him do’s and don’ts. Never thought he was listening because he is very strong willed. But he was. He puts God first in all he does, he is well mannered and has a gentle and kind spirit.
I tell him I am now his Mom coach, his biggest cheerleader as he navigates through adulthood.
Thank you again for sharing.
Thank you also for sharing here in the comments. I believe that one thing that helps us get it right (in general) is that little part of us that always makes us wonder if we actually are :-).
Blessings to you Linda.
Beautiful! I’m in tears (the good kind).
Aww. Vicki, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read and also support with your words of encouragement. I appreciate you.
Very inspirational! Likewise, when I thought my daughters could care less what I was saying, they were listening. Years later, I’d often hear the echo of words I had imparted decades earlier. God is good… all the time! Thank you for your encouraging words; you’re an incredible writer.
My son has told me recently that he always listens, even when he doesn’t want me to know that he is. He confessed that if I tell him something, even if he doesn’t want to hear it, that he meditates on it all day and asks God to show him why I said whatever it was that I have said. They hear us. And most importantly God hears us. So let’s keep covering our children in prayer. Much love to you and yours.
Amen Amen and Amen
I know that you’re just starting your momma journey, but I also know that you were built for this. Your daughter is blessed to have you as a mom and I am so very proud of you. Thank you for supporting and encouraging me here and always. I love you to life Ma’am.
I’m not even a mother and these words were so inspirational and eloquently written. I love us!!!
I bet you are the mother of something. We were born to create. We were born to birth. You have been a portal to something great in this earth, because you are made in the image of God. So that is the place that we connect. Giving birth happens in many forms. Thank you for your kind words and yes ma’am I love us too!!
This was so touching and so timely. I asked my son when he was younger, promise me out of all the things I try to teach you, love God, live for Him, and always put God first. He is now 15, and like a true teenager who barely responds to anything I say or do, I often wonder and pray that he hears me and sees my example to live a Godly life. I pray this prayer each day. I pray over him before he goes to school and everyday.
Tiffany he hears you. I promise you, I understand. However, my son; my airman is now 24. He told me that even though he never let me know it, there’s not a day that I give him advice, that he has not spent the whole day pondering it. He says, I always ask, “Why did my mom say that to me?” Then he considers our entire conversation and prays for discernment on how to move forward.
Oh they are listening. Moreover, they are watching. Keep leading my example!
Amen bless him
Yes. God is worthy of praise.