About the Author

Dr. Alisha Reed is a licensed pharmacist and a boy mom who is unapologetic about self-care. She is the creator of the REFILL Strategy, hosts the Your Self Care Prescription Podcast, and is passionate about teaching women how to advocate for themselves.

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  1. It’s ok not to be ok. It’s ok not to rush to get things done as long as I’m progressing. Not to beat myself up for mistakes and failures. Learn and grow from them and move on. Journaling helps a lot. It’s therapeutic. I recognize it’s not the end of my story. It’s all apart of my journey.

  2. Grace to me is knowing it’s OK to say ,NO and not fill quilty about my decision. Futhermore I always enjoy a Me day with gratitude and thankfulness for His compassion instilled in me.

  3. Grace to me is just taking a break from work, family, friends, college and taking care of my mom and just “Let Go”… At 56, life is hard enough. I see haters everyday. Sharon you “can’t “ is all my FRIENDS words. But, so far I did. Got my Bachelors degree last year and working on my Masters. With all this going on. Now, I know it’s ok to “exhale” for myself. To get my hair done, read a book or even just get a Mani-Pedi… it’s okay ..💙

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