About the Author

Marcia McIntyre is a first-generation American of Jamaican immigrants. A travel coordinator by trade, she’s pursuing her passion as a writer and voiceover artist. As she writes about her heritage, she hopes her stories will impact the silenced generations to rise up and be heard.

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  1. This is a familiar story for me as well Marcia. It is the way of the enemy to obstruct us from our purpose. God, reminds us of HIS promises and that is what always motivates me to push through. A couple of things that have motivated me are (1). Remembering that CHRIST was sacrificed for me (and all of you) so that we could be the head and not the tail. When I play small, or stay small, I feel it is a sign of ungratefulness to Christ sacrifice. He gave up his whole life and I am AFRAID to walk in the promise that I am the head that just seems wrong to me. So I try things that I believe are bold moves in my purpose. The second thing I have done more recently – 2 weeks ago. I got a tattoo on my forearm, I say this saying on some social media site, just when I was about to give up on something , because it was hard and I felt frustrated. It said:
    ME: “What if I don’t have what it takes “
    GOD: “You don’t have to, because I do”
    I added “Joshua 1:9” as the last line.

    I don’t have a lot of tattoos, only two now. Any many will say well that was drastic to get a tattoo, but that reminder on my arm has moved me more in the past two weeks, than I ever would have imagined.

    We are built for greatness – let’s allow God to show his workmanship through us – He who began a good work, shall see it to completion- peace and blessings.

    • I love your brave moves and thank you for your reply! We most certainly are built for greatness and through Christ, we will see it to completion.

  2. What a great inspirational story. I find myself exactly in that place. Wanting to do something else with my life. However, unlike yours. I don’t know what. I feel stuck from all the past disappointments. Thank you so much.

    • Go back to those dreams and tap in audaciously. Try different things until something feels right to you. You will find your path for sure! I believe in you!

  3. Thank you for sharing your story on this day! It resonated so deeply with me. I wholeheartedly believe that so many people, myself included, unintentionally and conditionally settle into mere existence versus thriving in life. There are so many daily distractions and as women of color, so many hats that we wear. As someone mentioned in a comment above-straight assignment from the enemy! I am in prayer for boldness as well…for my heart to be turned so fully towards God that the boldness to take risks and tap into my gifts and ultimate purpose becomes instinctive versus an overthought. I want to die emptied of EVERY purpose He predestined and ordained for my life- not just for myself but also for others. As we journey with God together in this, I send you many blessings!

  4. Thank you for sharing your journey. The focus-strategy you’ve outlined through your words is a motivating blueprint of how to step out on faith. I truly needed to read this today. Continue betting your yourself and sharing your journey. It is well received and appreciated.

  5. Thanks for this recommitment scribe, Marcia!

    I appreciate your vulnerability in telling your truth. I love that you are going for it. KEEP GOING! And congratulations 🎈

    Full disclosure: I tell on myself often and a lot in order to propel me forward in my business – being the boss and the executor is tough, but worth it for me.

    I can’t wait to see where this venture takes you next…

  6. Your strategy is right on…Seek HIS guidance first and all things will work out for Good! I am Para phrasing a scripture, but I am sure you get my drift.

  7. “Betting on me feels right.” That is so poignant and exactly the place where I am creatively and career-wise. Thank you so much for sharing this part of your journey with so much honesty, while also uplifting those of us in similar situations. I motivate myself for what I know is within me the same way…by seeking His face and word to encourage and guide me.

  8. Well said! This resonated with me and reminds us all that we are not alone in feeling anxious when we step out on a limb. Thank you for reminding us all that with
    God at the center of our beings, everything falls into place. Thank you for both vulnerable and fearless!

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