About the Author

Marcia McIntyre is a first-generation American of Jamaican immigrants. A travel coordinator by trade, she’s pursuing her passion as a writer and voiceover artist. As she writes about her heritage, she hopes her stories will impact the silenced generations to rise up and be heard.

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  1. How do you motivate yourself to go for what you know is within you? I’m figuring out how to motivate myself in this season of my life. I realize that resetting my mindset and goals helps me gravitate to what I desire for myself. Right now, I desire healing in my body, as I’m about to start immuno-therapy in January for cancer related challenges. I want to travel, bake pound cakes, cookies, and other sweet treats, and make/sell my specialty barbecue sauce. I’ve always wanted to do voice overs too. Any tips? My biggest motivation right now is prayer, meditation, and restart setting goals (afraid to set or do anything due to financial fear; not working, and my income is sparse at the moment).

  2. I applaud you for stepping out on faith to pursue your dreams. I pray that God continues to light up your path and gives you favor with opportunities. I was inspired and encouraged while reading your article. Many blessings to you. 🙂

  3. Marcia, your journey to discipline and willpower resonates. And 2 Timothy is everything! I go to Jeremiah 29:11 and wear it on an engraved bracelet each day (ie, my daily arm candy … smiles). Doubt and downward emotions can come for sure. One glance at my arm and Jeremiah reminds me to keep going. May God continue to bless you abundantly on your journey!

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