About the Author

Angela Turner Carruthers is a versatile wordsmith whose literary journey ignited during her youth. With a writing style that marries wit, sarcasm, and profound insight, Angela possesses an ability to captivate a diverse array of readers. Her commentaries offer a refreshing perspective that resonates across a broad spectrum of audiences.

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  1. Thanks for the beautiful message. It offered an insight on the connection between all that God created.

  2. I’ve been reading the selections from Hallmark Mahogany for months now. This is the first time I’ve been compelled to leave a comment. Your writing touched my heart. I too thought I had a “brown thumb”. But as I’ve grown/matured, I’ve started caring and growing plants. The serenity and joy it brings is so beautiful. Thank you for putting this feeling into words.

  3. Angela, I sincerely appreciate your story. Our home is filled with plants (thanks to my husband’s green thumb), including a lovely peace lily I received when my mom passed away suddenly. That was over 15 years ago, and it’s still my favorite plant. It’s spring blooms remind me of how God renews us, especially after hard seasons of life. May God continue to bless you on your journey, xoxo

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