Back in my early 20s, I had gone through an experience that forced me to take stock of what truly mattered to me. What did I value? What was worth spending my money on? Before I had that experience, I valued material things…for the wrong reasons. I spent my money on material things to the detriment of my financial future. Although being forced to figure out your priorities isn’t the best scenario, it was definitely what I needed.
I came to realize that I value exploration in the form of travel and new experiences. I decided long ago that it’s something that matters to me, and now I prioritize it on a consistent basis. Not only do I prioritize it for the benefits of experiencing new things, but for what it does to me as a person.
I believe seeing new and different places helps to open a person’s mind. It’s actually quite hard to explain. Almost like if you live in a bubble—and by bubble, I mean stay in the same environment— anything outside of that bubble seems so foreign and far away. When you travel and explore, you see and experience so many different people, places, and things. It naturally makes you a more well-rounded individual. It makes you understand that anything is possible for your life.
Because I’ve determined that exploration feeds my soul, it’s something that I will always prioritize. One way I prioritize exploration is by saving for future adventures. I have a line item in my budget for Travel. Currently, I’m saving $50 per month on travel. When I have a trip planned, I get strategic and increase the amount saved. I’ve traveled without planning and saving ahead, and I’ve traveled with planning and saving ahead. Trust me, the latter is a much better experience!
When I don’t have any trips planned, and when I’m feeling the urge to explore, I like to try new things in Austin (where I currently live)! I go to new restaurants, I take drives to enjoy scenic views, and I try new activities. Over time, I’ve come to realize that exploration isn’t just about seeing new places, it’s also about experiencing new things!
Another way I prioritize exploration in my life is by suggesting new things to do or places to visit with my friends, family, and partner. When there’s an option of going out for dinner and drinks with my girls, I like to research restaurants and bars I’ve never been to.
When my boyfriend and I want to switch up our date night routine, we like to do different things. We recently went to a paint and sip class together for a date night activity, and it was a blast! Don’t get me wrong, I’ll always love going to the movies, but it’s nice to switch things up every now and then!
The beauty of exploration is that you don’t have to go far! For most of us, there is so much to do and see in our current city that will keep us busy! That allows us to get the exploration “fix” while planning accordingly for bigger adventures! I recognize that different people value different things, but what stays the same is the need for each of us to determine what we value. Once we know what we value in life, it’s incredibly important to make sure those values are prioritized in our normal routines of life.
Do you prioritize exploration? If so, how do you make it work in your life? If you don’t, what do you value that feeds your soul, and how do you make it a priority?
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This really resonates with me. I love to shop but I also love travel. Lately I just haven’t had the extra funds to spend but I like your idea of putting at least $50 a way every month. I’m also always looking for new places to go in my area to satisfy my wanderlust.
This article reminded me so much of myself, like you I have a travel account I deposit in every month like it’s a bill. I attend a smooth jazz cruise that travels 3-5 countries every year, with about 200 artists and musicians on the ship, it’s one big party for seven days, travel and music the best of both worlds. I love seeing other parts of the world and experiencing different cultures, have learned so much about myself. I travel solo able to move and experience at my own pace. Travel goal 100 countries by age 100
A smooth jazz cruise?! How cool!
Same here! There are so many places to see!
Yes! Yes! And Yes! Exploration for me is everything. Like you said, it broadens the mind and changes your view of your world. At least that is what I get from your writing. I always have a trip planned if only in my head for this reason. I do appreciate your conversation of the experiences. I didn’t realize the joy in experience can be just as fulfilling too! New foods, new parts of town, it all counts. Thank you! I recently visited Austin for the first time about a month ago and there is so much to do! So many options! Can you tell I loved this article?
We are definitely on the exact same page!! 🙂
Wow Reya, I couldn’t have articulated this any better. My family and friends (and especially my husband) knows this about me, traveling is my “education” and has been for decades. I often say, my geography class began when I took my first trip outside of the USA. My personal goal is to visit all seven continents (I’d take six by leaving off Antarctica, for now) by the 2026. This will be accomplished once I go to Asia. And then I will visit all fifty states, as a follow-up goal. Finally, if I do not have SOMETHING planned I get antsy. Happy Exploration Day (this will become a thing one day – hahahaha)!