About the Author

Faitth Brooks is a social worker, speaker, writer, and podcaster. Formed in the Christian tradition and Black liberation theology, Faitth uses her platform to enliven her following for collective liberation centering on the sisterhood of black women. Faitth is crafting communal space where rest, tenderness, and softness are commonplace for...

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  1. I love this! I have just retired for these exact same reasons and thankful I had the choice!

  2. I love this! I had no work/life balance when I worked in education. I gave all I could until they decided I was no longer giving enough. Right now my struggle is finding full-time employment and has been my struggle for more almost 2 years. I always felt there was a problem for an employer to ask what I would be doing in 5 years. Most times we don’t know what will happen from day to day! Especially in this working world that gives you nothing and expects everything until you are nothing. Thank you for this post!

  3. I am so glad you learned this lesson early in your life. I retired sooner than I had intended for similar reasons immediately after the pandemic. My goal now is to find work I enjoy that is meaningful, purposeful, enjoyable m, and what I choose to do.

  4. I know the second I read your post that you have the heart of a social worker. From one servant to the next, thank you for sharing this beautiful story of stepping out on faith, living life purposefully and the importance of balancing work. We are not defined by those whom we are called to serve or the space we occupy at the table. And, Sis, this was an transparent reminder. Desiring the best for you!

  5. Thank you for writing this piece. I’m struggling right now on this very decision but reading your journey has brought clarity. As women we give so much of ourselves to everything except what makes us truly happy. I admire your courage taking a step back but stepping forward. We’re not happy until we find our true purpose. Again, thank you for sharing God bless.

  6. I’m seventy four and semi- retired. I worked over forty years. I went back to work after a year of being retired. I work three days a week for a non-profits housing management company. They have relocated me four times. Once I get to know the tenants and form a relationship with them, I’m moved. This has been over a course of five years. In the last few years I have began to question my choice of returning to work and where I work. I feel that there is something missing that I can’t put my finger on. I want to use my gifts in where ever I work. To paraphrase Proverbs 18:16. My gifts will make room for me. I’m praying soon. Thanks for sharing your story, it was encouraging.

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