In the midst of my own season of transition, Nikki Giovanni’s wisdom called me to re-examine my perspective. She said:
A lot of people resist transition and therefore never allow themselves to enjoy who they are. Embrace the change, no matter what it is; once you do, you can learn about the new world you’re in and take advantage of it.
For the first time in a long time, I’d found myself in the midst of transition in my career and life. The Wise Creator prepared me for this moment months earlier by dropping in my spirit two words: rest and reset. This transition season of my life was the opportunity for me to do exactly that. It was part of a necessary journey. When we think of journeys, we often focus on the arrival or destination and what they mean. But what about the transition, the position of being in between?
Transitions take us through the process of making the change, shifting direction or life course. What if we reimagine transitions as a transformational force—a turning point in the journey? If life was a flight, transitions would be the layover. They connect us to the next flight. As we know, layovers can be long, and delays keep us waiting longer than anticipated. But I have learned that one of the things that I have truly appreciated about my travel was the encounters that happened during the transitions, the layovers.
A delay connected me with a life-long friend and established friendships with new ones. During a transition, I was able to discover a book by someone who would be one of my favorite authors. Another transition opened the door for me to translate for another passenger in need. Layovers gave me extra time to just rest.
What if we view transitions not as something we have to endure and go through but as sacred moments that we enter into?
There is power in the in-between. There is power in the transitions where we don’t feel or see any movement. There’s power in the hidden—when it seems like nothing is happening, yet everything is happening at the same time. The caterpillar cannot transform into a butterfly without experiencing the transition within the cocoon. Photos have been developed in darkrooms. Seeds can’t bear fruit until they are buried into the depths of the soil.
The seasons of transition call us to wait. Let’s just say that my relationship with waiting can be defined as “It’s Complicated.” But waiting offered me the opportunity to be still and truly rest and reset. The gift of transition brought me the gift of the pause. Nikki Giovanni’s wisdom helped me to see the possibilities and gifts that the season of transition can bring if I only embrace it.
What if we looked at transitions as moments that position us for what is next? What if we allow transitions to teach more lessons than we would expect? What if the transition is the hallway that prepares us before we enter the room? What if the transitions don’t want us to rush through them, but take time to bloom?
What if the transition
is the position that grounds us?
What if the transition
shows us what we are made of,
gives us time to breathe,
gives us time to heal,
gives us time to grieve,
gives us time to feel,
gives us time to be silent,
gives us time to speak,
gives us time to hide,
gives us time to seek,
gives us time to just be,
gives us time not to have an agenda or timeline.
What if transitions can be redefined?
During my transition season, I listened to an interview with Nikki Giovanni. The host asked her what advice she offers those who are entering seasons of transitions [for whatever is next]. She responded by encouraging us to approach it with a smile. Even though I may not know what’s next, I have faith in the possibilities.
Embrace the transition, beloved sisters.
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I receive this in Jesus’ Name! 🙌🏾
So good. the read was especially good as I have surgery next month with some required down time. I will embrace it giving me time to transition and not get anxious about getting behind. Thanks for sharing!
I enjoyed reading this article. I would like the permission to share it with some women at my church and I would like the opportunity to preach a part of it that truly spoke to me as a sermon at my church. Continue writing and encouraging others. Love it so much.
Please share this article with your community. This transition is my present reality and I am living through this. Thank you so much for sharing this.
Thank you for sharing your gift of love and poetry to the world! You are speaking life into the hearts of people everywhere!
This beautifully describes how I approached my most recent transition. Due to a sudden, unexpected, rapid decline in my mental health, I chose to leave work and rest. During my reset, I gained clarity while being quiet. I enjoyed weeks without an agenda. I acknowledged the pain and trauma I neatly tucked away. This transition period birthed a love for my wellbeing and allowed me to reclaim my life on my own terms. What looked like crazy was actually the hallway preparing me to enter the house of serenity and peace. Yes, you’re right about embracing transitions even while uncertain about the outcome.
Thank you for this beautiful perspective. Transitions can teach us patience, if we allow it.
Eloquently said! This article was right on time as I’m going through a transition phase now. I never looked at transitional periods as a time for rest and reflection. I looked at it as a time to move through as quickly as possible. Thanks for sharing.
Going through my transition stage now and it is freeing. Thank you for such beautiful words of wisdom.
Sheila P. Spencer, you have just given me inspiration!
I am encountering transitions in my life today, but you have given me an answer while waiting and going through.
I am learning to grow, to be patient with me , to be
These words have inspired me to embrace what’s next with joy and a smile 😊.
Thank you for writing about transition and calling out the underlying fear of not knowing and forcing trust. We either trust that God is in control or stay in fear.
So much power in the in between! Love This!
Wow! That’s a mouth full!
I love the power of the in between!
Thank you for these timely words!
Wonderful wise words my friend
Thank you for sharing this thought provoking journey into life transitions. The depth and intensity of insight of this writing provided a comfortable space to live in, connect with, grow into and feel the emotion of life’s “in-between”.
So often we view transition in terms of how quickly we can be done with it! Thank you for resetting the narrative. Stay and rest a while.
Thank you for sharing this timely message. I’ll take the charge of entering transition as a “sacred moment!”
Phenomenal message. Embrace the transition!
Rev. Sister Soror Friend you have truly imparted words of inspiration!
“There is power in the hidden”! I felt those words on so many levels.
I pray that you continue to allow your gifts to help shift the world!
In my 72 + years I have gone through many transitions. Each one has opened new doors, new adventures, new frustrations, and new friends, It has made me resilient.
Sis. Sheila,
I am truly inspired by these timely words. I’m in that transitional space right now and I see my need for being patient with myself. Allow me to be me without feeling anxious..thank you for I receive these words of relief with joy.
I love this topic! It’s so important to embrace change. It can save your life.
What a word of wisdom. You have planted a seed. And this stirred in my spirit, “There is power in the in-between.” God bless you!
I saw myself in your piece! It was beautifully written as usual. I love you!
Thank you. This is a beautiful description of the season I am in. You said so accurately what the Spirit is saying to me. God bless you.🙏🏾❤️
Beautifully and meaningfully spoken. Your quote “What if we view transitions not as something we have to endure but as sacred moments that we enter into?” is a treasure! Thank you for this wonderful revelation to a period in time that we all must face in our personal sacred moments. You are a jewel, Sheila. I am so grateful to God for the gift he has given you that you share so freely. May God continue to bless you and walk alongside you in these sacred moments.
Thank you, awesome and new way to see transition and I will embrace my upcoming transition (retirement). Min. Ron Taylor sent this reading to me and I plan to share it as well.
Wow, Sis! You preached a great sermon — in a few precious paragraphs. My sincere gratitude for the enlightenment.
This really blessed my soul in an amazing way.
I love this article by my friend, Sheila Spencer, about transitions and how to embrace them and see them in a new and positive light.
Well said . . . And well-received. Thank you so much. 🌹
A beautiful and powerful perspective of embracing the NOW! I am Thankful! Thank you, Sheila! 🙏🏾✨️
Excellent article. Just what I needed. Praise God!!!
Just what I needed to hear!
I love it. this is for me. I need to hear this in my transition.
I Am Embracing The Possibilities!
This is wonderful. I often say I’m on break since I left my career in 2021 after thirty two years. I will begin saying I’m in transition from now on as I decide what new career path to pursue.
This reminds me of being in the valley. Most people believe they are healed or made whole once they make it through their challenges. I believe that I healed or made whole while going through my challenges or what I like to call the valley. I embrace my valley experiences because that is where I learn to surrender and accept that God is in control. In my valleys, my faith is made stronger.
Absolutely wonderfully stated Sheila! Thank you for putting pen to paper (or keys) to share these rich delicious nuggets of truth with us. I’ve always enjoyed your writing and as always…I’m the better for having read your words! Continued blessings my sister in rhyme.