Three years ago, as the world was shutting down because of the pandemic, God gave me a vision to expand my 11-page newsletter to a full magazine. I had been sending out the newsletter for about a year at the time, but I knew it could be so much more. In February 2020, I sat quietly in my home office thinking about how I was going to make my vision a reality. I had no media knowledge or experience, but after speaking with someone who had years of experience in magazine editing, I realized that this was something I needed to pursue.
At that time, all I had was my newsletter, my vision board, and an assignment from God to create something that would inspire us, Black women ages 40-70. I wanted a magazine to remind us that it is never too late to pursue our dreams courageously and unapologetically. I knew many women felt like I did. After raising the children and supporting my husband through various phases of climbing the corporate ladder, when will it be my turn? Once the children get older, we start our second act. We realize that we can now focus more on ourselves—our careers, dreams, and desires. We realize it’s time to share our gifts with the world.
I placed my goal on my vision board, and I was ready to take the next step. At the time, I was enrolled in the Goldman Sachs Small Business Program. We had to make a stretch goal, and I decided to make my stretch goal expanding my newsletter. This helped me to organize my thoughts and carefully decide on next steps. I knew this was not something I could achieve on my own, so I started thinking about who I would partner with.
Thankfully, I have been blessed with an amazingly talented and resourceful network. It did not take me long to assemble my list of collaborators, affectionately known as ‘The Cheryl Magazine Dream Team.’ I reached out to these phenomenal women and shared my idea. They loved my vision and immediately agreed to help. Together, we brainstormed how to actualize my vision. One thing about a group of Black women, we gon’ accomplish more than a few things—Amen, sis?!
After several conversations with my team, we started fundraising for financial support and ad revenue for the magazine. We received many yes’s but plenty of no’s as well. While they were disappointing, I knew that every ‘no’ was getting me closer to a ‘yes,’ and I persevered. I was so grateful for the people that did agree to take a chance and invest in my vision.
By winter 2021, I had released the first official issue and Cheryl Magazine was born. My little 11-page newsletter had grown up into a 120-page magazine with a double cover featuring two beautiful and successful Black women, Kimberly Bizor Tolbert and Tanya Turner. After the release of the first issue, I was able to get helpful feedback from readers on what they liked, what needed improvement, and what they wanted to see in future issues.
I used that feedback to perfect my process and ensure that the next edition would be even better. I became more intentional and strategic about the content. My vision for every article in the publication was crystal clear, and I was adamant about my main goal of inspiring women ages 40-70 to pursue their dreams. Everything in the magazine needed to be in alignment with that vision, or it would be scrapped.
Shortly after the release of the first issue, I started gaining more exposure and visibility for the magazine by advertising on social media and going to businesses with the debut issue in hand. I knew I would need more financial support and brand recognition for the magazine to grow. Keeping my vision top of mind, I worked to get Cheryl Magazine into as many hands as I could. I remember how I felt holding the first edition in my hands—much like what I felt when I held each of my three children for the first time after they were born. I was completely elated. What started as a thought had led to a simple conversation amongst friends, and it was now a beacon of hope and inspiration for women in their second act. Sis, if you know God, then you know anything is possible!
Cheryl Magazine is my 75 to 120-page love letter to Black women. It is a re-launching pad for women in their second act and has helped these brilliant women realize that they still have gas in the tank! The team behind the dream is comprised of all Black women between the ages of 40 and 70. Together, we created a resource for women who were once like me, women who had given up on their dreams because they’d put their lives on hold to raise their children. Cheryl Magazine was created for us, by us.
My sisters of a certain age who are reading this, please know that you have not been forgotten. You are not alone, and if there is breath in your body, then it is not too late. You can still achieve your dreams. You can still utilize your gifts to inspire and achieve greatness. A dream always starts with a thought, but after that thought, a dream requires action. Do not be discouraged because it has not happened yet. If you have had the thought, that is the first step. Keep taking one step at a time, and your dream will come to pass. Your second act will be your best one! If you know God, you know that anything is possible! You got this!
What does your second act look like?
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Love this! So inspiring.
Thank you for reading, Alex. So glad to hear that you were inspired by reading my story!
it’s amazing… I had to learn how to pivot after getting a hole in my neck due to trauma and then later a cancer diagnosis. Because of these things, I had to take a disability retirement…For a minute there (a long minute) I turned that loss and that tragedy into my new passion. I decided not to stay in a pity party and was able to secure a great coach, friends, family and a wonderful tribe. Now, I’ve turned that “loss” into speaking to others about domestic violence, how to keep your faith during cancer, and learning how to pivot once your reality has been shaken. I’ve written a children’s book, making a short films and have a standing appearance on a TV show!! We serve an amazing God and I know that His ways are not our ways. I’m learning to rejoice in my infirmities and rely on His strength and comfort. I am blessed to still be alive and I’m not slowing down and I’m living unapologetically and sharing the LIGHT with all that I come into contact with. I am choosing to not let what I no longer can do, stop me from doing what I can do.
This is truly inspiring. You turned your pain into purpose. This is exactly what my messaging is about. I’m so proud of you. Thank you for taking the time to read and share your story, sis!
This article truly spoke to me. It was great confirmation that it’s never too late to live out the vision that’s inside of me.
That’s right, Janelle … it’s NEVER too late! I’m so grateful that you took the time to read & comment! Keep pushing forward toward your dreams. You got this, queen.
It is inspiring and reassuring that it is never too late for us to fulfill our dreams or even start to dream again. As always, your articles are a thought-provoking reminder of how amazing it is to be a Black Woman. Being over 50 and still able to go after my dream to make an impact in the world is no less than the grace of God.
Royleta your story is truly amazing. Soon, the world will know it! What an inspiration you are. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment sis.
At 43, I realize I have many things to birth that must be on both and given to the world! This was so moving and powerful! Thank you for your testimony! It’s never too late!
Louise, its time for you to share your testimony! The world needs to experience the greatness that is within you. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment!
This is a prime example of how it’s never too late to make your dreams come true. It’s inspiring how you took such a small newsletter and turned it into a full blown magazine to uplift and edify other women like me and so many others! It’s a magazine for the everyday woman!! Thank you for pouring into us!
Dr. Cheryl is ALWAYS so inspirational and her transparency is so valuable to those who need a guide to “how to accomplish my dream”
Thank you for this inspiring article. Job well done yet again sweetie ♥️
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, dear sister/friend. You are an inspiration to me. Thank you for taking the time to read & share.
As I approach my 53rd birthday I find myself in unfamiliar waters. I have begun a complete 360 degree change in my normal life routine. I have recently retired from being a hair stylist of 34 years. This is what I felt all I knew how to do “well”! I loved the intimacy and realness of the relationships that I was blessed to have with my clients. It motivated me to always share the wisdom of God with everyone who was willing to hear the truth. Sometimes I found myself being shocked at what I was saying and realizing that it was a word from God and was actually for myself! Ain’t that God…
During the pandemic I realized I wasn’t feeling fulfilled with what I was doing! I had an urge to do something more fulfilling. I know I helped many in my salon career however I realized it wasn’t enough for me. I decided in 2022 to retire from hair, which in turn devastated many of my clients (so I was told) it wasn’t an easy decision but I felt a calling on my life to fulfill some of my other dreams to help women and families embark on home ownership. With being an African American woman things are already stacked against you. However, knowing my relationship with God all things are possible! I know the power of speaking life into your dreams meaning speak them out loud and in the present tense! I am the head and not the tail. I I am a child of the most high God and I am loved. He is always with me and He will always direct my path even if I make a wrong turn He will always be there to redirect me! I understand that trials and tribulations will come but I will count them All Joy because with them comes breakthroughs and abundance! So be encouraged ladies that no matter what you’re faced with God knows and it’s just a stepping stone to the next level God is preparing you for! Trust His Plan❤️
Wow Cyd – thank you so much for sharing. Your testimony is nothing short of amazing. You touched lives in your time as a stylist and you are still touching lives, just by showing up! Thank you for reading sis!
One last thing…I shared my story because of my stage in life but I wanted to also say that if you are posting in this space you have an amazing women in your corner cheering you on and praying for you! Dr. Cheryl Williamson is one of those Real and Passionate women I have ever had the pleasure of knowing! Her books and stories our talks have blessed me tremendously! I can definitely say she has been a pivotal person in my development of loving Me!
Thanks again, Cyd! Love you!
I could not be more proud and enthusiastic about the Cheryl Magazine subscriptions. It brings me great joy to receive this wonderful
Magazine with articles and information so relevant to women such as myself. To know that being 56 years old does not mean my dreams are over. I can still have my hopes and dreams come to fruition and thrive. This magazine is wonderful.
That’s right, Cynthia! We are just getting started. I’m so glad that you are inspired by the content in the magazine. I’m grateful for you! Thank you for reading and sharing, sis.
When I see the words Second Act and I realize where I am in life at this age 53 . Is it too late to start down a different path ? Stop working and Start living the life God prepared me for . This article makes me reflect on getting that second wind and believe anything is possible and forget about 53 . Be passionate about my goals and desires and be unapologetic in reaching them! Thank you Dr Cheryl for being the vessel and showing us we can have our dreams and desires just have faith!! Love you
It is never too late sis. In fact, this is just the beginning! You are just getting started. I can’t wait to see how God continues to move in your life! Thank you for taking the time to read & share.
What a timely message! This article spoke volumes! Thank you Dr. Cheryl Polote-Williamson for not stopping at the thought! You are a beacon of hope and light in such a dark world. You are appreciated, valued and a needed vessel in the Earth!
I am so glad to hear that my story spoke to you, Angie. Thank you for taking the time to read & share!
Cheryl is a class act! Her love for God and community is noticed in her work and personal life. To experience her energy is a breath of fresh air and a privileged wrapped in a beautiful bow. As a Business Coach and Mentor, she not only pushed me out of my comfort zone but became one of my biggest cheerleaders. It doesn’t get any better than that! I was honored to be a part of such of a monumental moment, gracing the cover of (a dual cover) the first edition of Cheryl Magazine with another beautiful sista. Everything Cheryl is achieving and receiving is well-deserved. I’m super proud of her!
It was my joy & great honor to have you as a Cheryl Magazine cover girl. Your story is exactly what I envisioned when I created the magazine. Thank you for being an inspiration. And thank you for taking the time to read and share, sis!
Dr. Cheryl
You continue to amaze me with the backstory that hits home for so many of us. I love your transparency and the commitment to love and push every black women to their purpose. You have demonstrated, walked your talk, and stood in faith! Congratulations on all you have accomplished and all that you will continue to do.
Keep doing God’s work! Blessings on blessings!
I love you !
I absolutely love this! You are a beacon of light that continues to spark many. This article is so profound for this season of expansion in every aspect of my life. What I realized over the years is Vision must be activated by intentional movement. Dr. Cheryl Polote- Williamson thank you for leading the way! Blessings & Abundance
Thank you for being obedient to the gift and vision that God placed within you. Your life has truly helped me see the wonders of God’s love and how He will use us to be a blessing to others!
Sis I am so grateful that I have helped you! Your story is an inspiration to me. Thank you for taking the time to read and share!
Cheryl’s magazine has become a powerful, inspiring publication for women around the world. It has created synergy among women who are able to tell their stories and bring their viewpoints about life, careers, family, trials, and challenges to the forefront, for all of us to learn and grow.
This is exactly what was on my heart when I created Cheryl Magazine. I’m so glad to hear that you have been blessed by it. I’m so grateful for you, sister/friend. Thank you for taking the time to read and share!
Cheryl is always such an inspiration and this article is no exception. It’s amazing what we can do when we just let spirit lead.
Amen, Samantha. I say that often. It’s not me, its God. I’m just walking in obedience and doing what he tells me. Thank you for taking the time to read and share.
Wow this is a beautiful testimony and as I quickly approach 50 it makes me think about my next and what that looks like. Thank You for this Cheryl. You are amazing!
Your 50th will be your best year yet, sis! I can’t wait to see how God continues to move in your life. Thank you for taking the time to read and share!
Dr. Cheryl, I so needed to read this. I’m starting my second act and keep asking, Am I too old, too tired, too out of touch? The answer is NO! May God continue to bless you to bless other Black women of a certain age. We need our sisters to beat the drum so we can dance unapologetically into our next act wearing the crowns we deserve.
You are so right! Not too old or out of touch! Our age gives us the wisdom and insight that will continue to propel us forward! Love you! Thank you for taking the time to read & share!
Cheryl’s journey is a demonstration that she is a gifted encourager! She truly has the heart to push other women into their destiny. Touching those she’s called to, to take action is her superpower!
I love your story and how you reinvented yourself to expand your dreams. I launched a business after early retirement and I too, want to start a newsletter. Your story has inspired me to “stretch” and go for it!
Dany, you can do it! Start your newsletter today. Don’t wait. I can’t wait to see how God moves for you. Thank you for taking the time to read & share!
Thank you Cheryl for this moving reminder to pursue your dreams at any age. Your article on women and their second act in life and staying focused on pursuing their dreams is a thought-provoking piece that sheds light on an important topic. Your story resonates with many women including myself who feel the need for a fresh start or change of direction. Cheryl you touched on the unique challenges that women face, such as societal biases and a lack of representation. Your call for increased awareness and empowerment of women in order to foster more supportive environment for those embarking on their second act is inspiring!
You are such a blessing, and an inspiration. I’m so glad that you resonated with my story. Keep going, sis! Thank you for taking the time to read & share!
Thanks for being and inspiration and a reminder that God’s time table is always on time!
Always on time sis! Always! I’m so grateful for you. Thank you for taking the time to read & share!
She will not fail or be stopped!!! I love you sis!!!
Amen my sister! I love you, Tab. You are such a blessing to me. Thank you for taking the time to read & share!
My Second Act looks like healthy living while living with cancer, become debt free (student loan paid off), a non-stressful remote job, traveling the world, having my specialty barbecue sauces on store shelves, and to become a Godly wife.
My second act is implementing the dream that God had given me to serve the underserved African American and other marginalized BIPOC communities through our foundation. I didn’t know anything about non profits but what I did know was God was going to send the people to help me. Thank you for this “Cover Girl”Ms Cheryl your amazing and this confirms that my second is in alignment with God’s Vision.
Stephanie 💜
WOW! What a beautiful & inspiring second act that is, sis. The world needs you & the work that you are doing. Thank you for being obedient & answering the call. I’m so proud of you. Thank you for taking the time to read & share.
What a wonderful and inspirational reminder that aging doesn’t mean it’s all over and that our personal stories are still waiting to be told! Like so many, I put my life/dreams/career on hold for family and kids. With them out into the world, I have struggled with readjusting my focus. But, yes, my dreams and goals are still there. I appreciate somebody seeing value in them and me. Dr. Cheryl, thank you for always being a positive, encouraging, firm voice that says, ‘you can do it!’ and reminding us that everyone has a unique gift and that the world is waiting for it! Sharing your gift blazes a trail that we all can follow.
Welcome to your second act sis! There is great beauty and honor in the fact that you took time to raise the children and focus on your family. Now, its time to take everything you learned during those years & channel them into God’s vision for this next phase. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for you. Thank you for taking the time to read & share!
Cheryl Magazine is beautifully designed and provides inspirational articles. I love the way you encourage black women not to give up on themselves.
Michelle – I’m so glad that you are inspired by Cheryl Magazine. This is what I had in mind when I created Cheryl Magazine. It is my love letter to US. Thank you for taking the time to read and share.
Thank you for sharing your story and encouraging me to KEEP PUSHING! I will never give up on my Dreams and it is stories like Yours that gives me the MOTIVATION to KEEP GOING despite the OBSTACLES and DISTRACTIONS that tries to get in my way! BULLDOZER MODE ACTIVATE!!!
Act 2 resonates with me because I created a set of journals to document my life after a stroke in 2019. I name then ACT 2, because I felt as though my life was playing out like a stage play and although ACT 1 was great it wouldn’t compare to ACT. God is writing my ACT 2 script right now. This is my encore, it’s my change to do every single thing I want to, it’s believing that I can go beyond my wildest dreams, I believe it’s the most pivotal and important part of your life, I retired after 20 years in corporate to live my best life, which I’m doing everyday. This was a well written article by Cherly. It motivated me to want to do more
This an encouraging article that confirms that our dreams and our passions can be realized at whatever age. It’s not too late.
Thank you, Cheryl for sharing your revelation which breeds hope for myself and many other women.
Such a glorious article!!! I am truly inspired; my second act is filled with more opportunities than ever before, and the boldness I need to accomplish my dreams!
Congrats to you! Keep at greatness, it looks good on you.
This article told me and my soul that it is never too late and age is nothing but a number. Thank you for the inspiration, Dr. Cheryl!
I will be 72 years old in a few weeks and I know that God is not through with me yet. Thank you for this encouraging message, it is truly affirming!
Where can I get your Cheryl Magazine?