About the Author

An award-winning nurse, Dr. Leonard empowers through transparency, courage, and motivation. She’s committed to helping people identify strategic goals, tear down barriers, and develop ways to Be Powerful On Purpose. She’s sure to leave a mark on the hearts and minds of others.

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  1. Thank you for sharing your delicate story, a slice of life for you in this season. Nothing but respect for you and your warrior princess daughter 🙏🏾🙏🏾

  2. Thank you for sharing this incredibly powerful story. Your daughter sounds formidable just like you. Praying for peace over your family.

  3. Wow… your story hit home. I too have a 1st cousin who is battling this same issue. Her 23 year old daughter is recieving hemodialysis 3x week related to lupus nephritis and she too has been in and out of the ICU.
    I too am an advanced practice nurse, helping to support them thru medical management while being an encourager, instilling prayer and hope, understanding that God is in control.

    I’m in agreement with a previous commenter… your daughter is a warrior princess… as you are a warrior queen!
    Praying God’s continuous blessings, grace and mercy upon you both!

    God is a Healer!


  4. Dr. Leonard, this piece was impactful, powerful, and compelled me to pray.
    I prayed for your daughter, you, and others living life as best they can with chronic illnesses.
    Thank you for this piece.
    Thank you for the privilege to pray. 🙏🏽🌹

  5. Wow !! I am going through something similar and needed this !! Thanks so much for your transparency …
    I am praying for you both

  6. May God’s Blessings & Love surround you & your daughter. Her strength through this journey is a living testimony to other young people surviving a chronic illness. Thank you for sharing. 🙏🏽

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