About the Author

Corene Marsham is a 20-year cancer survivor, caregiver, and career professional in the federal government. She enjoys music, traveling, reading, and sports. Corene is active in her church, in community outreach, and in her sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc.

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  1. Your wonderful with or without children. You are still a women, be blessed that you are still here with your family

  2. I know how you are feeling. I had my child when I was 16 , not married, but I did have a great mother to help me, Fast forward to 28, engaged got married at 29, wanted to have a baby with my husband, so we could have the experience being in love and having our baby together, went to several doctors to find out I couldn’t get pregnant, very bad menstrual pain and they to me I need a hysterectomy , but I put it off for years hoping praying to get pregnant. I finally have to come to grip that I was going to have a baby, so I fooled myself i was good with moving forward. I’m grateful that I do have a child, but the feeling of wanting to have a child the (right way ) still makes me sad that I couldn’t. So you are right we have to grieve, in our own way.

  3. I also had uterine cancer. In May of 2023 I had a full hysterectomy also. I came though it with no pain. I had it already set that I never wanted to have any kids.

    • Corene,
      Thank you for surviving. Your story and many like yours’ prove women have incredible fortitude and character. You have saved, encouraged, unraveled, and enlightened many lives at our own expense. Thank you for being an unsung shero.

  4. Thank you for sharing such a personal experience. I have often had second, third, and fourth thoughts on decisions I made regarding childbearing. I had a plan, but that plan fell through. I appreciate knowing there is someone else who understands it takes time to grieve and there is no time limit on that. God’s Blessings!

  5. Corene, you said the words many have felt. I praise your strength. We must allow ourselves to feel and grieve, so that we can heal. Thank you sis!

  6. My Dearest Co,

    How amazing it is to have known someone practically all their lives, but not really know them. I have mixed feelings after reading your post which expressed your intimate feelings as you made some of the toughest decisions to survive. I am happy you are safe, alive, and well, but I am saddened by the journey you took to get to this place. I cannot explain the whys and hows, but I can tell you that God carried you through your troubled time, and I pray this post is used to heal many other young women, like yourself, who needs healing because of a non-favorable medical diagnosis. May you be a blessing through this testimony and may God receive all the glory from it. We communicate five days a week, and I am honored to be your little brother and to be among your close circle. I love you with all that is within me, and my prayer is that we grow old together. Love You!

  7. To my Friend, Mentor and Sister, Thank you for sharing your story, your testimony. Thank you for your vulnerability as it will help others to either: trust their instincts and seek help when they “know something isn’t right”; or if going through after diagnosis, know that they are not alone in their feelings of grief, sadness, and the myriad of emotions to follow. May God continue to use you to be a blessing to others. I love you, Leah G.

  8. So grateful and appreciative that you gave generously of yourself to share your story. Through your words, you have given courage and hope to a countless number of people who need support. Glad you choose life and able to embrace grief in your own way.

  9. Corene what a testimony that I’m sure will help many others who have similar journeys

    Peace & Blessings

    • Thank you for the beautiful responses and support. At times it is hard to know when to share. But hope is that healing and restoration will begin in those who need it most.
      I am grateful for the opportunity to share and pray God’s blessings on those who read it.

  10. Corene,

    Thank you for sharing your powerful story of choosing you. I love what you said at the end; “Allow yourself to feel, allow yourself to hurt, allow the tears to flow—most importantly, allow yourself to grieve”. It’s such an important part of healing, which is absolutely a process.

  11. Your words are very uplifting. I felt very deeply your pain and your courage. Thank you for words that encourage. I have suffered quite a bit of loss in my life, one of them being a child I know also the weight of empty arms and a hollow heart. But I also know that God’s Grace is ever sufficient. God bless you, Friend.

  12. My Corene,
    I’m so proud of you. I admired your courage 20 years ago as you kept your composure upon receiving your diagnosis and medical treatment. I admire you now as you share your in your grief. I marvel at your faith and your trust in God, along your journey. In spite of your cross, you have always been so supportive to me and so many others. Not once, not once have I ever heard you complain, yet instead you have continuously given God all the glory. As I think back on those days when you received your diagnosis, I witnessed how you had so much strength and courage that you made me (us) feel better as you weathered your own storm. You held me (us) up during one of the darkest times of your life. Although your grief was silent to those around you, I believe that the Lord has been your comforter. He’s been the keeper of your mind, your body and your soul. Corene, I’m so grateful to you for your witness. I’m grateful for your strength of mind to carry on spite of your own feelings of grief. I’m eternally grateful that you are my friend. Again, I say…I’m SO PROUD OF YOU and I love you.

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