About the Author

Dr. Hope Sims Sutton is an ordained pastor, certified coaching specialist, and empowerment writer. She provides relevant solutions for professional woman of faith using approaches grounded in psychology and theology. Dr. Hope is the founder of SHE IS POWERFUL! LLC. She loves to mentor, preach, teach, and sing out loud!

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  1. This was really interesting many times we speak and don’t realize the impact of our words. I just prayed about that today. Thank you for expounding on this.

  2. Words are very Powerand we must really think before we speak, especially over our lives!

  3. My husband occasionally reminds me that a thought can be expressed in positivity rather than with a negative edge that I am not hearing drop from my lips. I hear him, but seldom digest what he’s saying. Instead, I counter that my expression is deep seated and long established so stop trying to change me. This essay has pricked my conscience such that even I admit to needing a reframing. Thank you.

  4. ‘Were they living their own truth or my indoctrination?”

    That’s powerful and something that is rarely thought about! I’ve often said “influence is more powerful than authority.” This is a perfect example.

  5. I too had an affirmation regarding pregnancy(again). I had an unplanned teen age pregnancy & was determined to never have any children without marriage. I married, but never had another child.

  6. My words are definitely the containers and vessels that go forth and create my world.
    I teach this to all who will listen. Don’t curse your own life with your own tongue!

  7. You are so right. We have what we say. So, let’s speak LIFE in all our situations and let our Great God do the manifesting.

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