About the Author

Lil Nickelson, a seasoned accounting/finance professional, appreciates the daily renewal of her relationship with God, walking, water aerobics, authoring stories that touch people deep, cooking, enjoying great meals, the company of family and friends, and listening to music.

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  1. This is a wonderful and enlightening story. Our communities were and are precious. Sharing our knowledge with each other is paramount, so that we can all prosper.

    Lil has tapped into the heart of every Black merchant who has struggled to stay afloat in their community with hope that their own would support them.
    Thank you, Lil for reminding us that we can and should do more when it comes to shopping in our hood.

  3. Beautiful historic look back at a neighborhood that I know very well from a woman that I have known since we were children.

  4. Great writing Lil, read this article put me in the setting as if I was living your experience in the neighborhood. Keep writing as you are good at it 🫶🏽

  5. Great read. My grandfather’s story becomes more inspirational hearing from someone else’s aspect other than my father’s. Thank you for sharing your story. I appreciate not just your acknowledgement of black history but of my families history as well. Bless your journey and talents of writing.

    • Your grandfather touched a great deal of people in our community. He was well loved and respected. My first job was with the store selling shaved ices, watermelon slices and shucking clams out in the front of the store in the summer months.

  6. Wow this took me back home I remember going to both establishments. I never knew Gramps dad was a transit motor man my dad was one also. Great Memories thanks for the memories

  7. Great story Lil, beautiful tribute to Bubba. He was a true icon in the neighborhood. Thanks for the memories.

  8. WOW that was a beautiful, heartwarming tribute to Mr. Bubba and it brought back so many wonderful memories Lil. Thanks so much.

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