About the Author

Brenna Fields Hayes is a speaker, author, life coach and ordained minister. Her life purpose is to empower women who have experienced challenges to overcome and to become the best version of themselves. She loves cooking, traveling, reading singing, and consignment shopping.

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  1. SHAME is the key word! You have so many others judging you that you don’t know which direction to go into. So you continue on that crazy path hoping that someone will help you to turn onto the right road and instead of that they see you stumbling and steady laughing at you. Your writing was so encouraging and inspirational but still at my age the laughter and the I told you so’s would yet be to painful for me to hear from my family. But I too still have air in my basketball and I’m going to bounce it real soon because it should have been bounced years ago. Every bit of encouragement is pushing me closer and closer to the court. Thank you

  2. This analogy of air and the basketball really connects. I hope you keep sharing that imagery as you tell your story…

    I also want to SALUTE you in your healing journey. What a space to come through, and I appreciate that you were able to extract exactly what you learned so we could learn too.

    And finally, your message really aligns with my TEDx message about what I call Stamina Stories. I don’t want to put my link on your page–but if you look up that phrase on YouTube my talk will come up and I think you’ll see that we think alike!

    Anyway, salute, sis, and thanks for sharing!

  3. Your strength is amazing and forgiving is powerful. Thanks for sharing because we can never forget that someone somewhere is watching and in this case reading…
    So proud to call you my classmate and Soror!!

  4. Thank you for the infusion of air; my ball needed some this morning to continue bouncing through this season I’m in.

  5. Thank you for sharing your challenges and your “bounce back!” Your sharing encourages me as I am experiencing new challenges. Some days I feel overwhelmed. But, I, too, pray and continue to trust God. I believe what you have said. I believe I will bounce back! Thank you, my sister.

  6. I truly enjoyed reading your confession and accomplishments. It makes me believe that I can accomplish what I and need to accomplish. Thank you for sharing.

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