About the Author

Keva Brooks Napper is a powerhouse entrepreneur based in North Carolina. A three-time best-selling author, speaker, humanitarian, and 20-year Lupus thriver, Keva desires to see others battling any type of invisible illness overcome any challenge they may face and THRIVE.

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  1. You are exemplary of thriving! Thank you for the way you continue to push Hope into tbt lives of so many others who have invisible illnesses 🙌🏾🫶🏾🌱.

  2. I LOVE this!! I would like to be a Lupus thriver! I was diagnosed in 2000 with Lupus and Guillian-barre syndrome . I was paralyzed for a month. They said I wouldn’t walk again But GOD! I am a survivor but I am tired of surviving I want to THRIVE!

  3. I know you don’t know me but I’m so very proud of you! Proud of your courageous efforts and spirit! I pray that you continue to heal and thrive

  4. so inspiring. It is your mindset that has elevated you to where you are today! You go, Woman! Thank you for sharing. Your life is purposeful and fulfilling! Continue to be the thriving inspiration for others!

  5. Thank you for such a beautiful story. Thank you for your courage, faith and strength. Your story is such an inspiration. I also love butterflies🦋

  6. You are the true definition of a thriver. Your willingness to support so many and your positive attitude inspires me daily. Continue to share your story!

  7. This beautiful written and expressed in such a personal and inspiring manner . Thank you Keva for sharing and all the work you are doing in the Lupus community. You are a blessing ❤️

  8. Such an inspiring story. Last year, a dear friend of mine died of complications with lupus. She was so strong throughout her life. It is a battle to thrive in life while living with lupus. I know you are definitely battle-tested. Thank you for sharing your story.

  9. You’re such as inspiration to me and others. Thank you for your encouragement and dedication to life. God has got you and your purpose has been divinely defined by HIM. Love you, Elmerette

  10. Beautiful both inside & out! Continued blessings to you & all of the communities that you work to inspire & impact!!

  11. Continue fighting the good fight with lots of grace, and always hopeful. You are indeed an inspiring warrior, and I KNOW you will ALWAYS overcome any obstacles that comes your way.
    ~Philippians 4:13


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