About the Author

Machée Kelly, is a mother, artist, and CEO of Machée Creates, a brand that celebrates Black culture through graphic art and vibrant colors. By mobilizing the use of artistic expression, she aims to improve individuals' mental and emotional well-being through her creations.

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  1. This is full cycle! To be where you once grew up and experienced struggle, you’re in the same space, at a different time, experiencing peace and achievements. Thats God right there! And yes ‘The zone’ my favorite space lol… where nothing else matters! Keep sharing your story and striving. You are a light. ❤️🙌🏾

    • Thank you so much Loocie! I know you know all about the Zone. It’s a blessing to be where I am on this journey. Glad to share it, and appreciate the support!

  2. What a beautiful story…. it has been since an immense pleasure to witness your journey!! Our inspiration ♥️

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