About the Author

Gimori D. Wilson is a first-time grandmother and a full-time caregiver to her husband. A lover of life and all things that bring a smile to her face, if you want her, you can find her outside doing yard work—when the weather permits.

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  1. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. We were a family of 9 children and we just celebrated the life of our eldest brother (6) weeks after his cancer diagnosis of Esophageal cancer on 7/22 we celebrated his life,but on 2017 my eldest sister passed with stage 4 lung cancer, 2020 my BFF sister passed with non-h lymphoma and at the age of 50 my mother passed complications from cervical cancer. I thank GOD for the knowledge and speaking out about early detection. 🙏

  2. Your story is so similar to my moms that it’s scary. She was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma before Covid hit, she is being treated at Roswell Park as well and thank God she is currently in remission. I’ll add you to the prayers I say for my mom ❤️❤️

  3. Glad you are enjoying your family and new grandchild. Glad the more attentive and discerning observer was right on time.

  4. Blessing to you in this jouney called life.We deal with life in so many different ways but God loves us no what the situation. I SIT TODAY HEARING YOUR TESTIMONY YOU ARE TRULY BLESSING TO OTHERS.Being in this time of your life God has given u the ability to tell others where u are and strengthen u to keep going.Thank u for the call. Thank you for sharing. GOD ALWAYS SEND SOMEONE .

  5. This was a beautiful testimony of the power of God to send His angels, live and in color, to protect and guide our lives.

  6. Congratulations on your new grandbaby; what a sweet gift of life at a time when you thought you were facing death. I’m so glad that your “angel in the white coat” was attentive, caring, and knowledgeable enough to notice something was wrong, and give you the opportunity to even fight the cancer! That’s the greatest gift from a medical professional through God; the opportunity to live! Keep fighting and living sister! May God bless you with many more blessed years! Thank you for sharing this inspiring testimony!

  7. I wish and pray for your ongoing healing, recovery and life! I too am a 5-year cancer thriver. God Bless Your Angel in White!!!

  8. Awesome report on your cancer in remission. God always have Angels send by Him to help a long our way to help get the right help when we need. God blessing for a full recovery.

  9. Praising God for your healing! Thanks for sharing the story of your cancer journey. I was diagnosed last year with Endometrial Cancer and had surgery and continued treatment at Roswell. Celebrated my 67th birthday last month! My daughter was diagnosed with breast cancer and also is a survivor. Thank the Lord for early intervention and treatment. You definitely had an angel, a man of color, in a white coat!

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