I used to look around at what everyone else had and wondered why I did not have what they had. I mean we were at the same stage in life, right? We were all in pharmacy school together and had grueling schedules that only allowed us to maintain part time jobs in local pharmacies. This meant that we worked nights and weekends. None of us had rich parents or a full ride for college. We had loans and grants and even work study to help to pay the bills. If we were all the same, how was it that certain people had what seemed like everything while I had nothing that I desired at the time?
I had to pay out of state fees and lived in a studio apartment and had to deal with neighbors that did not care that I had to study or a full day of classes the next day that required an early morning start. The walls were thin and they were very disruptive. It was all that I could afford at the time and it was close to campus so I endured. Some of my other classmates could not relate as they had better apartments or even lived at home. I bought my first car off of the side of the road from a small, shady used car lot. I paid at the lot and had to deal with all of the shenanigans of a greedy used car salesman. I watched my classmates drive around in luxury vehicles and don designer clothes and purses and I scoffed at that fact.
I was raised in the church so I believed in God and prayed every day. I felt like I was a good person because I cared about people, helped those that were less fortunate, and volunteered at church and in the community. I had a church home but I did not attend often during school as a result of my work schedule or just being too tired to get up on Sunday morning. That also meant that I did not read or study the Bible as much as I should have. Along with that lack of education included my level of faith. It was very low. It caused me to question God and wonder why I was being left out of receiving some of these blessings. I was confused and maybe even a little angry.
We were nearing graduation (after 4 long years) and I started to go to church a little more. I will admit that I fell asleep a lot during the sermons but I made an effort. I felt better about my life and began to understand a little more about how God worked. I continued to pray and worried less about what others had and what I didn’t have.
During this time it was almost as if I could see clearly the things around me and realized that my classmates’ lives weren’t as rosy as I once imagined. Some of my classmates even revealed some facts about their situations and I thanked God that I was not in their shoes.
When I graduated, I had minimal debt from unnecessary objects. I was able to purchase a home with no money down as a result of good credit and low debt to income ratio and I was able to finally pick out the car of my dreams. I had money available to assist my family members with various needs and began to build up my savings.
When my life was clearly revealed to me in comparison to my classmates, I thanked God again and again and apologized for my behavior. My faith was increasing and I learned to trust God. I began to tithe and started sharing my story and teaching others about the obedience of faith.
The lesson I learned was that everything I had and didn’t have was a blessing from God. A wise person expressed to me that I did not know what my classmates had to do to get what they got, the debt they amassed, or the indecent deals they may have had to make. That person was right! The valuable lesson I learned was to be patient and trust that what God had for me was for me.
What are you patiently trusting God for?
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This was a beautiful message of how Dr. Ware endured, embraced and exceeded the experiences of being a college student how GOD shifted her life using her as a beacon of light for others helping others and allowing her to Thrive in the midst of her family and friends while telling them the true importance of tithing this story lifted my spirits my heart is full of the great story Dr. Ware shared of how GOD ELEVATED her as HIS WORD speaks of as long as we Trust HIM LET GOD continue to show HIS bountiful blessings in every way to the world.
Such a beautiful, timeless message for us all. The more “seasoned” I become with age, the more the truth in your writing stands firm, Sis. Ware. I wasted time and energy in my 20s and 30s looking back and grieving over closed doors. Now in my 50s, I clearly see the blessing that closed doors hold. Everything isn’t meant for us to have or even to know, and that’s okay. What’s for us will be right there for us. We can trust in that. Thank you for sharing with us, xoxo
Hallelujah!!!! Thanks for sharing. Like Paul, an apostle for Jesus Christ, I have learned to be CONTENT… I have learned to Trust GOD and to take Him at His WORD.
I had to learn this lesson too. I was thinking nothing was happening but it has because of his Grace I made it through tough times. I try to remember everyone has a story and not compare too much.
Amen. I am learning everyday to just be prayerful and thankful.
It’s so easy to get caught in the trap of comparison! What a blessing it is to realize how individual and specific our own path is, particularly when entrusted to the hands of a very capable and intentional God!
Over the years I have learned to protect my peace, not to allow anyone to disturb my peace. I trust in the Lord and know he has me covered.
Great share.
This awesome and timely. I was just wondering this very thing. Look at God… thanks and many blessings
Thank you, Christy M. Ware for your wonderful story. I can relate to your desire to have what others have. Yes, we do not know what is necessary for others to get and maintain so many things. God has a plan for each life; therefore, we wait for His blessings. Keep writing words of faith and encouragement. Congratulations on your published story!
Attending the same university, I am very familiar with the scenario described.I continuously thank God for all He blessed me to have and not have.
May you continue to see God blessings in your life.
I am a 8yr breast cancer thriver and recently my doctor gave me that diagnosis again. I had a biopsy which confirmed it and was set up for surgery. On my post-op visit..the doctor said that they found no trace of Cancer. So my question to her was well what happened cancer don’t disappear.🤔 Her explanation was that it must have been removed during the biopsy. Me: So you mean this scar on my breast was unnecessary? Of course she wouldn’t admit that perhaps a mistake was made! I was stemmed and talked to several personal injury lawyers about my situation.
One night I was laying in bed and I heard my mother’s voice and she said in short” Are you nuts! God’s grace has kept you cancer free and all you can think about is a scar that will eventually go away…and she was right! That scar left and I haven’t stop prasinig him for being patient with his child🙏🏾
Thank you for sharing your experience. During a recent hospital visit I was able to share and discuss this with my Gen Z nephew who plans to become a pharmacist.
CW!!! This is WONDERFUL!!! I read it in your loving voice as I smiled reading each line. This is a message worth sharing and ON TIME! Leaning on God, trusting in him and having faith can seem challenging at time YET, God puts nothing on us we can’t handle because he makes no mistakes. Ive witness your acts of generosity, kindness and see the God in you. I’m blessed to have you and call you family. I’m so proud of you my “Lil Bonchi” 😘
This was an excellent and timely read. I still struggle with this issue. But then I remember God has a plan for me and he has never left me or forgotten about me.
This is beautiful and you’re such a beautiful person so loving the Christ really shines through you. The things that I pray for is that God will direct my path each day. I’ve learned that only what you do for Christ will last. Therefore, we must put our faith in him and him only. Thank God for you.
I am super proud to know you Christy and excited for you! It it is awesome to see you walking in your purpose!
What a beautiful and encouraging read. A simple lesson on faith and trust….
Im not waiting on God, I’m simply asking for him to order my steps and guide me. At this point in my life, I’ve loss many important people to me and question my place in life. So, I’m leaning on him! Amen
I’m simply asking for him to order my steps and guide me. At this point in my life, I’ve loss many important people to me and question my place in life. So, I’m leaning on him! Amen
Great read Christy🙏🏽♥️
Trust in God cannot be understated or understood apart from a relationship with God. Thank you for a simple, yet POWERFUL message that reminds me to stay connected and to keep trusting.
Excellent journey proving God’s bigger picture for your life. We got to trust him fully. He has our best interest.
What a beautiful testimony that all young adults on the journey of life should hear.
Thanks for sharing‼️
Thank You Soooo much for that 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 I really needed to hear this …. This to has been me since my mother and father passed away…I just so happen to click on the link …. And there this message for me was🥹🥹🙌🏽God is so awesome even when it seems like things are hopeless…It’s so amazing how God can lead and point you in certain directions …so that you can receive and understand his message for your life and what you are going through…. I call it the “In the Valley Experience “ …. Thank you … I to had been feeling like you wrote before…. Why am I not being blessed…. I’m doing everything to the best of knowledge and ability…you asked of me God… I have given to those who wouldn’t even help me in my time of need …. I have prayed… and asked you for things … like you told me to do …. I have prayed for others more than I have myself to be blessed abundantly by you… be healed and delivered by you … And you have answered them… but not me ….when will my change come …. How much more do I have to endure… some of them you have blessed don’t even appreciate it … don’t even take the time to say Thank You nor acknowledge you nor worship you like I do ….but then thee other day something came over me and I heard Shannon “ Where is your Faith in ME” You are not alone …. Then to stumble across this …. Wowww… 🙌🏽 Thank You Lord 💃🏽 I understand now … so I’m going to hang on in there and see what the end will be for me …. Cause like you said “ What God Has For Me ….it just that 4 Me !🙌🏽🙏🏽❤️ May God bless you and continue to keep you ❤️🙏🏽
God has a plan for you. Please keep the faith. 🙏🏾 Thank you for sharing.
It seems as if you’ve learned a lot over the years and for that I am tankful and grateful! You persevered in spite of and that is a testimony unto itself! I’m sure that you had doubts and felt some kind of way many times, but you never took your eyes off of the prize and now you are reaping the benefits. Your journey was typical even if the results were not! You can look back now and feel a sense of pride in your ability to stay the course and overcome adversity and now you are getting the payoff! I am definitely proud of you and all that you have accomplished!
I am truly a product of God’s blessings because thru time I learned that I am who I am and that accepting Him has allowed me to accept myself and all of my imperfections.
This is such a a beautiful testimony! You’ve come along way and even better things are in store for you. May God bless and keep you.
Christmas this is such a story of perseverance and Faith. Learning that most things that glitter aint gold, comes with time and clear vision. Your story is relatable and real. God seeing you through the struggle and allowing you to be Blessed and a Blessing to others. May He continue to elevate you with the desires of your heart and most importantly with the Blessings that he has ordained for you. You deserve it!
Dr. Ware fills each reader with “notes” from her heart. Can’t wait for her NEXT LIFE LESSON!!!
So often when we meet and talk to people we don’t know who they are… We know that you are compassionate and willing to tell your life story to help someone else. I enjoyed you realizing your struggle was rewarded by your spirituality.
What an honest and introspective story about lessons we sometimes don’t know are also blessings!
I’m patiently waiting for GOD to help me heal my broken heart 💔 and for a better paying job because I barely am making ends meet.
Keep the faith. It’s coming. I’m praying with you! 🙏🏾
Excellent work!!! Dr. Ware is a genius in my opinion.
This is an awesome example of how hard work, perseverance and faith in God can lead to amazing benefits.
This has the potential to help so many! Thanks so much for sharing your experience.
What a spiritual message and great reading… be obedient and trust the Lord and blessings will be abundant
This is a message I needed today. I truly believe we should not be counting other people’s blessings and be grateful for our own. Social media has lead us to believe that everyone else is richer, happier, more successful than we are. We are so blinded by these illusions, we fail to look internally and see how special we are. Thanks for relaying this message so beautifully.
Words spoken perfectly by the author. A lesson we should all remember
Thank you for sharing your experience Christy! This message will help others!
I feel like this message was for me— and it was right on time! Having the trust and faith that it will work out is hard when you can’t see the how or the when, but your testimony shows that it happens when it’s supposed to. What a way to keep others encouraged.
Thank you for sharing your story with such courage and openness Sister. Your words are a powerful reminder of the importance of faith and trust in God’s plan for each of us.
In a world where comparison often seems inevitable, your insights offer a refreshing perspective that encourages us to focus on our unique journeys. Your courage to share your experiences and struggles is truly inspiring, and it reminds us that we are not alone in our feelings.
I hope others who read your post will be as encouraged as I am to place their trust in God and find peace in His plans. Thank you for being a beacon of light and hope. Keep shining and sharing your faith.
Christy, your story is a blessing. Thank you for your honesty and for sharing what you’ve learned. Thank you for the lesson that comparison robs us of so much peace. Being content and trusting God’s plans for us are muscles we have to build and continuously exercise. I am trying to trust God to show me the next step to take on the road ahead and to let me know when to move or be still. I’m also praying for faith to be obedient. I will definitely be sharing your story to help others just as it’s helped me.
Very humbling. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for sharing. I love it!!!
Love this article and truly appreciate your insight on trusting God. I’ve learned in life that everything isn’t for me. Just because I want what someone else may have the reason I don’t have it because God knows it’s not for me. Even when you try to force it, God will definitely show you why you didn’t have it to begin with. I’ve learned to keep my faith and trust that God is doing what he needs to do for my life and for that I am grateful. Like they say, everything that glitters, ain’t gold. What God has for me it is for me. Again, thank you so much for this, Christy.
It’s amazing to know that we share some of the same sentiments! #GreatRead
God is so amazing and truly when we grow in our faith He allows these types of experiences to be revealed and they all point back to Him!! Loved this story!! Truly a blessing to read!
That was very uplifting and inspiring.
It is an amazing feeling when you understand the work of God and what/when it is revealed! The “joy” that you gain in understanding and the clarity you receive in knowing❣️
Congratulations to you my beautiful sister! I am so proud of you! Continue to follow in God’s footsteps and the plans he has for you! Keep shining! Keep up the AMAZING work! Love you sis❤️
Patiently waiting on God’s to answer a few of my prayers.. and even if he doesn’t, he’s already done enough. I am grateful for God’s grace and mercy. This humble writing gives me a great lesson to share with my young high school graduates for encouragement. So beautiful!
Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful testimony, Christy! Comparison is literally the thief of joy and I think we have all been a victim of comparing our lives to other peoples’ lives and feeling down about where we were/are at the moment. But God! I love that you trusted God and went back to him. I love that no matter where we are in life, God always has his arms open to his children and is willing to welcome us back! Such a beautiful story!
This was a great and timely message. Thank you for sharing.
A great message and lesson for all of us. Comparison is the thief of joy! Thanks for sharing and being a blessing to others ❤️
This. Was. MEEEEEE! It’s almost like we were the same person during college. This was even me during most of my 20s. If there is ever anything I would pass down to a young lady just getting started, this would be it. God sees it all and is working a story within each one of us.
Thank you for sharing this! My small group leader shared it with our group. I resonate in many ways to your story. And I am also a proud dog mom! 😁God bless you!
Thank you for sharing. Outstanding. Have shared with my Book Club! Blessing to you.
Thanks for sharing your story! This was inspiring and a reminder that God has a purpose and plan for our lives, if we keep our mind stayed on him. Great read!!