About the Author

Constance Nicole is a working writer who will soon publish her first novel. Her experience includes higher ed, financial services, and media management. She's also been selected to participate in The Field’s Fiscal Sponsorship for Social Justice Arts Practitioners Program.

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  1. Brenda Jubilee says

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful story about your grandmother, so many cherished memories. Her legacy lives on through you.

  2. Cynthia Nash says

    Oh this was a precious story. It reminds me of the times with my grandma who lived to be 102… I have a flower vase that belonged to her and I cherish it. Thanks for the memories.

  3. Dafne says

    Love this story. I felt as if I was right there with you when your Grandmother opened the trunk. It is truly a heartfelt story of Love and Family. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Cynthia Daniels-Banks says

    What a beautiful and heartwarming story. I pray the memories of your grandmother will continually warm your heart. On some cool night,
    may you feel her
    ever-present warmth as you wrap yourself in her quilt, hum a hymn or two, and honor her loving memory. 🌹

  5. J. Barry says

    A beautiful memory. My grandmother quilted too. She made each of us quilts also. I’m almost 70 & I’ve passed mine to my daughter.

  6. Evalyne says

    I want to start by saying how much I am enjoying reading the articles. This was a great one. How often do we place value on things that other people will consider to be nothing? My grandson started spending the summers with me at the age of two. I am divorced and live alone. Everything is neat and has its place. I have beautiful hardwood floors and they are shiny and clean. Well this little one loves cars. Anything with wheels. I thought he is going to scratch my floors up with those darn things. But then I thought…. he will only be this age once I his life visiting his grandmother. What did I value most? The joy that he displayed when he rolled those cars fast across the floor was priceless. Those memories are some of the most amazing ones to date. No one will value my home or the floors when I am gone, but my baby will have lasting memories of his time here with me.

    • Constance Nicole says

      How wonderful! We get so busy and caught up in “this thing called life!”It’s so important to take a breath and take a look around to see what really counts. Thank you for sharing your loving observation.✨💜✨

  7. Denise says

    I smiled the whole time I read that and thoughts of my Grama were so vivid. My Grama was my rock after my mom passed when I was 13 years old. I still make my Grama’s chicken & Dumplin’ recipe in the same pot she used!

    • Constance Nicole says

      What a wonderful way to honor your precious memories. Every thanksgiving I would attempt to recreate my grandmother’s sweet potato pie. I can hear her gentle voice saying, “Oh that’s fine but not quite.” I finally realized maybe I’m not suppose get it exactly her way, but my way…and that’s just fine. Thank you so much.✨💜✨

  8. says

    Beautiful story, one that conjures up memories of my own grandmother. A writer has done their job well when their words make another feel . . . I know that your grandmother would consider this story a great treasure.

  9. Latricia-Nicole says

    It does my heart good to see this story in print. Stories like these are so important, especially in light of where we seem to be in this country. We need more stories like these to hang on to our memories and our history. Bravo to the author, thank you for fighting the good fight!

    • Constance Nicole says

      Your words are so precious to me. Thank you for deeply understanding why it is important for our stories to be told. ✨💜💛💜✨

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