About the Author

Dr. Cheryl Polote Williamson is a highly sought after speaker, multi best-selling author, award winning exec. producer and filmmaker, business leader, visionary, philanthropist, purpose connection coach, editor-in-chief of Cheryl Magazine, and most importantly a servant leader.

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  1. This article brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful story about sisterhood and the love, support it brings to our lives. Thank you Dr. Cheryl for being a part of my sister friend! 🦋❤️

  2. Great read and inspiration to form a sister circle reflective of the love and care I so freely give to others.

  3. This article is so beautiful. Sisterhood is so amazing. When women are together on one accord strength, healing, and peace are present. Thank you for sharing this ode to sisterhood and friendship.

  4. Praying for a sister friend lost my best friend now Lan praying for a sister friend
    Loved the message and comments God bless you all

  5. I love the idea of this kind of a sisterhood unity, however the say this out loud prayer seems a little odd in the choice of wording,seems like the words are personal things that have been done to someone, nonetheless I can create my own sister loving prayer. Thank you so much for sharing!

  6. Cheryl’s article is so timely at this era of disunity in not only our country but the world. Genuine sisterhood is great. God’s love is the foundation. Excellent!

  7. Cheryl, you truly embody every word in this pledge! Thank you for creating a space that allows women all around the world to grow and glow 🦋🩷! I love you, Sis🦋

  8. I will always be your sister & friend. Your confidant, listening ear, whatever whenever.

    Lifetime of love. This is a beautiful real sisterhood. I love the ladies that love you.

    I love you Cheryl and this tribute is beautifully written.

  9. Wow! This pledge needs to be the motto for all women. We need to stand strong and TOGETHER, especially in times like these. Cheryl you are truly a one-of-a-kind soul-rooted. loving, caring, and selfless sister friend. I can give a testimony to the world of sisters out there that YOU are the ICON of a real sister and sister-friend. I love 💕 you dearly
    -Dr. Michelle

  10. As I sit here at my home in the beautiful Caribbean, St. Croix, US Virgin Islands🌴, I am overwhelmed with emotion. Cheryl, your heartfelt message is a powerful anthem for the kind of sisterhood that we as women should cherish, nurture, and authentically embody. It is a priority in my life to hold space for women in friendship and sisterhood. What I do know for sure is that I am responsible for the light I carry. Thank you, my sister friend, for sharing and creating space. When I see me in the photos, I am reminded that God will place me in the right circle of friends I am meant to be amongst. I take the sister pledge. Love and light to you always 💕🦋

  11. Cheryl;

    You are such a BLESSING to each of us and believe it or not it was you who taught some of us what true sisterhood and friendship is supposed to look and feel like.

    This circle of sister friends is so special to me being an only child and always wanting to have siblings and a safe space. You my sister created it for me!!

    Thank you for loving us unconditionally we love you just for being a gift to our lives.

    I love you Sweetie ♥️

  12. Sisterhood is a beautiful collaboration of women who love, respect, encourage and support each other unconditionally!! To have a circle of Sister friends is a to be Truly Blessed beyond measure!!! Thanks for providing this amazing pledge that we can use as often as possible to remind us of what it means to embrace our sisters and show genuine love for them! May God continue to keep and protect you on your life’s path.

  13. When I think of the goodness of Jesus and all he has done for me my soul cry’s out, hallelujah!! There are not enough words in the dictionary to express my gratitude. When my sister, my bestie, and my friend invited me to hear Cheryl speak in Columbia, SC. Little did I know that would change my life forever. To be an only child can sometimes be lonely. But God!!!! Cheryl, has instilled in us and so many others to be in a God-honoring friendship/sister circle. A friendship/sister circle that builds your sistah’s up. A friendship/sister circle that risks pride and comfort in order to love like Jesus. A friendship/sister circle that motivates your sister’s and brother’s. A friendship/sister circle that love on one another, share each other burdens and accomplishments. A sister who has taught us that if we change our mindset it will change our lives and world. A sister that has taught us when we serve and serve in excellence that kind of vulnerability brings rich rewards.

    I am now whole and complete because of my Sistah’s!! love you Cheryl!!

  14. Know your crew as I was told when I first moved to philadelphia and I have met wonderful women that I my sister friends ! Love them .

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