About the Author

Ekemini Uwan is a public theologian and co-host of Truth’s Table Podcast. Her writings have been published in The Atlantic, Washington Post, Huffington Post Black Voices and her insights have been quoted by NPR, CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The New Yorker.

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  1. That explains a lot! I’ve been feeling as though things were beyond my grasp since coming out of the pandemic but thought it just seemed that way. I will breathe a little easier and intentionally slow down to make the most of the time given to me by God. Looking for His direction.

  2. Amazing really! I lost my husband six years ago and ever since then time seemed to be on warp speed. But you are right about something changed with this pandemic. I know normally during fall the days are shorter, but it seems even shorter this fall than before. I feel like I can rarely catch my breath. I am on this fast-moving train of life, and I am hanging on and asking God to keep me safe, because only Him can see what is ahead.

    • I’m so sorry for your loss, Kathleen. Time continues to fly by, but you’re right that we have to hold onto God’s unchanging hand. It’s a comfort to know that even if we lose our grip, God doesn’t. Blessings to you!

  3. I just had this conversation with my nephew! Excellent! You are on point!
    Fly like an Eagle by Steve Miller Band….time keeps on slippin’ into the future. Be cognizant of time; it’s a precious gift.

  4. That just what I needed today after getting news that is going to change my life down do waste a lot of time and energy and it reminded me that god is always in charge

  5. This message, is very timely. God is speaking. I prayed it. More people will stand up and pay attention because time is wrapping up. And our world is in the middle of a spiritual warfare. And many don’t even understand. I pray for wisdom. I pray for discernment. I prayed it more and more people will pay attention and look with their spiritual ear and see with their spiritual eye. God is trying to prepare us. I pray for the world to wake up and pay attention

  6. I submitted my story to Hallmark Mahogany the last two times the venue was open. I fully understood that it may not be chosen. But what I didn’t understand or agree to, was for it to be re-worded and submitted by someone who works for Hallmark Mahogany with their name on it. You reached out via internet “come thru Sis,” and asked that we share/express our experiences in hopes that it may inspire others—I showed up. I shared a personal experience, while expressing a very sensitive moment in my life, in hopes that it would help inspire others. After reading this and sharing it with many others this article is too similar in its entirety. Hallmark Mahogany said this was a place to inspire—No Where in the description did it say to take possession of or ownership of someone else’s story.

    • Anna,

      Thank you so much for being a part of Mahogany – and for taking the time to submit an article. While we can’t publish everything that is submitted, we appreciate you as a member of the writing community.

      We took another look at your submission and compared it to the article you mention here. While we do see the overlap in theme and the mentioning of a different song, we want to set your mind at ease. Our regular contributors submit their own writing and do not have any access to the guest post submissions. There would have been no way for the writer to see or read your writing. In addition, we do not provide topics, so their words, ideas, and experiences are their own.

      We also make it a point not to rework the stories that readers send to us because no one knows your story better than you. Perhaps the experience of feeling out if sync with time is so relatable because so many of us have experienced it—especially since the pandemic.

      In any case, thank you for being a part of the Mahogany community. I hope this email explains the situation better and brings understanding. If you’d like to discuss anything further, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

  7. This is so true that time is indeed fleeting! Christmas & birthdays seem to take forever to return each year when we were children but now the holidays seem to come and go faster and faster. We should be mindful of our purpose to honor God through our daily service to others. This is a beautiful article.

    • Thank you very much, Gail! Keeping our purpose in mind is so important and making the most of our time is a major key. Thank you for reading my article. God bless you!

  8. Beautifully spoken! Time…. Wow..How we need to slow down and just breathe. Being intentional of how we spend our time because time keeps moving with or without us.

  9. In this season of my life , time is of the essence. I try my best to listen and be led by God to guide my use of my time and to honor him.

  10. Thank you so much for this beautiful writing of spiritual inspiration. I am also going pray for God’s spiritual wisdom how to use my time wisely and honor him.

  11. Thank you so much for this beautiful writing of spiritual inspiration. I am going pray for God’s spiritual wisdom how to utilize my time to keep honor him and do his will in my life.

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