Content Warning: This content includes stories about abuse and sexual assault.
On January 19, 2020, I was in the mountains celebrating my birthday alone. I was taking some much-needed time for myself without my family. It was just me, myself, and I, enjoying the blue skies, beautiful snow-capped mountains, and birthday shout-outs from loved ones all day long.
After getting off the phone with a girlfriend who’d called to wish me a happy birthday, I decided to check my beloved social media birthday greetings. I noticed a new friend request. So, I clicked the notification and to my surprise, I’d received a new friend request from the man who tried to rape me in high school. Immediately my gladness, joy, and peace turned into the exact moments on that bathroom floor fighting for my life. That moment became my present-day nightmare. I hadn’t thought about this man or what he had done to me in years. It was a figment of my long-lost imagination, the kind of figment you bury and forget about.
For a brief moment, I allowed those thoughts to become my reality. I began to sweat and get angry. My heart started beating as if he were in the same cabin with me in the mountains. The pain of that struggle to break free from his grip—from his attempt to rape me—was staring me right in the face, daring me to say something. Daring me to stand up for myself, even though I was in the room alone.
If I can be honest, I began to cry. Not from a victim’s standpoint, but out of gall and sheer anger—the audacity that he thought it was fine to connect with me. What made this man think it was okay to send me a friend request, so he could catch up with me or take a deeper look into my 30-plus years of joy, pain, accomplishment—my life in general? He had some nerve!
As the tears came down, I thought about the strength I had that night fighting for my life. I imagined my Grandma Josie, in the 1900’s, fighting her attacker at just 13 years old. She fought, but unfortunately, she didn’t prevail. This story lived on in our family as a reminder. (Most generational secrets were kept quiet, but not this one.) In my mind, I channeled my fight and hers. Every punch, every kick, every slap led me closer to my freedom—from victim to victor!
I could hear my mother’s voice saying, “Kick him harder! Don’t you give up!” My imagination was in overdrive. His arms were stronger than mine, but I didn’t quit. His was determined to take something so precious that I had not given to anyone else yet. He overpowered me, but I didn’t stop fighting. God’s strength was within me. A loud knock on the door of the girl’s bathroom saved me. I fought until that knock interrupted. My strength remained until the end, and that strength is within me still.
After I calmed down, I called another girlfriend who’s a therapist. I wasn’t calling the therapist; I needed my girlfriend. She spoke life back into me. “You are strong. You’ve got this! He did not win then, and he won’t win now. You are victorious, remember that! Resilience is your strength. You are not that teenage girl on that bathroom floor. You are a powerful woman, changing lives. This is merely a distraction to get you off course! You are strength!”
Her words blanketed my heart and comforted my soul. Every piece of strength inside me rose up and silenced the past and its painful memories of an unsuccessful attempt to steal the very essence of God’s workmanship within me. He didn’t win then, and he won’t win now. He’s not the first to violate my innocence. As a child, I encountered molestation from many men. Just like I survived those, I would rise above this too.
What started out as a horrible experience on my birthday turned into a strength fest. I realized I’m stronger than I thought I was. What tried to take me out only showed me just how strong I really am. Needless to say, I blocked him (after writing a few choice words). Then, I deleted the notification. There’s strength in the delete button!
I’m good now—I mean really good. And I’ve decided to seek therapy for my past pain, so I can be good and healthy.
If you or someone you know is seeking help from sexual assault, visit or call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-4673
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I am Gail F Gardner. I am the namesake of Gail‘s law. It is for a DNA evidence tracking system in the state of Florida that I fought for and continue to fight on behalf of survivors of childhood sexual abuse, and sexual assault. I have a nonprofit entitled the Gail F Gardner social justice Association. I am a retired educator I am a pastoral counselor. God has been gracious. I advocate for survivors in the capital in the state of Florida. I advocate in the courts I advocate before the legislators. I know that you can do this. Your writing is a testimony to the fact that you have a purpose impassion. Being encouraged and you have already encouraged others. I am 75 years old and yet to continue on encouraging to virus. That’s what you do when you write. It is cathartic and it is calling as a part of your assignment to others. God will not leave you he will take what you have and use it. I am a writer and I find it worthy open heart but also as a lab of hearing from my desktop pulpit. I am a pastoral counselor, and a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. You are all of that God has in you because of what you have been through. You are loved by our father So continue to be strong.
Gail, thank you for your strength and fight to help others overcome their childhood traumas. We are not alone! We are stronger than we think. It’s not our fault! I had to learn that. This article has been my therapy. Reading the comments let me know sharing my experiences was the right thing to do.
Thanks for sharing, so glad you are still enjoying your life today, and not letting the pass ruin your future, so thankful for your friend that she was there for you and able to remain you off that strength within you.
Thank you Galey! I appreciate your comment. I am stronger than I ever thought I was.
I have had my own struggles but with God I am stinger and now have a wonderful, supportive husband and friends to enjoy life with. To God be the glory! Keep fighting and keep winning!🙏🏽
Shirley, we are stronger… you are stronger than you thought! I’m glad you have the support you need. It’s so important.
“There’s Power in delete button!” Amen. Amen. Amen.
The click is at our finger tips! 😉
Such a powerful testimony! Thank GOD you fought & you won! Like you said, there is power in the delete button! Be blessed and stay strong because your story is helping so many others.
Thank you Frannie! I pray my story helps walk someone into their healing like I walked through mine. The strength is there, we just have to recognize it.
Sometimes a negative chapter shows up to tears us down but instead it reveals a growth we didn’t even realize we had grow to. Causing us to do what is needed to complete the healing process. You are healed because you are taking the steps to complete the healing🙏🏾❤
Thank you Deborah! Yes, I’m walking in my healing, not looking back! ❤️
Your courage to share this spoke directly to my heart. Being a survivor, and a Thriver, MySelf – reading these beautiful, messy, uncomfortable, powerful words of yours relit the recognition of the Strength that I too had to fight off my abuser. You clarified for me to need to focus on my Strengths, my perseverance, and my ability to rise above. We ARE stronger than we believe, and with God’s Grace and Love we prevail! I thank you – from my heart to yours
Thank you for sharing Thom! We are resilience! Our ancestors taught me that! We grow stronger every single day, despite what we’ve been through. Victory is our song, not because we hear random music, but because the rhythm of fight was always within our heart beat! You’re stronger than you thought! 💪🏾
Yes Cheryl, our Ever Present Help in times of trouble! I’m so grateful for His grace and love for us all! ❤️🙏🏿
Hello Monica, first I am remorse to hear about what has happened to you of the course of your life. I AM glad you are going to seek counseling to help you threw your healing process. I haven’t had any professional counseling but me, myself have been seeking that as well just haven’t found someone that works for me. Anyway, I know you mentioned that this happened to your grandmother sometime back and this has been a thought that has been with you for quite sometime. I do believe that we are what we think about. That without initially doing so we can have some bad/good experience that has happened to us or to someone that we know of and we can draw that to ourselves, whether disease/sickness or prosperity. Doesn’t matter these are just examples. We have to be careful with our minds, whatever we feel deeply about or even imagine, it is impressed upon our subconscious mind, and then carried out. No, I haven’t concord this yet, but I AM doing the work to change my thoughts, because I too just like everyone else have things or memories that I have buried, forgotten about that have come up in my life that I wondered where it came from. GOD says “Keep thy heart (or imagination) with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.” (Proverbs 4:23). Which means that what man imagines, sooner or later it will come to pass(or externalizes in your affairs). I love you and I wish continual blessings on your journey.
Thank you Deborah. We definitely have to be careful of our thoughts. I haven’t found the right person yet, but I will.
Victory IS yours!
Thank you Susan! ❤️
This is such a powerful individual in mind and soul, who was fighting for her life. I must say this is every woman nightmare. I thank her friends who stood besides her and put the love of God back into her
The audacity of this low life man
Thinking he can be friends.
Thank you Donna! Friends are so important! I’m thankful my sista was there to take my call. She’s my forever friend. ❤️
Thanks so much for this transparency. I realize there is victory in our fight!!! Continually praying for you 💛💛
Thank you for your prayers Cynthia! #victoryinourfight
You know, your human. You are allowed to have moments and that’s when our God given strength kicks in.
When I am weak HE is my strength.
It’s what allows you to share your story and give others HOPE!
I Too was ALMOST RAPED but, I Fought as well and my attacker is dead. I don’t know what happened to his life I never asked but, I was grateful.
Thank you for your empowering words Ardeena! We are victorious! It’s in our DNA! ❤️
Thank you for sharing this heartfelt story. Remember, u r stronger that u think and resilient. Do not allow ur past to control ur future and happiness. Everyone has a story of incidents that have occurred in our lives, but I always remember my mother’s voice telling me to fight, not given press on. Reward ur strength and allow the rainbow of God’s live to follow u on ur journey of life.❤️
Than you Ann! We are a resilient people! It’s in our DNA! ❤️
Praise God !!! once we come face to face with the darkness that lie within us. We began our healing. Giving to Jesus our hurt’s become bearable. I am glad that you are living your life to the fullest.🙏
Than you Linda! To God be the glory! ❤️
Thank you
I celebrate YOU today! I celebrate your strength to survive, thrive and tell your story so others can begin their healing process! What a gift you are! Thank you for sharing! ♥️
Thank you Andrea! His strength is my strength! ❤️
Wow! Thank you for your transparency – this will help so many people. How you overcame, over the years and at that moment, and the importance of having a friend like yours to call. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you Ashley! I’m so thankful for my sista and more importantly, God’s strength! ❤️
Monica, thank you for sharing your heart while simultaneously touching mine. Such a powerful piece. I love “there is power in the delete button” keep moving in your power you’re amazing.
Thank you Aisha! That click of the button blessed me more than I thought! Thanks for your kind words. ❤️
You just didn’t win that fight but gained strength to fight for the little girl inside that couldn’t. I applaud and respect your transparency as you walk in your truth!
Thank you Janel! Strength and resiliency is my middle name! ❤️
To God be the glory. Denise, you prevailed then & YOU STILL DO TODAY. Stand & know that you WIN, because you are Never by yourself!!!
Much love,
Donna White
Thanks for your kind words Donna! I’m never alone! I hope my story will touch others to walk in their strength… their power! ❤️
Thank you for sharing because so many people dont want to show their transparency of fear. Fear comes in so many ways but your mind being sound and hearing what you NEEDED to hear kept you safe and guarded in the fight. With all fear we have to know that we know that we know that we are hearing and following the RIGHT voice. I was afraid of flying, being alone e and needing others validation but I heard a voice say you’re a Butterfly and Butterflies FLY! I took that word and didn’t look back. I got on that PLANE and I got on it ALONE. Best decision hands down. Now I go after my dreams ALONE if I have to and I’m NOT afraid. I don’t depend on people validating Mee and seeing my dreams I’m comfortable seeing them ALONE and watch peoples faces as it MANIFEST. Transparency I LOVE IT. Thank you Monica.
Amienia, thank you! One step at a time leads to our victorious lessons for others to follow. Keep stepping sis!
This article was powerful and brought back memories of one of my attackers who tried to befriend me on social media. The pain they cause for a little self pleasure is unbelievable . But your strength to inspire and encourage others is amazing! Thank you for sharing your story and standing in your truth and power! Incredible courage.
Thank you Jacqueline! The audacity to step back into our lives is insanity! We’ve moved forward in victory! We’re not looking back!
We never really know how strong our strength is in God until we need Him
Thank you Cathy! Yes, and I’m so glad His strength is readily available for us all! ❤️
You definitely don’t look anything like what you’ve been through. However, you do show that it’s God’s Holy Power that’s kept you. Yes, you’re bought with a price and Victory is what continues to be with You. Thanks for sharing a powerful story to encourage others, Awesome!
Thank you so much Kimberly! I appreciate your comment! ❤️
What a powerful testimony!! Thank you for sharing. You are STRONG and God will continue to be your strength! May you continue to heal and live your BLESSED life. You are loved by many and we are blessed because of you. Keep shining!!
Thank you Sylvia! Victory is my song! I’m walking in it, not looking back for one minute!
This article is so powerful. I commend you on being able to find your strength and not letting him take your power from you. I am also a victim of molestation and finding my voice took some time. You are an inspiration to others and a blessing to all.
Thank you Tonya! We are survivors! Thriving in a sea of God’s mercy and grace. We are resilient! Walking in our victory every single day! ❤️
Monica your a very special person in my life & always have been a strong woman !! I love your courage and strength ❤️
Thank you Diana! ❤️
Amazing testimony!! I’m glad that you were able to reach out to that friend who provided that simple reminder of the strength and power you carry! Continue to walk in the blessings of where you are called to be and allow your past to strengthen the greatness within you!
Thank you Vanicia! I appreciate your comment sis!
Thank you for sharing. It is never easy to allow someone else into our most private memories. But in doing so you have given someone a voice that they never knew they had. Maybe even the strength and courage they need to free themselves.
Thank you! I pray my story helps someone walk in their freedom. They are stronger than they thought!
I truly believe our worst experiences lead us to our greatest strengths. Mine did! There’s strength in transparency. Thank you for sharing your story.
Thank you Denise! I believe that too! ❤️
I am so excited for where Monica Ware is in her life these days. Her talent and drive is like no other! Her heart is pure and writing is matchless. Congratulations are definitely in order now and also your future endeavors! Many blessings flowing your way!
Thank you for your kind words LaTasha! God’s grace… God’s grace! ❤️
Thanks so much Monica for sharing your story, your pain and your overcoming success! We have all had some not so good experiences and your word remind me that I overcame then and just like you I overcome now!
Thanks Kelley! We are overcomers! ❤️❤️❤️
I’ve learned over the years our “Testimony” is to help us & to help others. Thank you for your Resiliency & Transparency.
Than you Steffany! Yes, our stories should bring healing to others. I pray mine did. 🙏🏿 ❤️
Reading your article was a real pleasure. I could feel your suffering, grief, and triumph.
Having confidence in your capacity to overcome challenges and thrive under stress, considerably increased your resilience. You are stronger than you thought.
Teresa Ware Moody
Thanks Teresa! The strength was always there! I’m glad I was able to tap into still today! God is so good!
Monica’s transparency is vivid and relatable to those girls who have experienced a similar violation. In the article it states that the perpetrator “…is merely a distraction to get you off course!” The author is lovingly reminded-“You are strength!”, which allows her to cast down the friend request by empowering herself to block all access. Sometimes we all need a reminder of just how strong we are in our authority to overcome mere distractions. Fantastic article!
Thanks Raquel! Yes, we are strength! ❤️👑
WOW! Just wow! There are so many women that are going to read this and feel connected instantly….to the story, to the strength, to the power…! The words themselves are power! The story speaks life into so many of us because we have all been in the position of sheer powerlessness or we know someone who has. I personally have. It’s painful, it’s scary, it’s nothing you are prepared for. This is not a #metoo movement story. It’s a #IamStrongIamPower movement and I am here for it! The words literally leaped off of the page with force. We are strong and powerful. Monica Ware is one to watch!
Thank you Leslie! I love that! #IAmStrongIAmPower Movement! I pray my story helps someone else realize their strength, especially when they need it. ❤️
Powerful and inspiring! You are beautiful and strong and so are we as women.
Thank you Carla! Yes, we are stronger than we thought!
What A Phenomenal Woman you are!! Your story is a mirror to mine. Thank you for sharing…
Thank you LaBrenda! I pray you know how strong you are too! ❤️👑
Such a beautiful example of strength and resilience. Thank you for sharing your vulnerability. Love how you took action immediately. An absolute blessing.
Thanks Angelia! We are overcomers! ❤️👑
Moni, WOW! YOUR Testimoy is SUCH an INSPIRATION! You are a Woman of Strength, Might, & Power! Thank YOU for having The Courage to share! Keep Blessing The World with YOUR Words of Encouragement & Empowerment! Love YOU to the Moon!❤
Thanks for your kind words Donna! Strength and resiliency is within all of us! ❤️👑
Omg, your story is so similar to mine but I was over-taken by his strength! I still struggle with it, but I try to hurry it deep in my head, but it still comes back! This is amazing! Can’t wait for the book! Love your strength!
Jennifer, you are more powerful than you think. Release that pain sis! They have no more power over us, and we’re not relinquishing any power to our past. You are stronger than you thought! ❤️👑‼️
A testimony that reveals a fighter and not a victim. Continue to allow your words to free those who may need that push to crossover into their own victory.
Thank you so much Jacqueline! ❤️👑
Omgoodness I felt every riveting word that Monica wrote. I felt like I was watching a life story movie on Lifetime. Thank you Monica for sharing your story with us! I know this will help many to heal!
Thank you so much Dr. Jewel! ❤️
Thank you for sharing your strength to encourage another sister to KEEP FIGHTING. No matter what it is. God won’t leave you and YOU are living proof.
Thank you Tierra! God won’t leave us! He’s our Ever Present Help! ❤️
Thank you for sharing your strength to encourage another sister to KEEP FIGHTING. No matter what it is. God won’t leave you and YOU are living proof.
So nice you had to say it twice! 🥰🥰🥰😊🥰
Thank you for sharing ,Monica!
It took me decades to talk about my sexual abuse. I am free from my shame. I didn’t commit the evil act against me, but it left me feeling damaged and ashamed.
Now that I have loudly revealed the attack against me as a teenager, I have been able to claim what I deserve as a woman. No longer ashamed. I am victorious.
Varna, I’m so glad you found your voice to speak your truth! You are stronger than you thought! Keep walking in your healing! God is our strength! ❤️
Wow, what an impactful and encouraging story! Thank you for being so transparent and vulnerable I know it wasn’t an easy task as someone who was raped and still have a very difficult time with sharing my story. Thank you for being so strong and letting me know to be strong and keep fighting! 🥰🥰❤️❤️🫂🫂
Thank you Natasha! His strength is your strength! Remember that! I can’t do anything without God’s grace and mercy in my life. You’re stronger than you thought! Your recent events have proven just that! ❤️👑
Monica, thank you for your vulnerability in sharing this part of your life’s journey. As I read your article, I was drawn to sitting on the edge of my sofa, reading every word. I could see the mountains, a cabin, and the fresh, crisp air as you celebrated your birthday with joy. Immediately my focus changed as you described the horrific situation of your attacker. I could hear your fight and the knock on the door that saved your life. This article impacted my life as I think of the stories I have heard from other women and girls as a pastor. Monica, your fight and this article will help others push through and continue to fight. Thank you, and I hope to read more articles from you in the coming days.
Thank you Gail! In part my story helps start the healing process in someone’s life. One step at a time, always remembering the first step is the start! Thank you! ❤️
Wow! There’s such strength just in the transparency of this piece! “Resiliency is strength”…and might I add, Truth is your strength! Bold. Courageous. This is unfortunately the truth for so many girls and women. Thank you for being an example and inspiration to those that still have their stories buried. Continuously displaying that you are so so so much more than those things that happened to you!
Thanks Tierra! My strength is our Father’s grace! I can’t do this without Him! ❤️
Thanks for sharing your story! Your transparency will bless so many people! Your testimony will give other people fuel to overcome!!!
Thanks Shelly! We all need that fuel to overcome! ❤️
Sometimes we see a person and all that they are and do, never considering what they may have gone through. What journeys and situations, both good and bad, that they’ve experienced which helped to mold them into who they are today. Being vulnerable and transparent is difficult to do but can help so many. Thank you Monica! Thank you for sharing your story and showing that you are more than the dark times of your past…YOU ARE THE LIGHT!
Thank you Tiffini! I appreciate your kind words. We are the light! ❤️👑
You truly exemplifies what the strength of a woman means. You press through the pain, hurt and disappointments in your life and you come out victorious and strive to be the best version of yourself. I’m so proud of you and admire how you don’t allow your experiences to break your soul. You my friend are destined for greatness and can’t nobody or no situation can stop you from being the best version of yourself. Thank you for being transparent and sharing your experiences because it exemplifies that God can help you through anything. Keep pushing sis because I’m rooting for you. You are an overcomes and is only by the grace of God that you are still standing! Much love!
Thanks so much for your kind words Felisha! It’s by His grace that I’m able to walk through and come out victorious! ❤️
Love, love , love this!!! there is power in the delete button, very inspirational article just to have something like that happen anyone of any age is horrible, enjoyed the read!
Thanks Loretta! Yes that delete button is ministry! ❤️
Wow! Thank you so much for your transparency. The power and strength of your story releases healing to every woman who has encountered that bathroom floor. Thank you!🙏🏾♥️
Thanks Staci! That bathroom floor is an event too many have experienced, but I’m so glad God’s grace protected us, while His love healed us. ❤️
What a powerful display of the word “woman.” When I read this, I had to stop reading and come back to it because flashbacks of my own trauma resurfaced. I had the same experience and took that moment to accept his request and write him my own message. I let him get a good look at my life NOW. The words of strength that came from my mouth, words of power about the brutal acts done to me and others made him read it and delete me. I cannot tell you how strong I felt at that moment. Thank you for sharing your story. I am confident that there are many others who will be inspired to move forward in absolute power. Victims no more…..victors we shall be.
Yes Calondra, VICTIMS NO MORE! After I wrote my letter to him, he did the same! The nerve! It’s ok, we’re delivered and whole! Free from the pain of our past! Thank you for sharing your story too! #overcomers ❤️👑
Wow what a powerful piece.
Thanks Linda! ❤️
Monica, thanks for sharing and being transparent. Your testimony will help heal many. You are bold, brilliant and beautiful.
The enemy tried to destroy you as a young girl; but God’s plan was & is greater! You are an overcomer and stronger than you thought because HE lives within.
Keep walking in your victory for you have won!
Thanks LaToya! His strength is my strength! ❤️👑
You are more than a conqueror. No one can steal your joy unless you relinquish it to them. Stay strong and remember that you are indeed an overcomer. Continue to allow your light to shine.
Thanks for your kind words Bernita! ❤️
The courage you displayed by telling your story to help someone else….thank you! The bravery and transparency shared….thank you.
Keep shining and keep moving forward.
Thanks Taren! Victory is my mouthpiece! ❤️👑
Wow! Thank you for sharing your story! Yes we can be blindsided by the impact of a past experience BUT we can also overcome and move forward with fuel for out next! Thank you for being that example with us!
Thank you so much Stephanie! ❤️
What an encouraging story of strength! Sometimes we have to reach back and grab the words and thoughts that helped us to overcome the original pain and release them into our present situation. Realizing your not that same person, you’re stronger, wiser and better than that situation. Your declaration: your past will not determine or define your future, and when I say past even yesterday’s troubles shall be conquered because you are more that a conquer. You are a warrior, a fighter and an over comer! You did it and still doing it my Sister and Queen!
Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. #sistawarriors
This was such a powerful story of strength and courage. Your vivid description of your experience pulled me into the series of events. Thank you for sharing
Thank you Gretchel! ❤️
What a powerful story and an amazing platform to tell it! So proud of you for sharing such a vulnerable moment in your life with the masses! Continue shining that light!
Thank you so much Marcia! ❤️
How wonderful! Thank you for this amazing article and inspiration!
Thanks Vicky! ❤️
Wow! What a powerful story of strength. Thank you for sharing your story. Through this many lives will be touched and hopefully many will find the courage to pick up the phone and find the right therapist so there own healing can began. You are a overcome ❤️
Thank you for your support Africa! 🧡
Wow, thanks for your boldness to share sis, so many women have been through this and we are afraid to share our story. This is very helpful. Thanks
So true! So many of us are afraid to share our story and it’s our story that will help others.
I hope my story is the beginning of your first steps. 🧡🙏🏿
This is a 36+ year testimony that needed to be birthed. I’m so glad I did. 🧡
I love that you had a history of “fight” on which to draw. Unlike many elders, your grandmother shared her trauma (likely with wisdom holding back the details), as well as her triumph. Our stories of overcoming are part of the legacy we leave to the next generation! Thank you for your authenticity. Your friend is right… you won then, you win now, and you are helping others win!
I appreciate your kind words Cheryl! Thank you! ❤️
Thank you for being so transparent. You had to fight through this pain and you did. Keep sharing ,
I came out swinging! Now I’m standing strong! 🧡👑
What a powerful experience! I’m so glad you were able to use your strength to overcome that arrogant monster twice.
Thank you! Yes, I’m so thankful!
Wow Monica, you never know what you have in common with someone. I too was molested as a child. I begin therapy for major depressive disorder this month. I never knew how much it still effected me today until my husband brought it to my attention. Thank you for sharing your story. You are beautiful & you are strong. Greater is coming!
I applaud you for seeking therapy. It’s so important to take care of YOU! 🧡
What a powerful story of strength and overcoming! Thank you for sharing your story! And might I add don’t allow this encounter to become a birthday marker either! I’m sure the words you gave him, assured he better not attempt again!
I refuse to give him any more time. My birthdays are reserved for me only! 🧡
I am so Godly proud of you as it is your strength in sharing your testimony while pulling from the strength extracted from your grandmother’s testimony that strengthens you to become even more powerful. Too many times, we hide our ugly truths and I just spoke about it yesterday in an interview. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for not relinquishing your power and daring to live it out loud.
I chuckled when you mentioned the ‘Delete’ button as I shared the same just a few days ago… Social media is a beast and one that we must use wisdom to secure our own safe place while serving warnings to those who dare to showcase predatory intentions.
YOU, GO GIRL! Much love, support and always respect… Love you!
Thank you so much! The delete button is a ministry for sure.
Yasssss I love how you turned this attack into strength. Be blessed and stay strong ! Keep sharing your story !
Thank you Lanitra! I’m staying strong. 🧡👑
Thank you, Monica, for your transparency! Your testimony will bring encouragement and strength to hundreds of others, including myself! YOU ARE STRENGTH! I am so glad for the circle of friends that God has placed around you to remind you of Who You Are and that you have much more to accomplish! YOU WIN!!!!!
Yes, thank you! We all win through our testimony! We are strength! ❤️
Wow and wow! This writer really drew me in. I almost felt like I was right there fighting with her and remembering my own struggles that I must fight daily. The writer reminded me through being authentic in her pain, in my own pain, that I’m not a victim anymore of past lies, abuse, gossip, jealousy etc but I can trust the good, the wisdom and strength God put in me to overcome.
We are overcomers! ❤️
Wow!! I have experienced something similar but yet different. The way you shared how past pain can unexpectedly show up even in the form of a friend request on social media and that it is OKAY and NORMAL to feel like “I’m not okay right now.”
Thank you for sharing your courage to continue fighting for yourself. May GOD continue to bless you for being a great example to the rest of the world.
Thank you so much Tasha! Being honest and seeking help is a must for our healing.
Monica I remember our phone call and how angry and hurt you were about this perpetrator’s actions. How dare he? But look at God! He turned it around and gave you the strength to shut it down and share your testimony with the world.
Than you so much! I’m thankful I can share my story with the world.
Thank you so much for your empowering words! 🧡
What would we do or who would we be if God didn’t equip us with necessary strength to overcome such a violent, deceitful, but yet, life saving experience. My heart goes out to you Monica, but my praise goes out to a God who sits high and looks low and knows us even before the womb.
Your story(ies) is now part of who you are and will liberate many women who have endured the same things. Be blessed my sister and hold on to God’s unchanging hands. It’s in Him you will find that perfect peace that no man will understand.
Thank you so much for your empowering words! I’m resting in His perfect peace! ❤️
Thank God for Grace and Mercy, Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. (Philippians 4:6 NLT) May God continue to Bless you and your family and give you peace aspects of your life.
Thank you! ❤️
I enjoyed the article. Your testimony will definitely give other women strength. Thank you, Monica.
Thank you for your kind words and support! 🧡
Thank you for being so vulnerable. You are so right there is so much power in the delete button.
You are strong and you are allowed to be vulnerable.
You are loved, respected , and worthy.
Thank you! That delete button is the truth! ❤️
WOW!!! This is powerful! It takes a lot to share a story like this from your past. Thank you for sharing – God brought you through – HE is always working it out!!
Yes, He’s always working it out and equipping us with the strength to overcome.
Your story brought back a lot of painful memories. It also help me to realize I have lived through a lot of Trauma, and I am still here, bruised, but still surviving. Thank you.
Yes, we’re overcomers! We’ve all been bruised to some capacity, yet we’re still here and winning!
You are stronger than your struggle! Thank you for sharing your testimony. It shows us all that Greater is He within than he that’s in the world. We are better than those who choose to demean and belittle us and we will not be kept wounded and afraid! I love your strength, courage and perseverance!
Much love,
Thank you so much! 🧡
Simply amazing. Thank you for sharing
Thank you! ❤️
I can relate so much to this article as a gang raped survivor and as a former child molested 200 plus x’s by family members. I had to find my strength as a 7yr old but I found my voice as a 44yr old. I’m so glad you decided to use your trauma as a gift of strength to others. Secerts destroy us but testimonies of victory DEFINE US as women of strength in numbers. I thank God silence is no longer your portion. SOAR !!!! 🦅 Great read❤️
Jamie my sista! I pray you’ve healed through all the offenses against you. Your voice is even stronger at 44, leading others to find their own strength and peace!
We go through so much as girls/women. This Mahogany Writing Community is the perfect space to safely land and share our stories. Thank you for sharing yours. ❤️❤️❤️
What an amazing story of strength and resilience. It takes a lot of intentional work to heal from the past and this is a reminder that healing comes in layers. Thank you for sharing and impacting others along your journey.
Thank you so much Daniela! Yes, ugly, stinky layers, like an onion, but more powerful!
Monica, Thank you for being strong! Thank you for being an overcome! GOD will use every experience to deliver someone else. Like Joseph, what was meant for evil is being used for good, to set many women free from the trauma of past sexual violations.
Thank you so much! That’s my prayer; for women/men to read this and find their own safe (healed) place to land. ❤️
Thanks for your support! ❤️
This message of bravery, victory and strength is so encouraging! Monica I’m proud of the woman you are and are becoming! Thank you for your voice, courage and transparency.
You are making a huge difference. Keep being bold.
God bless
Thank you so much Amber! 🧡
Omgosh… I am sorry you experienced this horrific act. At first I thought your story was fictional, until I continued to read on. To me the Delete was over due castration of parts that he did not know how correctly use. I thank God for the strength you had to fight & the strength you continue to show daily. Women globally salute you for your courage and the dignity you have in sharing your story. May it be a healing for someone else. You’re a Survivor, a Warrior and a champion for sisterhood 👏🏾
I appreciate your support Gail! We are survivors, warriors and champions together! ❤️
This story is one that many women don’t talk about and I’m thankful to see these words written because I knew of similar college and high school stories. These moments steal our soul, innocence and joy. Thanks for this truth and I know it’s supporting a woman in her healing process.
Thank for your support Lexy!
This is encouraging to read. God is Our Keeper indeed.
Yes indeed! 🧡
Monica, I’m so sorry you’ve had to endure this. You are A Warrior
This article exemplifies the true essence of a woman who fights to survives trauma but decides to arrive in her Power to confront and defeat what should have buried her soul in a grave. Monica, your journey has a voice and I am so elated to see that you are allowing it to be heard! You are such an inspiration… keep telling your story… it is necessary. Show up in the very strength of God. My sister, You may stand as one but you represent millions!
Powerful words my sista, powerful! I stand in victory with my sistas. We’re not alone!
Thank you! ❤️
Blessings Phenomenal woman there is no words to say how this story encouraged me. Being a woman who experienced violations as well this story has empowered me even the more to be a overcomer and not a victim. Thank you for the courage to help so many others through your story. Much Love
Thank you Temecka! ❤️
Thank you for sharing your story. You are valuable, you are strong, and you are an overcomer.
Thanks Jasman! ❤️
As I was reading your amazing 🤩 testimony! I reflected back to the time we met. I recall you sharing your vision with me regarding your magazine Be You, Girl!
Your heart is to continue to fight for every little girl facing obstacles that come to attack their confidence, self-esteem and self worth.
Keep soaring until you reach everyone young or old that is assigned to your destiny! Love ya!
Yes, and it’s still my vision! Thanks for your support! I appreciate you! ❤️
Lady, you are an inspiration! I had no idea all you’ve overcome and your spirit has conquered. You truly don’t look like what you’ve been through. Your spirit and natural beauty radiants as you touch the lives of others. Thank you for your transparency and for sharing. You are Amazing!
Thank you so much Teresa! My daily prayer is for God’s light will continue to shine through me. ❤️
Great story it’s awesome to let others know they are not alone. I feel like more women should speak out. The more women that do speak out the more we can create awareness. We are stronger together.
Thank you! ❤️
You are an amazing woman and admire you for telling your story. I pray God heal all those scars and give you beauty for those ashes. God bless you sister, you just gave another women strength to confess and heal. Love you!
Thank you Bridgett! My prayer is that my story will bring healing to those in need. ❤️
Thank you so much for sharing. There is power in transparency and vulnerability that gives others permission to choose healing as they are ready.
Thank you Latisha! ❤️
Thank you for sharing your fears and your boldness. Your power to stand and fight will help so many women and young girls know that it is okay to protect yourself, it is okay to reach out for help and it okay to heal. Continue to evolve.
Thank you for your kind words Natalia!
Monica, you have always been so strong. God had His Angels encamped around you. This type of transparency is so powerful and will help so many women who have experienced this type of trauma. Thank you so much for sharing. I agree, we are stronger together.
Amen! Thank you! ❤️
Wow, Monica! Thank you so much for your transparency and your bravery. Not to mention holding space for girls and women who can relate and are in need of hope. I can only hope that your story and victory will inspire women and girls for generations to come. Take care!
Thank you so much Michelle!
What an awesome testimony of your victorious posture through our God! Resilience radiates through you. May healing, encouragement, and peace continue to surround you and other girls or women who have shared your experience. Keep reaching higher and keep being YOU! Much love to you.❤️
Thank you for accepting my phone call that day! I was a mess and you talked me through it. Love you girl! ❤️
Monica, as I read your article, I was reminded yet again that God is a sustainer. Your words captivated me from the beginning to the end. I immediately wanted to read more to your happy ending. God has allowed you to help young ladies through your testimony, your love, and your resilience.
Thank you so much Deitra! God is so good! ❤️
Such a powerful and inspiring story . Thanks for sharing your experience and how you overcome those obstacles no matter the age .
Thanks so much Sabrina!
This was such a powerful story of resilience. I’m thrilled you took your power back and controlled how your story would play out. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you TeeJ! ❤️
You are leading the charge for women and girls to fight back against rape and molestation and come through the experience TRIUMPHANT! I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!
Aaawww, thank you so much Mom LaGreen! I appreciate you more than you know! Thank you! ❤️
Thank you for sharing. I am sorry this happened to you as a young girl. I could hear your strength as I read. You were strong then and strong now! It blessed me to hear how you fought him for yourself and your grandmother. There is always someone in the family that says “NO MORE!” so the generations coming behind can go free. Thank you for your fight, then and now. Hugs.
Thank you so much Aretha! I’m grateful for God’s strength every day!
Your story of one that I share of seeing my attacker and crumbling to the floor in terror and agony. Of reliving the moment you fight to forget and overcome. I’m glad you were able to move past the pain and block and delete. It’s strength in knowing you’re stronger than what anyone tries to take from you. Great story!!!
Thank you Ivy! ❤️
Thanks for sharing this story, Monica! It’s a powerful reflection that certainly speaks to The Almighty’s strength within You — that same strength He designed & placed in you before time began, knowing it would be your reserve to pull on in the crucial moments of life. Though the enemy meant to “open a past hurt” to ignite fear, stress, and derail your progress, God is using it to help you close that chapter for good, and move forward with creating, writing, & living the rest of your life’s novel with passion and purpose and from a place of healing. He has graced you with all you need to enable women, young & old alike, to tap into that same glorious power within.
Thank you so much Michaele! Beautifully stated!
“… to tap into that same glorious power within.” And I’m still taoping into it daily! ❤️
Not only are you strong but also brave!!! To speak a truth and to be able to share it, is powerful. By sharing your story, you have help someone forgive themselves for the horrible deeds of others. May your energy let them know they are not alone.
Thank you so much!