About the Author

Dr. Alisha Reed is a licensed pharmacist and a boy mom who is unapologetic about self-care. She is the creator of the REFILL Strategy, hosts the Your Self Care Prescription Podcast, and is passionate about teaching women how to advocate for themselves.

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  1. Hi, Dr. Alisha. I appreciate you so much for writing this. Often time we forget that the light within us can illuminate an entire world simply because of internal or external doubts. Thank you for this affirmation.
    I will let my light shine by continuing to use my words through poetry to help and heal women.

  2. “Your light will irritate a lot of unhealed people…shine anyway.” Dr. Reed, your guiding quote is everything (fist bumping you). So often, women – especially Black women – are expected to hang back and dim ourselves. Your words remind us to heed that song many of us learned as children: “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shiiiiiiine …” Thank you for encouraging us to embrace and let ourselves shine each day, xoxo

  3. I’m learning that #2 is so important. That nonjudgmental support system keeps you uplifted or grounded when you need.

  4. This passage is so important because often our lights have been dimmed by those who are dark or simply jealous of the light we house. Thanks for choosing joy and choosing to share that joy regardless of others. Self acceptance is key.

  5. Your writing is very calming. #1 sits very well with my heart. Im learning day by day to look at situations in a different light and choosing to accept the flaws about myself that I can’t change. I look to God for everything and thats what gives me peace and a calm spirit when I feel as though everything around me is tumbling. Thank you for this. I don’t know how I ended up here, but I needed to read this passage in this moment.

    Dr. Tandra Taylor

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