About the Author

Lisa Craig Taylor is a wife, loving mother of three adult children and proud grandmother of three precious grandchildren who provides a nurturing presence in her family’s life. Through her writing and public speaking, she shares stories of self-discovery, empowerment and resilience, inspiring others to understand “My Voice is Dope.”

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  1. “MY VOICE IS DOPE”!!!! This was such a great reminder. I often times forget how powerful my voice is. Not only to myself but those around me. I have purpose. My voice has purpose and is powerful. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing this part of your journey.

  2. By reading your affirmation it is clear to me I’m not alone.. I once felt the same way in alot areas that you are speaking on.. My girls help me in more ways than one and they don’t even know it.. We are brave souls to come to terms with our inner feelings and and also the peace we have found.. Its not easy to allow people in, cause you don’t know if you will be judged or not.. At the tender age of 54 this year, I NO longer care what people think.. They have no strength over me or my life.. I’m proud of you and thanks for sharing… We are NEVER alone!!!🙏

  3. Lisa, all things yessssss! (fist-bumping you right here) What you’ve shared is empowering and inspiring, so thank you. And keep on letting us hear your voice, sis. It’s dope, indeed.

  4. This is awesome! Your transparency is so inspiring in many ways! Continue the amazing work and allowing your voice to be heard.

  5. You are awesome!! Continue on the path that was predestined for you!! All things are possible through Jesus Christ and you are proof of his power!! So proud of you!

  6. You continue to be an obedient servant to God and he continues to use you!!! My Voice is Dope!!! Thank you for the reminder because we sometimes forget our voices are needed. I’m so proud of you my friend!! Congratulations again!!!

  7. My voice is DOPE!!! Thank you for your transparency and willingness to share your story. Encouraging and inspiring!!!

  8. Lisa, thank you . . . This was an encouraging and
    on-point word!
    Yes, your voice IS dope.
    Keep speaking, Sis.
    I’m listening. 🌹

  9. This piece speaks volumes and I hear you and realize for myself that my voice is dope as well. It is time to be heard.
    Thank you and continuous blessings upon blessings!

  10. Thank you for this reminder. I too was beginning to feel like you felt but reading this has inspired me! Go forth and let your voice be heard! God bless!👍🏾

  11. Thank you Lisa for sharing your story. It was transparent, honest, a very relatable. Words were used to identify the problem, and new words were given as a solution! This piece was definitely valuable to me and I’m sure many others. Thank you again! Yes ma’am, Your voice is Dope!

  12. Your story is truly inspiring. Praise God for you and your voice being dope! This is something that we as women especially black women need to share with each other. May God continue to keep bless and keep you ❤️✝️🙏

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