About the Author

Kristin Bryant believes that creative gifts are given by our Creator to exemplify His beauty, power, and presence. As a singer/songwriter, author, and photographer, she feels that as we’re moved and stirred in our senses, we’re mindful that we’re seen, known, and loved by God.

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  1. I am blessed to read your story this morning. Our beautiful son Nathanael was born 24 years ago, too quick for an epidural or for his doctor to arrive, and shortly thereafter was diagnosed with Down Syndrome. Our daughter wasn’t quite 2 and was also potty training. The miracle of Nathanael has filled our lives with pure joy for 24 years. After initial questions and some fear, my husband and I were and continue to be humbled and honored that God chose us to receive his GEM (Gods Exceptional Miracle). A blessing indeed. Merry Christmas and happy birthday Ezekiel.

  2. God with us, Emmanuel. Born out is Christ, and a testament to his ever abiding presence with us. Thanks for the share and encouragement

  3. What miracle will you have hope for this Christmas season? The miracle I have hope for this Christmas season is to receive a financial miracle to pay my rent on time for January through March, as I’m starting cancer related therapy in January (I don’t have/can’t find a remote job I’m qualified for). Blessings to you and your family during this holiday season at Christmas time, and prosperous New Year!

    • Marsha, I am praying that you will receive what you need in this season. May your therapy go well, your body be strengthened, and a door be swung open wide for your financial needs to be met.

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